High Priest in Japan

Chapter 994: Identification

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Soon after, Qin Heqing met three of Sa Yuri Matsumura in his office who rushed to hear from him.

"I really envy you. You have such a big industry at a young age. You don't need to work hard and train hard to get ahead like us." Matsukawa Sayuri looked at Qin Heqing sitting behind the office desk with envy. Said.

"Then you don't know how much risk I have taken and how many things I have gone through to earn this industry. Anyway, if I am you, you will definitely not envy my situation." Qin Heqing shook his head.

"...Yes, we even forgot your identity. Then you suddenly called us to come over..." Ito Junna wondered, who didn't want to be entangled in such matters.

"Confirm your situation again." Qin Heqing replied.

"What do you mean? Is it possible that the problem with us is not as simple as what you said at the beginning, is it weird?" Hori Miyo asked in surprise.

"This is exactly the place I want to confirm." Then, after a meal, he introduced Kitami Reiwa to the three of Sa Yuri Matsumura. "This is Kitami Reiwa, an expert in black magic and demons, and it is also mine this time. An important assistant for identification, so if there is anything that troubles you, I hope you can cooperate."

"dark magic……"


"What you said is getting more and more scary." Sa Yuri Matsumura looked at each other when they heard the words, and finally responded with a wry smile.

"An Xin, things are not as bad as you think. I can still deal with so-called demons." Qin Heqing smiled and comforted.

"Can you also deal with the devil?" Horikura said strangely.

"Yes." Qin Heqing nodded. "And have you forgotten the identity of Beijian Lihua next to me?"

"An expert in black magic and demons." Horikura repeated.

"Yes. So even if I am personally negligent because of my unfamiliar relationship with demons, she will correct my mistakes with professional advice, so you don't have to worry about whether you are encountering ghosts or demons. For me, They are all existences that need to be dealt with and eliminated, and I will definitely not let them go," Qin Heqing promised.

The full-fledged face made Sa Yuri Matsumura feel relieved.

"Then how do we cooperate next?" Ito Junna, who relaxed a little, asked the topic.

"You don't need to do anything, as long as you answer my questions honestly." Kitami Lihua walked around the desk and walked to the three of Sa Yuri Matsumura sitting on the reception sofa, and said quietly while looking at them.

"When did you find that your mirror image is abnormal?" Kitami Lihua asked.

"Three days ago." Ito Junna said.

"Four days ago." Horikura said.

"Three days ago." Songcun Sha Yuri replied.

"Then what the anomaly you see is like. You say it first. The more detailed the better." Kitami Lihua didn't stop, and asked after the voice of the three directly, and pointed to Horikura to ask her. Answer first.

I don’t know why.

"My image is..." Horikura did not hesitate, and clearly explained his image in the mirror, as well as the abnormalities that gradually appeared in his body after the image appeared in the mirror.

Then Ito Junna. Matsumura Sha Yuri.

Then, Beijian Lihua didn't ask any more questions, but started to explore her body...

And it’s the way that Qin Heqing exists without any scruples, and asks some of their reactions and feelings after being touched. It makes the three of Sa Yuri Matsumura feel very weird and ashamed, and they even want to push Kitami Lihua away immediately. Ran directly out of the office...

They are not that kind of people.

It wasn't until Lihua met Lihua for a long time that he stopped his hand and walked back to Qin Heqing again.

"How is it?" Qin Heqing didn't go to see the three Songcun people who were still blushing, and asked when they saw Lihua to the north.

"The situation is a bit strange." Beijian Lihua frowned as the three of Songcun's eyes fell on her.

"How do you say?" Qin Heqing asked.

"As far as the abnormal performance in the mirror, as well as some of their problems, they should have encountered the devil in the mirror. But the strange place is also here, that is, there are not many devils on their bodies. The demon mark and demon aura that must exist afterwards are instead filled with the aura of the resentful spirit energy that Ayukawa left on my side. So I suspect that if they are really in contact with the devil in the mirror, then it should not be. Pure demon in the mirror, but some kind of hybrid species." Kitami Lihua replied.

"Mixed-blood?" Horikura was surprised.

She hadn't noticed that she was so interested in this kind of thing, not at all like Endo Sakura and Tsutsui Aya that Qin Heqing had seen before, and her whole body was full of anxiety.

"It came to reality for various reasons, and because of various reasons, and the bloodline between human beings. But generally this kind of situation only exists in ancient dynasties and regions where the mind is not enlightened or Christianity has not developed. It is difficult to see similar situations in modern times, so if there is a mixed race, it should be the descendant of the mixed race passed down from ancient times. The blood is so thin that it is almost impossible to show it, even if something really happens, The degree of danger will not be great either." Kitami Lihua explained kindly.

"But judging from their condition alone, I doubt that the mixed race they encountered this time is a living person."

"A dead hybrid..." Qin Heqing thought thoughtfully.

This can clearly explain why the weird situation they encountered is so different.

"Yes." Kitami Lihua confirmed.

"Then if the so-called weird is a mixed-race demon after death, can you draw it out?" Qin Heqing asked, looking up at Beijian Lihua next to him.

"Concentrate the victims, and then I use them as the core to set up a black magic circle that specializes in attracting demons. It should be possible to attract that hybrid species~www.ltnovel.com~ Kitami Lihua thought about it.

"Black magic circle...what school did you use?" Qin Heqing said with a strange expression.

He hadn't forgotten what the people pillars used as the nodes of the magic circle in the school where Lihua was hiding in the north were all dressed up.

"The nature is similar, but not the kind in school." Kitami Lihua smiled.


"Is there any problem?" Horikura, who is very interested in this weird and terrifying knowledge, and has been paying attention to the expressions of the dialogue between the two, said strangely.

As an idol, there is still some skill in observing words, watching and looking.

"Let Beijian Lihua tell you." Qin Heqing smiled bitterly.

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