High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1036: deal with

"Is there only these things in your house?" Qin Heqing glanced around at the furnishings in Xi Jiujiang's bedroom, as well as the environment, and asked Xi Jiujiang again.

"Only these," Kikue replied, putting his schoolbag aside.

"Is there anything that has been put away and not on the surface?" Qin Heqing asked again.

"There are some, you wait." As he said, Xi Jiujiang walked to the comprehensive bookcase and squatted down, opened the cabinet doors and drawers below, and gave some things that are not used in ordinary days and similar to the piggy. I found them out and put them on the counter one by one.

"It's all here."

"Then it seems that your situation was not caused by external forces." Qin Heqing glanced over the things Xi Jiujiang found, and finally let out a breath, looked at Xi Jiujiang and judged.

"So..." Xi Jiujiang hesitated.

"So you have problems because of your jealousy and resentment." Qin Heqing affirmed.

"How is this possible?! Hirosue classmate doesn't know me, why should I be jealous and resent him?" Xi Jiujiang retorted without hesitation.

"Then I don't know. Maybe it's because of other people or things."

"..." Suddenly, Xi Jiujiang's expression changed, as if thinking of something she had ignored.

"It seems you have thought of something." Qin Heqing smiled meaningfully.

"Then is there a way to solve my problem?" Xi Jiujiang did not answer, but looked at Qin Heqing again and asked.

"Yes." Qin Heqing nodded, before waiting for Xi Jiujiang's joy, he said again, "Take off your clothes."

"Huh?! Take off your clothes, what do you want to do?!" Xi Jiujiang's expression was stagnant when he heard the words, and he violently grasped the collar of his school uniform with his hands, and moved backwards, holding the tabletop with one hand to prevent him from falling, and his face was guarded. 'S wary road.

Even with that, Mahou Xiao, who was standing at the door of the bedroom behind Qin Heqing, also looked at Qin Heqing with suspicion, as if he was some kind of abnormal, his eyes were full of disgust.

"Of course it's to help you fix your soul! It can't be that I saw the uprising and want to do something to you, right? You don't see where it is-I will be in your house when I am crazy, and my mother is upstairs. Do you want to stimulate you under the circumstances?" Qin Heqing cast her eyes blankly.

"..., do I have to take off my clothes?" After a moment of silence, Xi Jiujiang hesitated to discover that Qin Heqing was right.

"In order to avoid deviations in the effect of the technique, it is better to take off your clothes. Of course, you are not asked to take off completely, you can still leave the underwear." Qin Heqing replied.

Hearing this, Xi Jiujiang fell silent again, and after hesitating for a while, he said unequivocally, "Please turn around first, please."

Qin Heqing didn't hesitate when he arrived, turned to face the door, and met Akatsuki, who was a woman who didn't need to turn around to avoid taboos.

Then the murmur sounded, and the sound of some kind of cloth falling into his ears.

Until a moment later.

"Okay, you can turn around."

Qin Heqing turned around and looked at Xi Jiujiang——

There is nothing to say, it is the same as the dress of women when they go to the beach, except that the clothes on the body are not bikinis, but the inner shirts. He covered his body with his hands, his face flushed, exuding embarrassment and embarrassment.

"Take off the socks too, and then lie down on the bed." Qin Heqing glanced at each other up and down, then looked at the socks on Xijiujiang's feet.


Then Xijiujiang Yiyan sat on the bed, took off his socks, and lay down on the bed.

"Relax." Qin Heqing walked to the bed and stood still. Then he stretched out his right hand and pointed it into a sword, like a talisman pen, quickly writing about three cents above Kikue's forehead——

Suddenly, a gleam of clear blue and clear light emerged, and under the drive of Qin Heqing's fingertips, a complicated and difficult rune was formed, which did not enter Xijiujiang's forehead.

Then Qin Heqing's fingers moved down and fixed on the upper part of Xijiujiang's nasal palace. Following the pattern, he sketched a rune and buried it in Xijiujiang's head.

Then there are the Yongquan points on the soles of Renzhong, throat, left and right shoulders, Tanzhong, Zhongwan, Xia Dantian, left and right elbows, left and right hands palms, left and right legs and thighs, left and right calves, and left and right feet...

However, this was not over yet. Then, Qin Heqing told Xi Jiujiang to turn over again, once again from the sky gate above her head, down the jade pillow, and passed the vest life gate, until a rune was buried in the tail vertebrae, and then completely stopped. Come down.

"Okay, you can get up and get dressed." Qin Heqing stepped back and said Xi Jiujiang on the punch.

"Oh." Xi Jiujiang didn't hesitate, quickly got up from the bed, found out the home sweater that he usually wore at home, and quickly put it on in front of Qin Heqing and Maeto.

"Is that okay for me?" After a while, Kikue got dressed and asked.

"Well, drink this bottle of wine again, and it will be completely fine." Qin Heqing turned his hand to conjure a small porcelain bottle used in the izakaya and handed it to Kiku Jiang. "It is best to drink it before going to bed at night, which can help Completely integrate your soul and body to avoid future accidents where the soul will go out of the body due to other inexplicable factors or external forces."

"Okay, I'll drink it." Seeing that Kikue didn't need to drink it immediately, he breathed out and relaxed.

If you drink it now, won't you be discovered by your mother when you eat next time?

She didn't want to be inexplicably reprimanded for such unexplainable things.

"Then even if your business is finished, let us leave." Qin Heqing nodded and said to Xi Jiujiang.

"Okay." After that, Xi Jiujiang didn't hesitate, and sent Qin and Qing and Mazuki out of the house. It was not until the two of them walked away that he returned to the house and sat down at the desk.

"Envy and resentment... I didn't expect that under my seemingly calm appearance, there is such a terrible heart hidden. It's a shame that I think I am different, and look down on those who started to let themselves go in high school~www. ltnovel.com~ Guys who are looking for boys to fall in love, it turns out I am no better than them..."


"Is that girl really a creature?" On the way to Hachioji Subway Station, Akira Mato suddenly asked Qin Heqing next to him.

"You don't believe my judgment?" Qin Heqing asked, turning his head halfway without stopping.

"I don't doubt your judgment, it's just a little unbelievable. Then students with good character and learning will turn themselves into creatures because of jealousy and resentment. It always feels a little incredible.

"What's so hard to understand? The people's minds are complicated, and there are people who have one set of people on the surface and the other on the other side. When you are doing intelligence gathering work, do you see too little? It's just that they didn't act as extreme as her, almost I have become a monster by myself. So when you look at people, you can’t just look at the surface, but also have a deeper understanding.” Then Qin Heqing changed his style of painting and continued, “Just like me, on the surface it looks like a fascinating man, but I treat women well. How can you know if you have tried?"


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