High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1038: Return to Shibuya

"I should go back." After dinner, Kato Hui, who had stayed with Qin Heqing for a while, looked up at the time displayed on the clock on the wall and stood up and said.

"Alright, I'll see you off." Qin Heqing did not hold back, and then stood up and said.

After all, today is Halloween. It’s a day when the messy monsters and ghosts are particularly active. It’s really not good to leave Kato to play a shameless game with him. Not only I can’t play, but I also can’t play ——

What if someone really knows that there is a task during the game?

Will he leave with his pants, or will he continue to play double with Kato?

So as I said before, wait for tomorrow to accompany Kato.

Then Mato Akatsuki also got up, accompanied the two to the door of the apartment.

"Ms. Mato, I just have to send you and Qingsong, you don't need to come with you." Kato Kee said while looking at Mato Akatsuki who seemed to be going with them.

"I also know that my existence is a bit annoying. But I can't help it. My task is to follow Qin Jun and help convey the help report from the Countermeasures Bureau, so except for a few hours, I need to follow Qin Jun and follow him. Act together." Akatsuki Mato answered with a wry smile.

"Is that so?" Kato turned his head and looked at Qin Heqing for confirmation.


"Okay, then. Then I will trouble Ms. Mabe." Kato Megumi compromised.

Then Qin and he cleared the power supply of the apartment, put on his shoes, and took Makito to send Megumi Kato back home.


Soon after, Qin Heqing and his party came to the vicinity of Kato Hui's house.

"Okay, just send it here." Kato Hui stopped and turned to Qin Heqing and Akatsuki Madoto.

"I'm leaving when you get in." Qin Heqing nodded and said while looking at Kato Hui.

"There is no danger at such a close distance." Kato Kee whispered helplessly in his eyes.

"I want to see you more, can't it?" Qin Heqing smiled.

"Okay. But you remember to be more careful when you act at night. I don't want to wait until tomorrow when I get up. The first news I receive is the notice of your admission." Kato Hui sighed helplessly and looked at Qin and Qingzheng. Color road.

"Don't worry, it won't." After the meal, Qin Heqing laughed and joked again, "Of course, if you can give me a pre-war blessing, I think I should be able to ensure my own safety and live through today's Halloween safely. ."

"The blessing you said is..." Kato Megumi's eyes flashed and hesitated thoughtfully.

"Of course it's your blessed kiss." Qin Heqing pointed at Kato Hui's delicate lips and smirked.

"Ahem, I'll go over there and make a call." At this moment, it was useless to remind Megumi Kato or Qin Heqing, Mato Akatsuki coughed lightly, took out his phone and turned to the side. It was as if there were really some calls to make, leaving room for two people.

"I'm making this kind of joke again." Kato Megumi's cheeks flushed slightly, but there was still no expression on her face.

"It doesn't matter." Qin Heqing stepped forward and hugged Kato Hui's body.

"But I would be ashamed."

"Then you treat her as a teddy bear."

"How could there be such a beautiful teddy bear in the world."

"Then it's up to you, anyway, you can't avoid this kiss today."

After speaking, Qin Heqing pointed his head and kissed Kato Megumi's lips.

Kato Megumi subconsciously hugged him and responded slowly.


"Okay, let's go back." After a long while, Qin Heqing, who had sent Kato Hui home, turned and walked to the side of Maeto Hyo.

"Where are you going?" Akatsuki Mato stood straight and said.

"Hmm... Did you tell Hengshan where to take the shift?" Qin Heqing took out his mobile phone and checked the time on it-20:45, then raised his head and asked Akira Maeto beside him.

"Not yet." Akatsuki Madoto shook his head.

"Then tell her to gather at the Hachiko Statue north of Shibuya Station, and save her a trip to the clubhouse in Baidu." Qin Heqing thought.

"Yes." Then without hesitation, he took out the phone and called Kyoko Yokoyama.

"Mosimosi, this is Yokoyama Kyoko des."

"Kyoko, it's me, Manto. Today's shift location has changed. You can go directly to the Hachiko statue in Shibuya and wait. Qin Jun and I will be there soon."

"Is there Hachiko Shibuya? I know, I will go over."

Then the two hung up the phone decisively and started to act separately.

For example, Qin Heqing and Mato Hou, walked into a nearby subway station shortly after hanging up the phone, and drove toward Shibuya on the Tokyo Metro.


After ten minutes of this, the two rushed to the place, then left the station, and walked over to the statue of Hachiko Kiriri, which was set up not far away to commemorate an Akita dog who was a Hachiko.

"Qin Jun, Senior Manto." It's just that I haven't been able to get close enough yet, just like Maeto Know, the voice of Kyoko Yokoyama, who is still dressed in a suit and skirt, came over, her arms swayed, fearing that the two would not notice her The look is also quite speechless.

"You came so fast," said Mato Akatsuki, who came closer.

"I happened to be near here when I received the call, so it was almost a short time before the senior's call was hung up, and I was here." Yokoyama Kyoko explained.

"That's a coincidence." Qin Heqing smiled.

"I feel so too." Yokoyama Kyoko seemed to have returned to her silly and sweet setting, and replied with a smile.

"That's OK, then Jun Qin will leave it to you, I'll replace you tomorrow." Mato Akatsuki said simply.

"Okay. Goodbye, senior."

After that, the real household did not stop much, turned around, and re-entered the subway station not far away.

"Let's go, let's find a place to sit for a while, after all, today's things will not be less." Qin Heqing, who had watched Makito leave, retracted his gaze.

"Huh!? Your lord asked me to gather here in Shibuya, isn't it to participate in the Halloween parade?" Yokoyama Kyoko asked in surprise.

"What's so interesting about the venting parade of a group of pressured youths~www.ltnovel.com~" Qin Heqing said with a polite mouth.

I haven’t seen it last year. It’s just a group of lunatics and drunks doing things. At that time, he might as well sit in a fast food restaurant and finish writing the rest of the first volume of Imagawa Yoshimoto’s Ambition. , So convenient to publish as soon as possible.

"Obviously very interesting to say." Yokoyama Kyoko shrugged and said unhappy.

"So what? You don't forget our tasks. Even if it is really interesting, we don't have time to participate. It's better to start something." Qin Heqing said noncommittal.

Then the two also stepped forward and moved in the direction of Shibuya Commercial Street, the main street where the Halloween carnival was held.

Along the way, all kinds of monsters, ghosts, monsters, and demons filled the crowd, mixed in with people. I don't know how many of them are real and how many are pretending to be living people. Anyway, it looks very eye-catching.


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