Pit daddy’s baby!

Exposed Dad again!

Qin Mo has too many secrets, but in front of the live broadcast camera, he does not show the mountains and water.

On the contrary, it is two cute babies, one exposing himself vigorously and exposing his hole cards.

“Peach Blossom Brew? I heard that peach blossom brew is delicious, Xiao Qin, do you really treasure peach blossom brew? ”

Huang Lei’s eyes flashed brightly… No, it’s thief light.

Qin Mo pinched the tip of the little peach’s nose and shrugged helplessly: “Yes, I have a peach forest here.” Every year during the flowering period, three altars of peach blossom brew will be brewed, that is, about fifteen altars, and nine altars have been drunk. ”

“Then you have to rub your wine even more, there are still six altars left, and if you don’t drink it, it will be gone.”

Qin Mo didn’t hesitate: “Okay!” When friends get together, how can there be no good wine? Come with me to the cellar to move the bar! Three altars! ”

He has been hiding in Manyuan Village for five years, except for contact with the grandpa and aunt in the neighborhood, and some little girls who come to the door.

Most of the time, Qin Mo was laying out his own business empire, or accompanying the two little princesses.

Fulfillment is also fulfilling, but without a wife and friends, it is indeed a lot more monotonous and boring.

Today, his girlfriend came to the door, and there were a few friends who got along well, Qin Mo naturally would not skimp on peach blossom brew.

Qin Mo took Huang Lei, He Lu, and Peng Peng to the entrance of the cellar.

Open the lid of the cellar, go down the iron ladder three meters, and enter the dark and cold cellar.

The camera that followed the PD also rotated around, presenting the entire cellar in the live broadcast room.

Qin Mo turned on the light, and the entire cellar suddenly opened up.

The rooms in this cellar are very large, almost thirty square meters.

In addition to the six altars of peach blossom brew in the corner, there are some miscellaneous agricultural tools or something.

“Xiao Qin, the three altars… Is it enough? ”

Old Fox Huang Lei began to step in.

“A few of us drink, one altar is enough, even if a few more male guests come, a little more than one altar is almost inseparable.” Unless it’s to get drunk. ”

“Moreover, I also expected that once the peach blossom brew is exposed, I am afraid that I will not be able to keep the next few issues.”

There is more than one episode of the show.

One issue can’t be finished, after recording a whole season, how can these six altars of peach blossom brew still be able to stay?

But for Qin Mo, if he can really make some friends in the circle, it is not bad for these wines, and it is not a good wine after all.

Besides, some heavyweight guests have a great chance to cooperate with Qin Mo, and he will not skimp on these.

“Brother, is there still a room behind this door?”

Peng Peng’s gaze fell on a flashstone door at the end of the cellar.

It is a stone door, not a wooden door or a bamboo door, which is very heavy and cannot be pushed open.

“Nothing, let’s move the bar!” Qin Mo prevaricated.

“This stone gate is so mysterious, but there are no runes on it, it should not be a stone gate where treasures are hidden in fantasy novels. It’s not like the bronze door inside the tomb…”

Peng Peng, a teenager in the second middle school, suddenly burst out of his imagination and substituted the set of online novels.

“You’ve read too many novels, haven’t you? Why don’t you say that this is an ancient tomb? Qin Mo vomited blood.

As soon as these words came out, Peng Peng was really excited, so frightened that he trotted a few steps, picked up the peach blossom brew and left the cellar.

“Hahaha! Bronze doors, ancient tombs, there is an inner taste! ”

“This cellar really looks scary! If there is no light, the black rumble, and the bamboo building wonderland above is not a world at all. ”

“I really want to see what’s behind the stone gate! Qin Mo old thief, just hang our appetite, right? ”

“Don’t leave the cellar yet, just open the stone door for me.”

“There won’t be any organs, right? What kind of one will open by pressing the stone door? It’s all done in TV series. ”

“Qin Mozang’s wine, it is estimated that it will be drunk in less than half a season, miserable.”

“Isn’t it the fault of the two babies? It has to be exposed that their father is hiding good wine, haha! ”


Santan peach blossom brew, moved under the pergola.

Opening the dusty lid, a fragrant smell of alcohol suddenly pervaded.

This is very different from the pungent alcohol taste of liquor just bought on the market.

The smell of alcohol, combined with the aroma of peach blossoms, plus the sweetness of dusty for several years, is intoxicating.

Alcohol alone can make people with poor alcohol swoon.

“This altar was the first to be brewed, five years old, not much aging, but absolutely delicious.”

Qin Mo brought his nose to the mouth of the wine altar, fanned the wind with his palm, and took a few big breaths.

“I smell it too!”

The cheerful Chen Yuqi immediately jumped and ran up, and his head reached the mouth of the wine altar, and he almost stuck his head in.

“It’s so dizzy, it’s on the head!”

Chen Yuqi was choked and coughed a few times, and then held his forehead, his brain was almost unclear.

“This wine is really fragrant, there should be guests coming later, I don’t know who to cheapen, took Qin Mo’s one… Wine! ”

Huang Lei braked abruptly and almost put one. Blood spoke out.


[3 more, and 7 more!!] Flower tickets can’t be moved! 】

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