High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1035: gossip

"I didn't expect your relationship with Ryoko Hirosue to be so good, my lord." In the drink shop near Hachioji High School, Mato Akatsuki with a cup of black coffee in front of him, while stirring the coffee with a spoon, looked at Qin He and said quietly.

"Are you surprised?" Qin Heqing smiled while rubbing the juice cup in his hands.

"It's not surprising. After all, she is the image spokesperson of the club under your name, and you are the boss of the club. There is intersection and connection between the two, and it is not difficult to understand that they become good friends with each other. Thing. It's just..."

"Just what?" Qin Heqing asked curiously.

"That Ms. Hirosue Ryoko has a very unusual feeling for you, an adult."

"Oh? Where do you see it?"

"The facial expressions, and the subtle expressions when you get along, tell the world that your relationship is extraordinary."

"Should I say that I was from an intelligence background? I observed it carefully. How about, do you want to learn from Ryoko and become my extraordinary partner?" Qin Heqing did not hide it, because he believed in real households. Akatsuki is not that gossip, or that he doesn't know everything about him and Ryoko Hirosue, and even appears in the gossip weekly, so he casually joked.

Obviously, he hasn't forgotten his initial thoughts, and wanted to give a guide to the truth.

"I don't want to find a **** to be my boyfriend." Akatsuki Mato said with a curled mouth.

"But it's very suitable, isn't it?" Qin Heqing smiled.

Zhenhu had no words, just glanced at him blankly, and then turned his gaze to the quiet street outside.

It is clear that he does not want to pay attention to this incident.

"After all, the nature of your work is there, not to mention the danger, the time is not fixed, there is no way to be like an ordinary woman, who has a fixed time to accompany him. This is a very dangerous and passive situation in love. , It can even be said that only very few men can accept. This way you can choose a very narrow range of men, either the kind of rare good man who can fully understand your difficulties, or you are from the same industry Find companions who are pleasing to each other and can complement each other. In addition, the scumbag and the **** walking through the flowers can adapt to your rhythm."

"Even so, I didn't plan to compromise now." Mato Akatsuki glanced at him and retorted without hesitation.

"That's really a pity. You know, your women's youth is very short, only 30 years. After that, even if you are properly maintained, you can't avoid the problem of aging. And men? Even if you reach the age of forty or fifty, as long as you have no career The problem is that it is still popular among women, and you can even find a young girl 20 or 30 years younger than you to be your girlfriend. Compared with one, you women are very disadvantaged. If not at this time Hurry up and find a man to fall in love, and experience the impulse of youth. When you are old, you can regret it."

"Then I won't find you either." Mato Akatsuki stared at him unceremoniously.

"Why?" Qin Heqing aggrieved.

"There are not so many reasons, but I just won't find you."


Then the two chatted about this boring topic, even if Qin Heqing was talking about it most of the time, Mahamoto was impatiently retorting, and couldn't stand the passage of time, and finally saw the long-awaited picture after a long time——

Hachioji High School is over.

Immediately, Qin and Qing got up and left the drink shop, turned against the crowd, and came back to the gate of Hachioji High School, and waited.

However, it didn't take long to wait, only about ten minutes. The goal of dressing up in Hachioji High School's autumn school uniform, Kikue, walked out of the teaching building and appeared in the sight of the two.

"Xi Jiujiang!" Qin Heqing beckoned.

Xi Jiujiang had a meal and walked towards them.

And it’s worth mentioning that compared to the skirt length of the female uniforms of the core universities in Tokyo, the skirt length of Hachioji High School is much more conservative. The bottom position is only about three centimeters above the knee, as is the case with Kansai high schools. The uniforms of the students are almost the same. I don’t know if it’s because Hachioji High School is a private school, so the dress is more solemn, or because it’s not in the metropolitan area, so there is no need to follow the general trend. Anyway, Qin Heqing, who is used to seeing Toyosaki High School uniforms Yiliang produces some unique feelings.

"Is it only you, how about Ms. Ryoko Hirosue and classmate Hirosue?" Seeing Kikue who was only known to Qin Heqing and Mato was surprised.

"They went home. After all, Shunsuke's situation has not fully recovered, and he still needs to rest. In addition, they can't help with the rest. In addition, they suddenly come to visit, and it is not very good for more people to go. I let They go back first," Qin Heqing explained.

"okay then."

After speaking, Xi Jiujiang didn't say much, and rushed to the bus station near Qin and Qing Dynasty.

Then I took a ride, changed stations, and finally came to Santa-cho where Kikue’s family is located, and stopped before the buildings on the Shimachime Street.

"Here." Xi Jiujiang walked to the door of a house with the name "Kurata" written on it.

Then he took out the key and opened the door.

"I am back."

"Welcome back." Then, a gentle female voice came out of the room.

After that, the figure flashed, and the figure of a middle-aged woman wearing a home service and an apron in front of her appeared in the eyes of Qin Heqing and Mato Akira.

"Excuse me." Seeing this, Qin Heqing saluted the woman who came out like a real guest.

"Really, why don't you tell me in advance if you want to bring friends back, I also cook more food to entertain them." The woman was shocked, and then quickly returned a gift, complaining to her daughter.

"Don't have to be so troublesome, we will leave after a while, so Auntie, you should continue to make food according to the plan made before, so as not to waste it." Qin Heqing stopped with a smile.

"Yeah, Mom, they are here to fetch things, and they will leave~www.ltnovel.com~ don't bother you." Xijiujiang who didn't want his mother to be bothered by Qin Heqing's affairs also echoed.

"Is that so? It's really a pity, it's rare that Xi Jiujiang will bring friends back and say..." Xi Jiujiang's mother regretted.

"Okay, Mom, you go cook quickly, so I can take them to my room and take things away."

"okay then."

Then Xi Jiu Jiang stopped staying, and brought Qin Heqing and Mado Hou into her bedroom under the gaze of her mother.

Suddenly, a warm-colored room full of girlish air and tones came into Qin Heqing's eyes. The main body was a wooden bed with a desk next to the bed, and a comprehensive bookcase opposite the bed formed the layout of the entire room.

There are not too many clutter, and even the only thing that can be used as a decoration is the huge plush toy placed on the corner of the bed. There is no computer, and I don’t know if I don’t use it or I don’t like it. Anyway, except for the whole bedroom Outside of the book, there are all kinds of drawing paper, showing the unique hobby of the owner of this room.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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