High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1037: dinner

Then at this moment, Qin Heqing's phone rang again.

"Xiaohui?" Qin Heqing greeted, seeing the notes on the call.

"Kazuki, are you not at home?" Kato Megumi asked calmly on the other end of the phone.

"Ah, no, in Hachioji City, how about you? At my door?" Qin Heqing explained, and then asked rhetorically.


"Then you wait for a while, I just finished processing the matter here, and I am walking towards the station. It is estimated that it will take about 20 minutes to get home. By the way, have you eaten?"

"not yet."

"That's right, you can stop by the nearby supermarket to buy some fresh vegetables and come back. Then we will make them together."

"Okay. Do you have anything to eat?"

"As long as it is made by Hui, I like it whatever it is."

"...Then I just bought it."


Then the two cut off contact, and Qin Heqing rushed toward the nearby subway station more and more quickly.


Twenty minutes later, Qin Heqing returned to the apartment he had rented with Jin Hu Xiao.

"It seems that Hui hasn't come back yet." Qin Heqing breathed out lightly when he saw no Kato Hui.

"Use me to help?" Mato Akatsuki asked, looking at Qin Heqing, who consciously took something to the small kitchen next to the entrance.

"No, you can just go and sit in the room." Qin Heqing shook his head.

This is a rare time for Kato and herself to increase their relationship. How can she be such an outsider to intervene? !

Even when he first saw her, he was ready to attack the other party.

Then Qin Heqing took out the fruits bought on the road one by one, and washed them in the sink.


"Boom boom boom."

"Here." Then Qin Heqing put down the half-washed fruit, turned around and went to the hallway to open the door.

"Yeah, I bought a lot." Qin Heqing stretched out his hand and continued with the plastic bag in Kato Hui's hand, while smiling relaxedly.

"I'm afraid I can't eat enough if I buy less." Kato Megumi walked into the house. Then after a meal, Akatsuki Mato who looked into the room and asked, "The one in the room is..."

"A household name, the liaison staff sent by the Countermeasures Bureau temporarily to me will return to the Countermeasures Bureau when the matter is over." Qin Heqing walked into the kitchen without worry and explained casually.

"People from the Countermeasures Bureau?" Kato Megumi asked unexpectedly.


"Is it because of the recent changes in the city?" Kato Keuchi Xiaowei Mato bowed a little and turned to enter the kitchen, helping Qin Heqing to pack things up and picking vegetables like the hostess, and asked curiously.

"For this reason, but it is more about other things, so the Bureau of Countermeasures thought of me, and wanted me to help deal with the situation in Tokyo and surrounding cities when they were short of manpower, so as to ensure people's livelihood and social stability. "Qin Heqing explained.

"It's dangerous," Kato Megumi worried.

"There must be danger, but it is for others, for me, it is not particularly troublesome." Qin Heqing washed the rice, put it in the rice cooker, plugged it in, stuffed the food.

"It's better to be careful. After all, the ghosts are so strange. No one knows if they have some abilities beyond the record. If they encounter it, it would be quite dangerous." Kato Kee, who was washing vegetables, reminded. .

"Well, I'll pay attention." Qin Heqing walked behind Kato Hui, who was bored with the meal, wrapped her hand around her waist, moved his palm up, and grabbed something that was hard to tell with a smile.

"Don't make trouble, Ms. Mato is still there." Kato Hui patted the back of Qin Heqing's hand with her hand and whispered.

"By the way, why do you think of my side today?" Qin Heqing also let go of his hand in a timely manner, and asked questioningly, landing on her lower abdomen.

"Tomorrow is the weekend, plus I haven't seen you for a while, so I missed you a bit, so I came here." Kato Megumi replied absent-mindedly, staring at the vegetables in his hands.

"What about tonight? Do you want to stay?" Qin Heqing put his head in Kato Hui's ear and blew gently.

"It's itchy." Kato Kee moved her head and asked in doubt, "Will it delay your business?"

"Probably not..." Qin Heqing hesitated.

Because he suddenly remembered that today is November 1st, which is the so-called Halloween. This is a day that is no less than the Orchid Festival, and the monsters and ghosts are particularly active. Under this special environment, the ghost knows Will there be hundreds of ghosts walking in the night and a feast of demons, so there really may not be time to accompany Megumi Kato.

"That's fine, tomorrow, tomorrow I will set aside a day to accompany you, what do you think?" Qin Heqing did not hesitate, and immediately changed the plan.

"Is it all right tomorrow?"

"Well, Halloween will be over tomorrow. Even if it has an impact, it will still be something that the Countermeasures Bureau can solve on its own. It doesn't take me to deal with it, so I have enough time to accompany you." Qin Heqing affirmed.

"Okay, then let's go on a date tomorrow." Kato Hui agreed.

Then the two of them skipped the topic of monsters and ghosts. While cutting vegetables and preparing materials, they talked about school and learning matters.


"The meal is ready, let's sit over and eat together." Qin, who brought the bowls and chopsticks to the small table, greeted Mato Akatsuki on the side of the Qing Dynasty.

"I don't need it..." Mahato Akatsuki hesitated.

"Aren't you hungry?" Qin Heqing asked amusedly.

"..." Then, before Mato Akao could answer, a sound of "grumbling" came from Mato Akao's stomach, making him blush, and he could no longer say "I am not hungry." "Such words of rejection come.

"I have done a lot with Kiyoshi and I don't have to worry about the lack of food, so let's come and eat together." Kato Kee, who brought the last thing as a dish, invited.

"Then I'll bother you." Upon seeing this, Madoto knew that he was not hypocritical, and he knelt down at the round table with a polite voice.

"This is at home, it doesn't need to be so formal, just be casual." Qin Heqing sat down and said.

"Then, I'll start."

Following Kato Kei and Akatsuki Mahato also chanted with their hands together, UU read www.uukahnshu.com picked up the tableware and ate them.

"Well, it's Megumi's craftsmanship, it's delicious!" Qin Heqing delivered a piece of food into his mouth and exclaimed at Kato Megumi.

"It's too exaggerated." Kato Megumi said.

"I'm telling the truth, what's the exaggeration? If you don't believe it, ask Real."

"It's really delicious." Known by Madoto, who is also known, he echoed Qin Heqing.

"If Ms. Mado likes it, eat more." Kato Kee showed her expression rare and smiled.

"Then I'm not welcome." Real householder knew.

Following the three people's endless words, while chatting, watching TV news, and enjoying the dinner in front of them quickly, until a long time later.


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