High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1012: Manto and Attack

"Hello, I am a member of the Intelligence Section of the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Bureau. I am known by Madoto. I am here to assist on the order of Director Tanaka." In the top-level office of the Eve Club founded by Qin Heqing, a black Konishi suit and short suit The blonde girl with her skirt and slender legs wrapped in thick black stockings introduced herself to Qin Heqing, who was sitting behind the desk with a serious face.

"Unexpectedly, my contact person is still a beautiful woman. How old do you have a boyfriend?" Qin He Qingrao looked at her interestingly for a while, somehow, a kind of wanting to tease, or something, suddenly appeared in his heart. To be more blunt, wanting to tease the other person's thoughts, he couldn't help but move forward.

"This doesn't seem to have anything to do with my task." Mato Akatsuki replied blankly.

"But I want to know." Qin Heqing folded his hands and ten fingers on the desk, leaning forward and smiling.

"Sorry, these are personal, no comment." Mato Akatsuki said coldly.

Obviously, he was very dissatisfied with Qin Heqing's performance.

"Really a cold woman." Qin Heqing smiled. "But it doesn't matter. We have been working together for a long time. One day I will know what I want to know."

After speaking, Qin Heqing took out his mobile phone, called the club manager, Fumi Zhongchuan, and called her over.


"Take her down to experience our service, it's just a meeting gift for this temporary assistant." Qin He Qingchong instructed Zhongchuan Fumi, who opened the door and walked in.

"Thank you for your kindness, but my duty is to stay by your side and inform you of the information in front of you as soon as possible. Therefore, it is not within the scope of my plan to enjoy it. Please do not embarrass me." Hu Xiao glanced at Qin He calmly refused.

"In other words, you need to stay by my side 24 hours a day, right?" Qin Heqing raised his eyebrows with a strange expression.

"It's not 24 hours, but stay with you as much as possible, so that when there is a problem on the front line, I will not be able to relay the news to you the first time."

"Then don't you tell me if you have a boyfriend." Qin Heqing leaned back and pressed it to the back of the chair, spreading his hands and looking speechless.

"This has nothing to do with this mission."

"You have to follow me 24 hours a day, how could it be okay? What if your boyfriend sees us while we are acting! I don't think he can take a calm look at the relationship between the two of us then. "Qin Heqing smiled lightly.

"Adults don't need to worry about this. Because this kind of thing is impossible at all." Mato Akatsuki replied calmly.

"Why?" Qin Heqing asked.

Matoaki glanced at him, silent, without answering.

"I understand, because you don't have a boyfriend at all. Only in this way, you don't have to worry about encountering such an embarrassing situation. I'm not wrong." Qin Heqing observed each other carefully for a while, and smiled. The pair said with a cheerful look.

However, Real Household was still indifferent, and he didn't say that he had to guess whether he was right, or he was thinking wildly.

But in Qin Heqing, there is no representative of a boyfriend.

Then he smiled, and his expression became more and more cheerful.

"Since you don’t want to experience the service of my club, then you don’t experience it. Anyway, I can provide the services that should be available in the club, and the effect is even more significant. If you want to do it later, you can tell me directly and I will help myself. You stretch your muscles and bones, beautify and lose weight, and promise not to disappoint you." Qin Heqing waved his hand and motioned to Fumei Zhongchuan to go down, then laughed at the real householder who looked like an iceberg beauty.

Real householder knows silently, completely not wanting to talk to Qin Heqing anymore——

I also put aside my full expectation, anxiety, tension and worry.

Fortunately, she thought that the target of this contact was a young and promising master, an elite among special people. She was full of expectation and nervousness for the original schedule and tasks, and was afraid that her bad performance would cause Qin Heqing to be unhappy, and then It affected the relationship between the opponent and the countermeasure bureau. I thought that after I really met Qin Heqing, I would face such a rogue situation...

The disappointment and bad mood, let alone torture people. Anyway, if there is another time, she will never accept this kind of task again and let Qin Heqing molested!

Even if Qin Heqing feels very approachable and handsome, it is the same that makes her involuntarily come up with a favorite idea after seeing it.

"Okay, then stay here. There is a sofa and there is a TV in the room. If you are bored, you can go into the bedroom and turn on the TV to watch." Seeing this, Qin Heqing also restrained his sudden rise of evil taste. Akatsuki Mahato, who didn't know what he was thinking, said while looking out the window.


After that, the real householder did not hesitate, went to the sofa to sit down, took out his mobile phone, and contacted colleagues from the Countermeasures Bureau...

But it was not asking for information or anything, but complaining about Qin Heqing's actions and complaining about his virtues in her work group and private sister group, in order to vent the distress and dissatisfaction of being molested and unable to resist.

Upon seeing this, Qin Heqing didn't say anything more, took out his laptop, and after brewing some emotions, he struck up the text content of his work "Imagawa Yoshimoto's Ambition" again.

For a while, the crisp keyboard hits resounded throughout the room, adding some breath of life to this quiet space.


And on the other side, just when Qin Heqing Funny Fun was known as a female liaison officer from the Countermeasures Bureau, the elite troops of the Countermeasures Bureau—special combat troops headed by the countermeasures room Nimura Jianpu, Tsuguya Kagura, and Teikyoko Together with the old Mi’s special operations forces, they took the special transportation plane provided by the Mi Army across the sea and the sky and landed at the nearest Kagoshima Airport to Okinawa.

Then everyone boarded the bus that had been arranged by the Countermeasures Bureau and rushed towards Okinawa without stopping.

With the assistance of a police car clearing the road, he arrived in Okinawa about an hour later and appeared in front of the base.

Then the car stopped, the number reached dozens, and nearly hundreds of combat team members got out of the car one after another, lined up, and waited for further instructions from the team leader.

And it was not long. In just a moment, the leaders of their respective teams walked over with a serious face and shouted "Go!" to the players.

Then the entire combat force moved in silence, attacking from the main entrance of the base like a ghost.


"Da da da da da da..."


"Fogweed, it's really special to use firearms!" The combat elite of a certain countermeasure bureau muttered with fear.

"Weapons or something are not bad, after all, there is always a way to deal with it after finding a way, but a bunch of ghosts are not afraid of the sun. Who do you want to make sense when they appear in the daytime?" Another team member complained while avoiding bullets. Tao.

"Okay, don't say anything, concentrate on fighting, and save a while before being taken away by bullets from nowhere."


"Crow's mouth!"

After that, the soldiers didn't think about other things randomly, and they fought with the ghosts in the base and the soldiers who had taken refuge in the past.

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