High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1039: Carnival under the blood

"By the way, how many people did you arrange to be in Shibuya today." Qin and Qing Dynasty Hengshan Kyoko asked when he suddenly remembered something on the way to the commercial street.

"I don't know, I never asked." Yokoyama Kyoko said embarrassedly.

"Aren't you an intelligence officer? How come you don't even know the situation of this basic protection draft, or that you are a marginal figure in the Intelligence Section of the Countermeasures Bureau. You don't know anything except being a fool?" Qin He Qing Mulu sneered at her with suspicion.

"I'm not a marginal person!" Yokoyama Kyoko seemed to have been poked into some sore spot, and immediately stressed with dissatisfaction, "I'm just, I'm just, because thinking about the succession, I didn't have to watch the notice from the headquarters at all. Naturally I don’t know the plan for today."

At the end, I didn't know if I found the reason, or thought of something again, and my confidence suddenly became full again.

"And isn't it just a defensive arrangement? I just need to ask and it will be clear."

After speaking, Kyoko Yokoyama ignored Qin Heqing, took out the phone, and fiddled with the interface.

"Remember to send me a copy when you get it right."


It didn't take long before a document file appeared in Qin Heqing's mobile phone in the form of text.

Qin Heqing received it and opened it to check.

"Six combat teams, with less than fifty people, manage one street and the safety of tens of thousands of people. How can this plan look a little unreliable." Qin Heqing, who had read the contents of the document, said in a speechless voice. .

This is not a siege warfare, as long as you guard each intersection, but you need to go deep into the crowd, monitor and participate in all directions, it is possible to take action to stop the monsters when they are looking for human trouble, otherwise it will be just such a few people. , It’s not a problem to maintain law and order, to protect the masses from casualties...

Qin Heqing felt that it was better to ban the Halloween carnival at the beginning.

It is not particularly troublesome.

"Isn't there 100 policemen to help?" Yokoyama Kyoko leaned over to look at the documents on Xiang Qin Heqing's phone interface.

"Those 100 policemen are enough for what. Don't be too busy at the time. Instead, if you want us to help them, it will be speechless." Qin Heqing sighed, putting away his mobile phone.

"It should be impossible, right?" Yokoyama Kyoko hesitated.

"They have received relevant professional training?" Qin Heqing sneered and asked back.

Yokoyama Kyoko shook his head.

"Equipped with weapons and equipment specifically for spirits and ghosts?"

"Holy water and demon bullets were issued in the bureau, as well as the French Open bulletin club guns and cursing batons." Yokoyama Kyoko hurriedly said.

"Then the problem is back to the original point-a group of non-staff semi-professionals who have not undergone special training on spirituality, do you think they can be opponents of ghosts and ghosts and become combat power to help front-line personnel reduce pressure?" Qin Heqing smiled lightly.

Yokoyama Kyoko was silent and lowered her head in frustration.

She also had to admit that what Qin Heqing said was correct. Even if an ordinary policeman is equipped with the spirit-facing equipment issued by the bureau, it cannot be an effective combat force at critical moments or when fighting ordinary spirits. .

There have been clear examples of this in the past!

And there are quite a few.

This is also the reason why the Countermeasures Bureau would rather pay a large price to ask professionals like Qin Heqing to take action when it is clearly under-staffed, rather than using police forces to help.

It's just that I'm afraid that I won't be able to help, and it will also affect the strength of the police. The impact that will cause may not be any better than the current situation.

"What should I do then?" After a long silence, Kyoko Yokoyama asked with interest.

"I don't know either." Qin Heqing said.

Suddenly, Kyoko Yokoyama fell down again, and no longer wanted to participate in the carnival.


In this way, the two sat down in a restaurant on the commercial street, drinking and eating cakes, while observing the situation on the street outside, in case there is a high-risk person, which will affect the entire island country. The incident came out.

"My lord, what are you looking at?" At the same time, Kyoko Yokoyama, who felt that this quiet atmosphere was very unsuitable for the current environment, asked curiously towards Qin Heqing, who was looking down at the phone.

"Watching the live broadcast." Qin Heqing replied.

"Live? What live broadcast?" Yokoyama Kyoko asked in confusion.

"About the carnival." Qin Heqing presented the interface of the mobile phone to Hengshan Kyoko.

Sure enough, the content played above is nothing but the scene from the crowd outside. It's just where it is, because it is not from the beginning, and it is impossible to distinguish the relationship between the surrounding buildings, so it is impossible to judge, so it can only be seen as a lively.

"It seems that this year's carnival atmosphere has become much better." Qin Heqing said.

"That’s probably because the head of the Shibuya District Office issued a Halloween prohibition order. It is required that all business premises in the event area are not allowed to sell alcohol on Halloween. Therefore, there are fewer drunks, and it is not like last year. The performance is so chaotic." Yokoyama Kyoko thought for a while.

"Then it seems that last year's events still had a big impact."

Qin Heqing frowned as soon as he finished speaking.

"What's the matter?" Apricot Hengshan wondered, who didn't understand what happened to Qin Heqing.

"Nothing, maybe I might have read it wrong." Qin Heqing took back the phone and said quietly, staring at the screen on the interface.



Then, in another place near the commercial street, in the streets and alleys that the carnival crowd would not pay attention to, a man gradually walked out of the shadows and came to the road junction. The white-haired young man leaning against the wall and standing aside asked. "How is your preparation."

"It's all set up, you can start the ritual for summoning at any time." The white-haired young man raised his hand and pushed the rimless glasses on his face, and replied quietly.

"Then start it." The man in the shadow said solemnly.


Then the two separated again, the man in the shadow disappeared in the shadow of the laneway again, leaving only the white-haired man still staying in the distance, watching the people who are venting on the carnival showed a faint, but strange face. Inexplicable smile.

"Go ahead, my cute toys."

After speaking, the white-haired man's eyes flashed a strange light, and he straightened up and walked toward the outside of Shibuya Commercial Street.

But at the same moment, in various places in Shibuya Commercial Street ~www.ltnovel.com~, a man and a woman each took out a dagger and slashed at his own wrist.



The torrent of blood screamed uncontrollably from all the tourists splashed around.

"Kill it!"

"My god, my lord, please listen to your humble servant's call again... With my blood and spirit as the beacon, flesh and blood as the sacrifice, breaking the barrier between yin and yang, once again descended on the world when this group of demons danced. Come on!" After shouting, the man's arm that cut his wrist with a dagger moved again, without hesitation, as if it was not his own body, he slashed against his neck aorta.


The wound was fierce, and the more vigorous blood spewed out of the man's body like a jet of high-pressure water.


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