Hidden Emperor Of The Naruto World

Chapter 51 - Pride or love?

'Does she really expect me to read her thoughts each time?' Thankfully Minato was good at reading people, women always want one to know what is in their heads. He wanted to agree, but recalling what happened before he left made him change his mind.

'You took my baby balls for a soccer ball. One time is ok, but if I don't take some payback you would take it for granted.' He was pretty soft that night, so he said nothing, but he has no intention of becoming somebody that is walked over. Even if he is a softy with them, he still has the pride of somebody who was at the top, so there is no way that he will take the abuse lying down.

Thinking till here, he frowned. What the use of pride if he uses it on his loved ones? It's ok to take revenge on people, but if he is at disadvantage against his loved ones and wants to take revenge for that, he will be no different than those over prideful geezer that make their pride pass over their family.

He must be willing to throw away his pride for them if needed, and it's his fault for being in a moment of weakness.

'But at the same time, it's their fault for attacking me during my moment of weakness. Ugh, it's so complicated to not think of only myself. Yosh (Roronoa Zoro's one, not the youthful yooosh), I must change myself first before criticizing others, and I must tone down harmful substances until I have a way to flush them out in a matter of milliseconds. Furthermore, I must make them understand to not do that anymore naturally, without having to ask them directly'

Ignoring her puppy eyes, he exclaimed exaggeratedly "Oooh no, I don't have time to see Mikoto and Tsume now, what should I do? Your story took too much time!"

Hearing that, Kushina flinched, and like a kicked, rȧpėd, and trampled puppy that came upon the power of darkness, explode in a rage "It's your fault too for listening till the end!"

Saying so, she tried to punch Minato, but not being drunk and 'fooded' this time, he easily caught her fist and gripping her arm, threw her across the living room sending her crashing on the wall.

"Oomph" Kushina had her breath stuck in her throat from the impact and pitifully rolled on the ground like the puppy from before.

She stood up and shakily pointed her finger at him "You-you! How can you throw a girl like that?"

Minato gave her a sideways glance and replied "Sorry, it was a reflex", while he was smirking mischievously on the inside, thinking that such petty acts were good acts of revenge between shinobi love ones.

If she was just a normal human, he would not dare to do such things, but he has no remorse in roughing her a bit, with the chakra protection and all. And it's not like she will like it if he suddenly begins to treat her like a princess. Not only that, he prefers acting this childishly than like a heartless man with no emotions, it makes him feel alive to do such simple things, but it will be reserved only for his loved ones.

Seeing the blatant lie, she trembled in anger. But realizing that she can't do anything about it quickly deflated.

"Hmph! Someday I will be stronger than you and beat you till you faint!" Having said so, she stormed out of the room, but not before hearing the "See you tomorrow" from Minato, making her stumble in her steps. How shameless can he be? Sending her flying and carelessly seeing her off like it was an everyday thing...Even if it's a sort of everyday thing when she tries to attack him because of AWLPS, it's the first time that he was this rough, making her think that maybe he did not appreciate her Fire Tornado.

'It must be because we took advantage of his moment of weakness. Now that I think about it, it was pretty low of us. I have to talk about it with the girls, we should not do that anymore. Hmph, it doesn't matter anyway, I will train hard and quickly grow strong enough to beat him up without tricks. Just you wait Minato!'

Seeing Kushina's body language passing from sulking to determination, Minato smiled and compared Kushina, Tsume, and Mikoto to Mebuki, Yoshino, and Hazuka. Doing so, he was a hundred percent sure that if he acts as he did now with the latter three, they will whɨnė pitifully instead of striving to become stronger, making him sure of the fact that those three are not worth his effort.

Meanwhile, in the Hokage office, a discussion was taking place between the light and darkness of Konoha.

"I will send Minato on a special mission Danzo, you can't have anybody following him this time" Exclaimed gravely Hiruzen.

Danzo cursed him internally 'Do you really think I would still have sent somebody? I'm not a babysitter, what the use of sending someone if I can't reap benefits' Nevertheless, he didn't dare to display this insolence outwardly and nodded.

Knowing that he will not do anything anymore, for the time being, Hiruzen sent him off. Seeing Danzo exiting the office, he sighed 'Each time I see you, you've become entangled in another layer of darkness. I hope for you that you will never betray Konoha for your own benefits, my friend. I will not let anyone threaten the village. After all, Tobirama-sensei counted on me to protect it'

His gloomy mood was swept away by thinking of the report on Minato. This kid was pretty good and his will of fire burns brightly, being willing to sacrifice himself for his comrades. And even if he was far stronger than anybody on the travel, he was still humble and helpful, not at all aloof or boastful. "I hope he will show some interesting results for that mission, letting him as a genin supplier is a waste of time now that I know all I wanted to know, it's better to focus on grooming him"

It's a pity that because of those turbulent times, he couldn't have him familiarize himself with teamwork. But it will not be too late later on. And in the worst-case scenario, Hashirama and Tobirama worked alone but still finished Hokage.


Alternate title: Vegeta or Cupidon?

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