It was a dark and windy night.

At the door of a bar, Kiki was drunk and walking alone at night, and I happened to drive by.

Such a beautiful girl, another little star, is too dangerous.

So I drove her to the hotel to open a room.

Speaking of this, the guests collectively exclaimed.

Qin Mo paused slightly: “Don’t get excited, I opened the room to settle her, guarded the sofa for a night, and then slowly began to contact and communicate.” ”

In the most passionate stage, Kiki and I went on a date to watch a movie.

She bought me a cup of milk tea, it was a little late.

In order not to be late, she gave up taking the bus, and was alone in the traffic with milk tea, and unfortunately was hit and injured her leg.

At the moment of being hit, Kiki was still thinking about whether the milk tea was spilled.

“You say, with our relationship, how can I be wary of her? Even if I haven’t seen her for five years, I have absolute trust in her. ”

Chen Yuqi’s eyes were red, and she seemed to be caught in memories.

The feverish time between himself and Qin Mo was actually five years ago?

“It’s so touching, I believe in love again.”

“Haha, I feel that this story is really a merciless crit to Tianxiao!”

“Shock! A certain actress in the entertainment industry, five years ago, was already a famous flower master? ”

“It’s really touching, why did Qin Mo leave Qiqi and come to Xishuangbanna alone to live for five years?”

“That’s nice! Muggle, roll with the blessings of labor and management! ”

“Forget it, I agree with this affair.”

“It feels like Qin Mo has more than one girlfriend? However, this did not affect his affection for Kiki in the slightest. ”

“Farming, spoiling wives, raising children, and having money, it’s so cool these days, right?”


He Yu frowned: “Then why did you leave Qiqi and come to Manyuan Village alone?” It’s so quirky! ”

“I’m a fugitive, of course I’m wanted by the police, hiding here!”

Qin Mo’s “humor” caused all the guests to laugh, obviously treating this as a cold joke.

“Actually, I said goodbye to the peace of mind to develop my career. Otherwise, where do you see Qin Shi and Slam Dunk? And…”

Speaking of this, Qin Mo deliberately sold a pass.

What else? It’s an absolute mystery!

“I always feel that Xiao Qin still has many secrets, maybe it’s not just Qin Shi’s boss and the slam dunk comic author. Slowly, you will understand. He covered his mouth and smiled.

“What about Hi Tian?” Huang Lei asked.

Of course, he could see that Qin Mo had a good relationship with Zhang Tianxiao, and wanted to openly eat melons.

“To find out what happened, and listen to the next breakdown.” Qin Mo raised his eyebrows.

I pour!

Everyone waited with wide eyes to eat melons, but they hit the wall.

“The red-crowned crane is starting to eat fish! My red-crowned cranes are so beautiful, much more beautiful than those in the zoo. ”

Chen Yuqi stood on tiptoe, ran to the stream, and began to watch.

The two red-crowned cranes are almost one meter three or four.

The top of the head is bright red, the neck and throat are black, and the body is white.

At this time, the two red-crowned cranes seemed hungry and kept pecking around in the water with their beaks, eating small fish.

“The environment is really beautiful, I feel that near Xiaoqin’s bamboo building, it is an ecological park. Harmony between man and nature! ”

“That’s, of course my home is beautiful.”

Chen Yuqi held Xiao Yingzi, did not see anything outside, and directly called herself “my family”.

There was also a fierce little peach next to her, who had been looking for an opportunity to jump on her.

Seeing that there was no opportunity, he had to climb onto Qin Mo.

“Okay, let’s catch fish later, just enough fruit from the orchard, pick a little for lunch.” Teacher Huang, it’s time to perform your cooking skills. Qin Mo proposed.

“You boy, don’t pretend to be with me, your cooking skills are much better than mine, and when I come over in the morning, I can smell the strong aroma of rice.”

Chen Yuqi also pulled Qin Mo’s sleeves, all kinds of coquetry.

“That’s right, I haven’t eaten your cooking for a long time, can I personally take charge of the chef?” You are in charge of cooking, I take the baby, how good life is. ”

“Okay, it’s okay with you!”

After all, Qin Mo had been hiding for five years and thought that he was indeed ashamed of Chen Yuqi.

In terms of property, although he deceived Chen Yuqi of three school district houses, now he can take a building to make up for it.

The emotional rift is indeed difficult to repair, and there is still something to be owed.

“Okay, I’ll take care of the two little ones, and then wait for the meal!” Chen Yuqi trembled with excitement.

“Dog foodDog foodDog food, do you run a dog food store?”

“I don’t want Kiki, I want to go back to that single dog Qin Mo, at least I have time to draw comics!”

“Old thief Qin Mo, what identity do you still have? Give me a showdown! ”

“The appearance and feelings of this family, I am sour.”

“It always feels like someone is rushing to the mushroom house with a knife.”


“How nice is this atmosphere, should you have some wine to celebrate?” Drink is pleasant! The mushroom house is a bottle of rice wine, and when other guests come, I’m afraid it’s not enough, so let’s go buy some of it. ”

Huang Lei is also an old drunkard.

In the live broadcast of previous seasons, several times he filled his glass with wine, but pretended to drink water.

No way, in terms of drinking, the control is very strict.

Of course, the live broadcast is much looser than the TV after editing, and you can still drink a little.

“Well, I haven’t drunk for a long time, so I’ll celebrate.” Qin Mo smiled bitterly.

At this moment, Little Peach stared at Mengmeng’s big eyes, as if he was reprimanding Qin Mo.

“Dad, you’re lying again, that’s not right. The peach blossom brew in our cellar, don’t you drink it every day? ”


The air froze!


[2 more, kneel and ask for flower ticket rewards].

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