Hidden Emperor Of The Naruto World

Chapter 43 - Alcohol is dangerous

At Minato's house, inside the living room, Mikoto, Kushina and Tsume were sweatdropping, unable to believe the scene before their eyes.

"Bwahahaha, ah, that hit the spot" Patting his stomach that was on the point of bursting out, Minato sank into the sofa unable to move anymore after having eaten so much. Bringing the bottle in his hand to his mouth, he guzzled it down, with some running down his chin, making it obvious that he was not at the maximum of his capacity anymore.

"Pssst, do you think that he went nuts?" Whispered Kushina to Tsume

"Hm, maybe the fact that he will go to war broke him?" Replied back Tsume, with a touch of concern in her voice.

The other two girls also made gloomy faces at this remainder.

"Are you ok, Minato? Eating so much and drinking sake at such a young age, this..." Inquired Mikoto cautiously

"Bwahaha, I have some chances of dying without grave, let me enjoy for a bit!" Exclaimed Minato, asking them to bring him another bottle, unable to reach the table anymore.

They wanted to refuse but at the same time didn't dare to, not willing to break his fun. As he said, he has a probability of dying.

Taking the new bottle, Minato gulped it down, having already discarded the empty one. 'Ah, fuċk it. If it was the me of my past life, I would never have acted in such an undignified manner' Thought Minato, looking at his trembling hands due to the toll that alcohol took on his young body.

Remembering that he had a high chance to die, he couldn't help but be afraid now that he has the perfect life he always wanted. No matter if it is a universe emperor or a lambda civilian, when one has the life that he had always dėsɨrėd, the fear will come bursting out one time or another.

When he was an old geezer on the verge of dying of old age, he was prepared to die in the black hole, not really expecting to survive. And even before that, living alone took a toll on him. But here he is young again, with the chance of being immortal. And looking at those three girls that show concern for him, he couldn't help but smile.

'It sure is good having people that I care for. I must survive for them too. Sigh, I would never have thought of that, but if I had to choose between my immortality and them, I don't know anymore what to choose.

If in the beginning, I spouted love nonsense everywhere, now that I begin to feel it for them, it has nothing to do with what I imagine. I think I can understand all the foolish things that people do under this emotion.

I befriended them only to have a child that I could love, but now I don't want to lose them anymore. I don't want to be alone anymore...'

Despite having the experience of Minato in the shinobi war and his own in an intergalactic war, it did nothing to appease him. Unlike the original Minato, dying for the village is the furthest thing from his mind. Even if he had to ditch all pretense, he will run for his life 'Hopefully it doesn't come to that, if not who knows how hard my life will become, and the girls' too'

Having begun to be affected by the alcohol because of the poor immune system of such a young body, Minato's mouth became looser, and his inhibitions in acting his true self were undone. Of course, no sėnsɨtɨvė information will ever come out of it, even under the alcohol he was not foolish enough to do that, retaining some awareness.

"You know girls, I think I begin to love you" Hearing that, they demonstrate different ranges of blush. From full-blown tomato for Kushina, to Kiba's Akamaru on pill for Tsume, to the Uchiha fan's red color for Mikoto.

Not minding it, he continued "You know, I never thought that I will trust anyone anymore" Hearing that, the three girls thanked their lucky stars that Minato activated a silencing seal before babbling this sort of thing. If it was heard, it would have been dangerous.

"Tsume, you were my first true friend. In the beginning, I saw that you were an interesting girl and that you could amuse me so I approached you, thinking that it will help to pass my boredom from the academy. But the more time I spend with you, the more I began to like you. All the pranks that we did together are some of my most precious memories, fooling around with you was truly a great time. Now, I can't begin to think of what it will be to live without you. I mean, nobody could replace you in the role of my clown" Even a bit tipsy, Minato still had what it takes to tease her.

Tsume, hearing Minato, had her faces changing multiples times of expression in just short seconds. From curiosity to fond smile, to joy, to love, and finishing with anger. She wanted to punch him (AWLPS) but Kushina restrained her, seeing that Minato was beginning to talk about her.

"And you Kushina. When I first saw you, my first thought was that your hair was the most beautiful I've ever seen. I mean, red hair, where would people find such an amazing hair color? People said that you look a tomato? So what, tomatoes are far more beautiful than cucumbers! Not just that, your cutesy level shot through the roofs. Those foolish guys insult you instead of praising your cuteness, ah, what a foolish populace is Konoha citizens, not recognizing one of the future beauty of the shinobi world, too preoccupied on where do you come from. I wish I could have seen your clan too, they truly sound like amazing guys, compared to those fools here.

My bad, I diverged. Your bubbly and energetic personality is truly great. Even if you're beautiful, if you were boring I would have discarded you like a writer discarding the names of the side characters. But you didn't disappoint, and turn to be such an amazing girl! Just seeing your smile and foolish pranks brighten my day, so I hope you will never change Kushina, and forever remain like that!"

Kushina cried tears of bliss. If not for Minato, she knew that she would have hated her hair, but listening to him, she can't even muster any ill will toward them anymore. Instead, every day she took special care of them, knowing that he loves them. And listening to him saying that her clan was amazing, she couldn't help but smile, and internally said to her family in heaven that she found somebody that she loves. Her crush completed itself and digivolved into a lovemon.

"Mikoto, you were part of our group since Kushina dragged you in. I know that you disliked me and Tsume in the beginning because of our foolish pranks, but in the end, even you finished by smiling at them. Since then, we spent a lot of time together, becoming great friends. But the thing that touched me is that despite having such a strong pride and love in your clan, you trusted all I said, never once doubting my words even if they had no real basis. You could have very well despised me and think that I did all of that to swindle you, but you took everything I said to heart. What can I say, you're totally part of my family and I don't want to see any harm befalling on you. The Uchiha clan wants to marry you? They would have to kill me before doing that!"

Small tears began to gather at the corner of Mikoto's eyes, but the enchanting smile that she sported indicated the sort of tears that she was leaking.

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