High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1013: tilt

"Amaterasu, how can they open tanks!?"

"Idiot, have you forgotten that some of them were made by soldiers who died yesterday? Although it is not clear how these guys made the newly-dead soldiers complete the conversion so quickly, and kept a lot of them. Knowledge and memory before death are enough to explain why the tank in front of us turned into the opponent’s weapon to attack us!"

"Then what should we do now? The equipment we brought does not have weapons for tanks."

"How do I know! Let's make the top a headache."

"Shoo, boom!"


"Tank..." The head of the countermeasures bureau heard the return from the combatants in front, and looked at the representative of Mi Fang with a speechless face.

"It seems that our original plan failed." The Mi Fang representative also smiled bitterly with consternation and helplessness.

To put it bluntly, their plan is very simple. It is to take advantage of the ghosts' inability to move normally during the day. But unexpectedly, the strength of this group of ghosts that occupied the base is so powerful, not to mention that they can play hot weapons, and they can show up in daylight. This is not what ordinary ghosts can explain.

So they can only retreat and use the power of the sun to suppress the ability of ghosts-although the result is not great-this can be clear from the thick cumulus clouds that have been shrouded in the sky over the base, and then rely on it. Hard power-that is, the demon bullets and spiritual water provided by the countermeasures bureau and other demon props to fight against ghosts.

Originally there was no problem, and good results were achieved in the first time of the exchange of fire, but all of this was in vain with the appearance of the tank.

After all, the demonic bullet is said to be a demonic bullet, and it is just that the corresponding spells and characters are painted on the eggshell. In essence, it is not in the slightest different from the ordinary bullet material, so the ordinary bullet can penetrate it. Things can be penetrated like demon bullets, and things that cannot be hit by ordinary bullets can also demon demon bullets.

So naturally there is no way to hold tank armor that can resist large-caliber weapons. You can only transfer the battlefront as soon as possible, go to other areas where there is no tank activity, or find a way to mobilize special forces from above——

what is it then?

It is a helicopter, a small howitzer, or a special weapon for tanks, otherwise there will be no fighting at all.

"Let your people retreat first. I will contact the Tokyo base and let them send air support." The representative of Mi Fang sighed.

In this way, the loss of the base can be even greater. Even if it can be retaken in the end, it's still a matter of how much things are left in the base. What's more, the base may need to be re-arranged and maintained. The amount of money...

Anyway, the representative didn't dare to think about it anymore.

Because that number is too large, it will definitely not be able to calm this matter without sacrificing a general.

"Okay, I'll trouble you Colonel Miller," the head of the Bureau of Countermeasures nodded in response.

Then the two separated, picked up the phone and radio communication to contact the Tokyo base and the subordinates fighting the ghost army in the base in front of them, and asked them to retreat to avoid indifferent casualties due to the presence of the tank.

"Bai Rui!"


Bai Rui roared and rushed like a dragon to the tank that happened to appear near Tuguong Kagura.




But the tanks, or the ghost soldiers who controlled the tanks, were not given for nothing. Bai Rui's movements were discovered in the window for the first time, and he didn't dare to hesitate. It was a heavy blow to Bai Rui to directly adjust the muzzle.

Then the shell flew out of the barrel and collided with Bai Rui in midair.

"Hmm..." Suddenly, Tugong Kagura paled, hugged his body in pain, and staggered backwards.

"Kagura!" Ercun Jianpu and Emperor Jingzi, who noticed this situation, hurriedly joined in and shouted with concern.

"I'm fine." Tuguiya Kagura shook his head, and looked up at the tank again, or Bai Rui who rushed towards the tank——

As soon as the white shadow passed, the tank that looked like a small mountain bag was hit by the furious Bai Rui and turned sideways, and the crawler idling, making the tank lose the ability to move again.


The tank fired its cannon and blasted towards the surroundings aimlessly.



"Master Oda, the enemy has retreated." At the same time, some of the furnishings in the base are more luxurious. It seems that it should be in the room of a senior official of the base. Ninja-dressed subordinates suddenly appeared in the room, watching the excited people. Oda Nobunaga who plays GAL games reports.

As for why there are GAL games on the computer in Laomi’s base, the ghost knows what the owner of this room thinks?

Anyway, it just exists, and then it was discovered by Oda Nobunaga, and played with it when I was bored and didn't know what to do...

"Retreat? Why?" Oda Nobunaga was shocked, stopped the event option he was focusing on, turned his head to look at the ninja and frowned.

"It seems that because of the emergence of the tank, the enemy who found that the weapon's attack effect was not good has stopped offensive and gradually retreated toward the base." The ninja replied.

"Then they left?" Oda Nobunaga nodded thoughtfully and asked again.

"No, I just left the base. It seems that there are other plans and arrangements."

"..." Oda Nobunaga was silent. After a while, his eyes sharpened, and he said in a deep voice, "Notify all the generals and continue to chase. It doesn't matter even if you leave the range of the base, you must wipe out the enemy."


Then the ninja disappeared, and the base ghosts who had just disappeared for less than two minutes took their guns, replenished ammunition, brought grenades and activated tanks, and killed them again outside the base.

"No, the ghost is killed~www.ltnovel.com~Everyone is on alert!" The monitor who had been vigilant about the movement of the base immediately reminded with a loud voice, his face changed greatly.

It's just that he found it early, but he couldn't hold the ghosts moving faster. Almost the next moment he called out the guard, the ghosts entered the combat area and opened fire. The bullets went to the countermeasure bureau and The Mifang special forces poured over.

Of course, the bullets used by Oda Nobunaga's men are indeed free of money. They are all taken from the base warehouse. They are free of charge, so don't worry about using them.

As for supplies?

That is something that the other people need to be responsible for, but it has nothing to do with their combat troops.

"Damn it, can't help but enter the city finally..." Seeing this, the director of the Bureau of Countermeasures slammed a fist on the car compartment beside him, said with a very ugly expression of hatred.

Fighting with a body of flesh and blood against a ghost holding a gun, no matter what you think, it seems that the unlucky one is on your own side, no wonder he is so depressed and angry.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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