High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1004: Rip female

Yes, even though it is somewhat inexplicable, Qin Heqing can still be sure that the rift girl in front of him is the "people's teacher" Miss Fukada Yumi!

Even though her face was almost split in half because of the gap, the pair was so bright that even if he saw it, her beautiful eyes still exposed her identity clearly.

It’s just that Qin Heqing doesn’t understand that if a good people’s teacher, devotees in a special circle become rift girls inexplicably?

"Am I pretty?" Fukada Yongmi, who was called by her name, did not respond, still asking like a robot with a mechanical program set.

"Pretty." Qin Heqing nodded affirmatively.

If you don't look at the rift between her muscles and muscles, Yumi Fukada really looks very good.

Even if her beauty is artificial.

Then Yumi Fukada, who turned into a slit woman, did not hesitate. With a move of her arm, a huge trimming scissors almost the length of an adult's calf, she quickly cut towards Qin Heqing's mouth.

This is the attacking feature of the urban legend of the rip woman-when she speaks with someone in her true face-the rip woman and asks if she is beautiful, if the person's answer is beautiful, the rip woman will use the big scissors in her hand Cut the person’s mouth open and let the person turn into their own state-a rift.

But if it is not beautiful, then the rift girl will take advantage of the essential characteristics of urban legends to cut off people's heads.

So compared to other urban legends—Mary’s late-night phone call, the man in the mirror, and the horrible series of Sadako’s video tapes that are bound to die, there is still a half chance of surviving Ripples Jurchen Heart can be regarded as a stream in urban legends .

In addition, the strength of the rift girl is really not high.

How low is it? The strength is equivalent to that of the average adult male, only slightly stronger than the adult female. Even the strength and quality of female professional athletes are not as good as that of female professional athletes. Therefore, as long as they can resist the impact of the female image and prepare themselves, then the female female The attack and harm of is really very, very low. It is an urban legend series that ordinary people can escape.

Therefore, the usual victims of the urban legend of the rift girl are senior elementary school students or junior high school students who have little resistance, and it is almost difficult to see high school students and adult victims.

I don't know which nerve of the crack girl who used the image of Fukada Yumi had a problem, so she approached him to commit the crime.

So the result is conceivable. Qin Heqing didn't use Qin Heqing's movements. All the actions of the rift girl were imprisoned by Ayukawa, and then the whole person was used as a material and was thrown into the world of refining the demon pot by Qin Heqing.

"Tsk, I didn't expect that one day, I would be chosen as the target of the rift girl. This feeling, to be honest, is quite novel." Qin Heqing, who simply managed the Fukada Yongmei version of the rift girl, shook his head and laughed.

"Compared to the girl with the slit, are you sure that the woman's name is Yumi Fukada?" Yue'er didn't pay attention to this, but confirmed with a slightly raised brow.

"Although there have been some changes in appearance because of the gap, I can be sure that she should be Yumi Fukada." Qin Heqing replied after thinking about it.

After all, I only talked about Fukada Yumi on LINE the day before with Takasuke Kawanishi, and searched for her related information and photos, which is impressive, but she won't be so easy to forget or even admit her mistake.

"That's a bit strange," Yue'er muttered.

"Where is the strange?" Qin Heqing asked.

"Probably it's an image." Ayukawa took the conversation. "Because according to the record, the legend of the slit woman first appeared in 1978, which is the urban legend that suddenly became popular in various parts of the island country in the early 1980s. It wasn't until the autumn of 1980 that it was gradually dissipated under the vigorous suppression of the national police. So if she is really a rip girl, she will not look like someone you know."


"Unless she keeps pace with the times and steals other people's images, right?" Qin Heqing said.

As for why Ayukawa knows so much information about Schizophrenia, isn’t there an Internet? Even if there is no Internet, as Sadako who was active in the 1980s, Ayukawa, who became an adult and became a people’s teacher in the 1990s, also has It is the person who has personally experienced the era of the eruption of the rift girl legend, so others may not be aware of this kind of thing, but Sadako and Ayukawa definitely know the situation of the rift girl.

"It's also possible that the gaping girl and the woman named Fukada Yumi have met and merged." Yue'er reminded from the side.

And when he said that, he took a look at Ayukawa on one side, and seemed to say that this Fukada Eimi/Schizoi might be the next Ayukawa.

"Well...then don't refine her first, wait until you understand the situation before deciding how to deal with her." Qin Heqing decided.

Afterwards, the few people did not stay on the street much, took public transportation back to the apartment, and again picked up the books to study.


"Hey, I'm awake." Approaching the evening, close to dinner, Qin Heqing raised his brows and said to Yue'er who was playing mobile games and Ayukawa who was looking at the magazine.

"Who? Rift Girl?" Yue'er was shocked, and then suddenly said.

"Well. Do you want to meet her together?" Qin Heqing asked.

"Forget it, I am in the next book, but I don't have time to deal with this kind of non-essential matter." Yue'er narrowed his mouth.

"Then I'll go and see with you." Ayukawa thought for a moment, then closed the magazine in his hand.

After all, no matter what, this might be another special woman who had the same encounter with herself, so even out of curiosity and empathy, she would be willing to accompany Qin Heqing to meet this strange woman and learn about her situation.


Immediately, Qin Heqing didn't talk nonsense, and moved his mind, leading Ayukawa into the pot world. After another turn, human consciousness has been restored, and it is no longer a rift form ~www.ltnovel.com~ Instead, it has returned to Qin Heqing's familiar art worker Fukada Yumi appeared in his body with Ayukawa before.

"Well, where is this place? Can you take me to a nearby village? Or just lend me a phone call." Yumi Fukada glanced at the two suddenly appeared with some surprise, and asked with some anxiety and guilty conscience.

"There is no village nearby, and no communication base station. Even if I lend you the mobile phone, you can't get out of here." Qin Heqing looked at her for a while, and suddenly laughed when she became more at a loss.

"How is this possible?" Fukada Yumi refused to believe.

What time is it now, she doesn't believe that there are places where there is no mobile communication in island countries.

It's not an overseas hanging island.

"Then do you remember how you appeared here?" Qin Heqing smiled and asked Fukada Yongmei.

It also made the initial pavement for further inquiry.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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