High Priest in Japan

Chapter 995: change

After listening to Kitami Rehwa's story, the expressions of the three of Sa Yuri Matsumura also became weird.

They didn't expect that the so-called black magic was such a "evil way" play...

Could not help but hesitate.

After all, they are not ordinary people, they are members of the popular idol group Nogizaka, and they are the core kind, so ordinary people can't care about things, but as idols, they can't care less.

Not to mention, I heard what Lihua said in the north, and Qin and Qing will be there by then...Even if the three of them are due to the intersection of the past, the relationship between Qin and Qing’s family background, ability, appearance, and temperament will affect Qin and Qing. He has a good opinion, and I don't want to let him see his body so easily.

After all, a portrait is a portrait, and a swimsuit is a swimsuit. They are somewhat hesitant to wear such an inappropriate and vacuum in front of Qin Heqing.

Even if I heard Beijian Lihua say that when forming the magic circle, they will wear a special cloak to cover their bodies...

"Is it necessary to dress like that?" After hesitating for a moment, Sa Yuri Matsumura asked instead of Ito Junna and Horimia.

"If you are not afraid of affecting the operation and effect of the magic circle, I don't care." Kitami Lihua said calmly.

She has nothing to do with them. If Qin Heqing weren't involved, she wouldn't bother to care about them.

Of course, if they are willing to dedicate their lives to become her sacrifices, let's talk about it otherwise.

"I need to discuss with my comrades." At this moment, Junna Ito took the conversation.

"Yes." Qin Heqing nodded and agreed.

Then Ito Junna and the three did not hesitate. After looking at each other, they each took out their mobile phones and talked about the current situation in front of Qin Heqing's companions and younger generations who had similar encounters in the group.

"Are you sure your circle can attract mixed races?" Qin Heqing didn't say much when he saw this. He tapped his finger on the armrest of the boss chair, a small one that only included him and Beijian Lihua. The shielding enchantment is expanded, separating the passage of internal and external sound.

"At least 60% of the certainty can attract it." Kitami Lihua replied.

"Where is the other 40%?" Qin Heqing asked.

"It is not awakened enough, its consciousness is not too demonized, and because it has become a ghost, the attraction of the magic circle and similar demons to it is greatly reduced, and it may make the other party ignore my temptation and continue to hide. In the dark, I don't want to come out." Kitami Lihua explained.

"Tell me, the devil in the mirror, and the abilities that its hybrid offspring may possess." Qin Heqing groaned and said again.

"Ability... If it is the hybrid offspring of the demon in the mirror, then you must be careful of its mirror ability." Kitami Lihua recalled the information about the demon in the mirror and introduced.

"Mirror ability? You mean the ability to act through a mirror?" Qin Heqing confirmed.

"Yes." Kitami Lihua nodded. "But the ability of the demon in the mirror not only allows it to move in the mirror, but also opens up the so-called mirror world with the help of mirrors, where the rules are completely opposite to reality. If it can't If you adapt as soon as possible, the cognitive problems of this kind of direction and sense of space are enough to greatly reduce the combat effectiveness of the trapped."

"In other words, the devil in the mirror can not only move through the mirror, but can also drag people into the mirror world to trap and influence?" Qin Heqing took the conversation.

"Yes. This is why the demon in the mirror is seen by many **** lords in **** and wants to turn it into his own servant and steward." Kitami Lihua said.

"Don't say, if I can also capture the devil in the mirror, I am willing to turn it into my own slave." Qin Heqing smiled.

Not to mention the ability of the world in the mirror to look like a space backpack, just the ability to move and transmit between the mirrors is equivalent to having a portable portable cross-space transmission array!

Just imagine how powerful and terrifying this ability is.

"This is also the reason why the devil in the mirror became a rare species in hell." Kitami Lihua reminded.

"Are you guilty... It seems that this kind of thing is the same in reality and hell." Qin Heqing sighed.


Then after a while, the three of Sa Yuri Matsumura, who finally discussed a general result, raised their heads and looked at Qin Heqing again.

Qin Heqing also simply put his finger on the armrest again, and the enchantment around his body shattered and dissipated silently, reconnecting the spaces of the two sides together.

"The discussion is over?" Qin Heqing asked.

"Yes." Ito Junna, Sa Yuri Matsumura, and Hori Mina looked at each other and replied, "Except for a few people who are willing to take risks, no one else is willing to solve their troubles in that way. After all, we are Artists must be responsible for their own careers."

"Understandable." Qin Heqing nodded in agreement.

Even let alone an entertainer, a slightly more conservative woman, who is not forced to the extreme, would definitely not agree to participate in such a gathering.

"What about you? Do you want to continue?" Qin Heqing asked again.

"If we only solve our problems, can we completely ask the devil's gaze?" Ito Junna thought for a while and asked Qin Heqing and Kitami Lihua next to him.

"It's hard to say. After all, Jun Qin didn't find the reasons why you were the victims and the location of your belongings, so even if you solve your problems, there is no guarantee that you will not be targeted again in the future." Beijian Lihua Replied realistically.

This is also the most troublesome place for strange events of unknown origin!

So in general, when dealing with this kind of thing, it is solved directly from the source, that is, the weird body.

But unfortunately, the problem this time is that even the source may not be solved, so the uncertainty suddenly becomes infinite~www.ltnovel.com~ and there is no way to do it as easily as at the beginning. Provide various guarantees and promises.

"This is also the most troublesome aspect of the situation you encountered this time. Otherwise, even if there is no way to solve the mixed race, simply solving the incentive that made you a victim can also let you temporarily get rid of the stalking of the mixed race and recover. In daily life." Qin Heqing sighed, spreading his hands.

"Then we will participate in the ceremony you mentioned." Upon hearing this, Ito Junna once again looked at each other with Matsumura and Horikura and decided to say.

"I agree too." Horikura said immediately.

Finally, it was Sa Yuri Matsumura.

"Did you think about it?" Qin Heqing confirmed.

"Well, I think it over." Ito Junna confirmed.

"Well, the original plan remains unchanged. Call those who are willing to participate in the ceremony and want to try to solve the problem thoroughly, and gather in the dance studio that you found in Songcun after eight o'clock in the evening."

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