High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1003: Marriage

"Boom boom boom."


"Guest, your juice, please use it slowly."

"Thank you."

Then the waiter left, leaving space again to Qin Heqing and Nozomi Sasaki.

"Qin Jun, as a priest, do you know that there are gods, or signs or rituals that can improve the relationship between husband and wife, make each other more in love, and grow old together." After the waiter left, Sasaki Nozomi also readjusted her own. Feelings, looked at Qin Heqing who was sitting opposite him and asked.

"The youngest one...there are really so many." Qin Heqing thought about it.

And combined with the performance of the waiter before sending the juice, it also made him understand the problem that Nozomi Sasaki encountered-not a ghost, but a marriage problem!

Her husband may have cheated.

"For example, the Amaterasu Emperor (Omikari) and the Goddess of Good Fortune and the Goddess of Fate in the Tokyo Grand Shrine, which you can visit in Tokyo. The goddess of gods and goddess of life in Kamakura Futarayama and the husband and wife tree in the shrine Kameki. Miei Shrine in Hokkaido. The married couple Daikuni God of the Married Couple Daikoku Shrine in Nara City, Nara Prefecture. The Daikoku Lord God (Okuro God) of Izumo Shrine. The Yaeheng Shrine in Shimane Prefecture. The Kifune and Shimogamo Shrines in Kyoto are dedicated to Tama Yiyuan in Japan, and the open-air shrine dedicated to the God of Hatten in Osaka are gods of marriage and marriage."

"Of course, in addition to that, the two enshrined in Meiji Shrine also control related powers, but they are not as old as the above-mentioned ones such as Susano (Eros) and Qi Inada Hime." Qin Heqing concluded.

"There are so many gods in charge of marriage and marriage in China. If you hadn't told them, I really didn't know these things. It seems that I will find time to visit all these shrines in the future." Sasaki Nozomi looked on. Surprised.

"So, did Ms. Sasaki have a relationship problem?" Seeing this, Qin Heqing didn't know how to pretend to be confused, and asked directly.

"You are really sharp." Nozomi Sasaki was shocked, and he smiled bitterly after seeing it for a while.

"It's Ms. Sasaki, you're so obvious, I can't help it unless I guess."

"You said, why can't a man just die? Is it possible that a woman outside is so good? Even if it is rided by a thousand people, ten thousand people have to carry their wives to fool with each other!" Sasaki Nozomi He clenched his water glass, and complained with a little sullen expression in surprise.

Obviously, the injury was serious.

"Uh...I can't answer this. After all, I'm not the person involved, and I can't explain his thoughts clearly." Qin Heqing shook his nose with embarrassment.

When it comes to feelings, he is no better than Nozomi Sasaki's husband, and he didn't do everything to a woman. Instead, he was fooling around, just behaving better.

"So I envy you and Shen Yu's feelings. Even if the two places are separated for a long time, you don't have to worry that the other party will betray yourself and give yourself a green hat." Nozomi Sasaki seemed to let go, without any scruples. Confided his feelings.

Qin Heqing silently, what else could he say? Said that he was just like her husband, a **** who was merciful and fooling around?

It is estimated that Nozomi Sasaki would turn her face when she said it, splash the water in her hand on Qin Heqing's face and leave here.

"By the way, you haven't told me if there are any signs or rituals that can strengthen the relationship between the two, so that one party can turn his mind and return to his wife." After talking for a moment, I finally remembered the purpose of inviting Qin Heqing to meet again. Nozomi Sasaki asked.

"For Fu, you can go to Miying Shrine in Hokkaido or Hikawa Shrine in Saitama Prefecture to ask for marriage charms, marriage wind chimes, and a daily limit of 20 wind chimes. As for the ceremony... to be honest, I don't know that there are similar effects. Ceremonial method." Qin Heqing shrugged.

Anyway, as far as the Shinto system is concerned, there is really no special ritual like the black magic circle that can change people's minds and thoughts.

Even in the ancient society where onmyoji was relatively prosperous, it did not exist.

There is only one way to force a contract to turn him into his own slave and servant.

However, there are a lot of similar technologies in the sidelines.

For example, the couple dolls—that is, through rituals, bind and merge the birth date and hair blood of themselves and their marriage partners with a couple dolls, so that there will be a causal relationship between themselves and the couple dolls, and then Through the cognitive existence of husband and wife dolls to forcibly realize the purpose of'husband and wife' affection, so that both parties can change their minds and gradually fall in love with each other until they die.

It is a relatively alternative method, and there is a certain possibility of being abused, so since the existence of the ancient Yin-Yang hut, things like this kind of crooked door have always been the target of being attacked, so as to reduce the number of people with ulterior motives because they are fancy It is possible for women and men to use this method to harm others when the other party does not comply.

"Is there really no way at all?" Sasaki Nozomi said disappointedly.

"You can ask me about the priests of the shrine responsible for marriage affairs mentioned above. After all, they are professionals in this regard. There may be some special techniques that I don't know about." Qin Heqing will ball. Kicked out.

"It can only be so." Nozomi Sasaki sighed.

Then the two of them skipped the topic and talked about some mysterious things and how to prevent ghost shadow babies. Nozomi Sasaki got up and left the shop and ended the meeting with Qin Heqing.



"Huh?" Qin Heqing looked at the woman who suddenly blocked his way in front of him with an inexplicable expression, and stopped, "Are you doing anything?"

"Am I pretty?" The person who came did not answer, but looked into his eyes and asked.


"Am I pretty?" The woman who saw Qin Heqing not answering asked again.

"The eyes are so beautiful, the others... are blocked by your mask. Would you like to take off the mask?" Qin Heqing observed her with a smile and said with a light smile.

"That's what you want." After speaking, the woman raised her hand and grabbed the thin band of the mask, and took the mask off her face——

"Am I pretty?"

Suddenly ~www.ltnovel.com~ a terrible face appeared in Qin Heqing's eyes, causing his pupils to shrink, and an expression of astonishment appeared on his face——

"Slit Girl!?"

Yes, the woman who stopped Qin Heqing is nothing else, but one of the many urban legends in the island country-the slit woman.

A low-risk urban legend that triggers the elements of an attack by asking others if they look good or not.

It's just that the slit girl in front of him seems to be a little different. I don't know if it is an illusion or something, Qin Heqing actually feels as if he has seen each other somewhere.

Even if her entire cheek is now torn apart, only the skin-like fascia is broken, exposing the muscles, gums, and teeth under her cheeks without any cover.

But from the perspective of the overall facial features, Qin Heqing can still see how she looks.

"You are... Yongmei Fukada?!" Qin Heqing said in surprise.

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