Hidden Emperor Of The Naruto World

Chapter 52 - New mission

The next day, Minato woke up refreshed, having his first nap in a month. Even if he can't tire mentally or physically, sleeping always bring him a kind of comfortable feeling.

Doing the morning rituals of a civilized human being, that he didn't have the opportunity to do on his mission, he set out of his house full of vitality.

Entering Kushina's room without knocking, he found it pretty messy with all sorts of Fuuinjutsu scrolls on the floor, indicating that she worked hard during his absence, making him glad. Skipping in the direction of her bedroom, he entered, finding her sleeping with some drool leaking out of her mouth, mumbling "Beat...Minato...One day..."

Ignoring her impossible to reach dreams, Minato tried to shake her awake, but she always responded with the legendary 'Five more minutes'. Being fed up with that, he decided to take things in his owns hands. But when he was going to act, he sensed a huge presence approaching his apartment.

"Lucky girl" Mumbled Minato, deciding to see what this guy wanted before waking her up.

Exiting Kushina's apartment, he returned into his. If he waited for the presence in front of his door, he will appear suspicious, as if he knew that somebody was coming. He doesn't really want to expose all of his cards.

Not even a minute later, somebody entered by the window of the living room "Yo, Minato-gaki"

"Jiraya-sensei? What are you doing here in Konoha? I thought you were busy spying in the Land of Rain." Exclaimed Minato in surprise but not really surprised.

"Sensei asked me to come back, I have some other task to accomplish" Hesitating a bit, he continued "And skirmishes already broke out in Ame, the war will begin at full blast in some months. When the time comes, even you will be dispatched in dangerous places. I know you're strong, far stronger than I was at your age, but you still must take care of yourself. A young genius can only be so much strong, no matter how talented he is" Declared Jiraya with all seriousness. Minato has chances to be the child of prophecy, he does not want him to die in this war. Or worse, be tainted and losing the qualities that could make him the savior of the world, letting him become its destroyer instead.

Minato would have been a bit touched if he didn't know that this guy said all of that just for a stupid prophecy. He doesn't dislike Jiraya per se, but this guy lost himself long ago when the Toad Sage made him believe that without him finding the child of prophecy, the world will be doomed.

"Nevermind that depressing stuff, sensei asked me to look for you, he has a special mission that needs someone like you"

Minato smiled, it seems he will not have to do those useless escort missions anymore.

'But it's a pity. Only Iwa and Suna will take part in the war. Apart from the Jiton kekkei genkai that I already have, there are very few useful bloodlines in those two villages. And there are some unattainable for the time being like the Tsuchikage Jinton, while others that have yet to manifest because their holders are still not born yet, and who knows if their parents have them too, and who are those parents.'

He discarded those thoughts for the time being. If he can't take them now, there is always the third ninja war later anyway "Well, let's go, can't have the Hokage waiting, Jiraya-sensei"


"Minato, I know that you're still a genin, and that with the war coming, you can't pass the chunin exams. Even then, I think it would be a waste of your potential if you were to just do as the others genins. I have a mission for you, but it will be dangerous. You can refuse it if you sense that you're not prepared to truly enter the shinobi world. But if you were to complete it, you will be promoted to chunin rank" Declared Hiruzen strongly.

"I'm willing, Hokage-sama" Replied Minato confidently. Even if he fears for his life, if he let that impede his progress, it would make his past life a joke. He already suffered numerous hardships, what's a bit more of them? If things turned south, he has a lot of hidden skills that could let him run for his life.

"The only reason I survived the encounter with that man was that he retreated, not the other way around"

"I know that, Chisato explained to me what happened back then. It was admirable of you Minato, to sacrifice yourself for them. You're truly the embodiment of the will of fire! But I was not referring to that when I spoke those words"

Minato made a confused expression, what was this guy talking about?

Hiruzen smirked and took out a crystal ball from his Hokage gown, showing it to Minato. Putting chakra into it, he concentrated on the chakra signature of Minato, and a bird view of Minato was represented inside the ball. "With that"

"What a useful ability" Exclaimed Minato 'Rubbish, it was because of the detailed report of yesterday by Danzo, Chisato can't gauge the power I showed. And thankfully I knew of his crystal ball too, if not I would have been screwed. With seals, all my clones chakra signature were hidden when I trained in Konoha, so he only saw me inside of it'

"Hmph, if sensei was willing to give it to me, my research could have been far more fruitful" Complained Jiraya in his corner. Hiruzen was willing, but he didn't dare to, for fear of facing the wrath of his disciple Tsunade, that would truly be angry if he gave such miraculous peeping ability to Jiraya.

When they were going to exit the office, Minato remembered something "Oh right, I forgot to ask you something Hokage-sama"

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