Hidden Emperor Of The Naruto World

Chapter 44 - Inazuma regret

"You know of my dream of having a big loving family" Seeing them nod, Minato continued "Truthfully, in the beginning, I had for intention to marry a lot of women and having a lot of children that I could spoil. But the more I spend time with you, the more I see that love is far more complicated than marrying someone and having babies. I don't want to force things anymore and want to let them take their course."

The three girls beamed at his declaration and were sent to the lower heaven.

"But good women are here to be cherished" 'A thing that I failed to do in my past life due to me losing all hope' "There are a lot of them in this world that suffer and need my help. Hehe, I hope that you three, my future wives, will go along, with all those to come"

Hearing that, Kushina, Mikoto and Tsume made dark faces. Minato continued to babble, his senses dulled due to the alcohol, unable to recognize the impending feeling of danger that saved him each time they pounce at him when he makes fun of them.

Kushina sent a punch to his stomach, but without any real conviction behind it, already knowing that he will dodge it easily.


"Ale" Looking at her fist that made contact with Minato's stomach, and at his face scrunching in pain, because just a single tap could hurt him with all that he had eaten, Kushina made a confused look, which transformed into a dark smile. Looking behind her at Tsume and Mikoto cracking their knuckles with equally dark looks, she began to chuckle evilly, it seems that because of the alcohol, he lost his ability to sense their sneak attacks.

Meanwhile, Minato was still ignoring the reaction of his Hyper Intuition, too engrossed in his dream of having those three as wives spoiling him. And when he finally came out of it, he was greeted with three scary faces "Hm, what with those faces. Nevermind, I can't move anymore with all that I've eaten, help me transport my body to my room please"

Instead of the help that he sought, what greeted him were small punches to his bloated stomach, and even if he sensed them this time, he couldn't move at all, let alone avoid them. They could have beaten his face black and blue but did not dare to do it, afraid of the revenge he could have on them if they did such a thing. And damaging his face is not a good thing for them too.

"Itaaai!" Punch "Hey stop it!" Punch "Please" Punch "Why?" Punch "Okay!" Punch "Ninpo! Love style: Stealing your mouth vɨrġɨnɨtƴ no Jutsu!" Having regained a bit of himself, Minato gave them three pecks on the lips, stunning them.

"Zeehahahaha, Kushimon, Tsumon, and Mikomon are affected by the move paralysis. Take that bunch of rookies, I stole your vɨrġɨnɨtƴ, you're not fit to be married anymore. Become my harem members!" The alcohol began to affect him more and more, making his playful personality surface again after all those years.

Regaining their senses because of his laughter, they exchanged quick looks between them, and while Minato was engrossed again in his fantasy, they lunged at him...

"Axel Blaze super technique" Exclaimed Kushina

"Byron Love super technique" Exclaimed Tsume

"Shawn Frost super technique" Exclaimed Mikoto

And kicked at his crotch, more particularly, the balls.

"Fire Tornado!" "Supreme Knowledge!" "Eternal Blizzard"

"Oof" A painful expression crossed Minato's face, nearly of the level when he was disintegrated in the black hole "Wrong ball, girls. All I wanted to say is that I don't see a life without any of you" 'If I knew it would lead to that, I will have introduced some romance novel and brainwashed them with it' Was the last thought of Minato before he fainted from pain, alcohol, too much food, fear of not having kids...

Seeing him knocked out, the girls couldn't help but showing a fond and loving smile, completely different from their scary faces that they show him before.

"I thought that the perfect lover will be a knight in shining armor on a Bijuu, but I ended up falling in love with such a jerk that declares that he wants multiple women before sleeping Dattebane!" Exclaimed Kushina with mock anger, unable to restrain her goofy smile.

"An alpha male will have multiple mates, it's the law of the pack!" Declared Tsume.

Even Mikoto couldn't help but smile. Sure, there was one time that she dreamed of having the perfect lover, but it was squashed at 5 years old when her future was decided because of the apparition of a small-time genius in the Uchiha clan.

"Even if I would have preferred to have him for myself, I know it will never happen. It's better doing an alliance between us as we agreed before and prevent another girl to enter the fold." Declared Mikoto full of determination, already knowing that she has no way to escape from this, having begun to fall for him. And she has already jumped into his ship anyway, it's too late now to go elsewhere.

"You're right ttebane! It's not like I would mind if it's you two, after all, you're my best friends! But I don't want anyone else!" Agreed Kushina

Tsume said nothing but agreed externally, while internally thinking 'I doubt that we will be the last, with all the time before us some other will surely find him charming. And if they play their cards right they could even enter our small family. It's the fate of the strong. But they are right, we will just have to beat the other up and make them not interesting for Minato!'

At least, they were relieved that Minato was not a Bijuu in heat like other guys. In the beginning, they saw that he was interested in Hazuki, Yoshino, and Mebuki because of their beauty, but he lost interest in them because of their temperaments. So, they just have to make the other girls uninteresting for him!

If Minato heard them, he would have ridiculed them. Wanting to stop him from doing what he wants? Rubbish, if he restrains himself in this new life, it would have been better to die in the black hole.

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