High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1040: Xianwei

And with the spurt and flow of blood, when the carnival crowd did not pay attention, a trace of weird light emerged from the entire Shibuya shopping street, crisscrossing, and delineating a view from above. A peculiar array that can only be seen at a time. A certain effect occurred, and the ghosts and sprites that were mixed in the crowd, wandering in no-man corners of the commercial street, suddenly turned red, and a strange light called madness appeared in their eyes.

However, this is not all the influence of the magic circle. Then, when these demons and monsters affected by the power of the magic circle came out to start the cholera carnival crowd, the carnival people in the circle began to be affected by the magic circle. All kinds of human emotions are exaggerated, and if something is wrong, they turn into firecrackers one by one, clash with the surrounding carnivals, and create riots.

In this way, the level of chaos in the scene can be imagined. For almost a moment, the carnival crowds who were originally chaos but not yet formed are completely ignited. All kinds of conflicts and bloodshed can be seen everywhere, and all kinds of harassment are wretched and even Forcible things began to appear in the crowd, increasing the pressure on the guards.

"Call the headquarters, call the headquarters, this is the Shibuya Public Security Patrol Team, I am the leader of the team, Nakaya, a large-scale mass riot in Shibuya Shopping Street, request support! Repeat, request support!" A guard held a radio pinned to his shoulder The walkie-talkie said repeatedly.

Just as soon as he finished speaking, his face was hit by the flying debris from nowhere, and with a scream, blood flowed from his forehead uncontrollably.

"Captain Nakatani!"

"All of them. Hold your head in your hands and squat down at once, otherwise I will shoot!" Seeing that the gaffe began to lose control, a certain guard was finally ignoring other things. He took out the police revolver he was wearing and pointed at the one in front of him The crowd shouted.

Unexpectedly, his behavior has more and more stimulated the frenzy of the crowd who was affected by the magic circle, and gradually lost their minds. I don't know who shouted, and a lot of messy things hit him. Even more so, someone rushed up directly, trying to **** his gun.

The guards were frightened and tried their best to resist, but after all, they were outnumbered, causing the pistol in their hands to misfire.


There was a gunshot, and the scene fell silent briefly.

But he couldn't hold it, and immediately after the screams of the wounded suddenly sounded, it broke out again, and it was a scene more frantic than before.

All kinds of blood flowed and negative energy overflowed, stimulating the magic circle contained in Shibuya Shopping Street to become more active.


"How did things turn out like this." Because the mood was not affected by the carnival crowd and atmosphere, Kyoko Yokoyama, who had more or less shielded the interference of the circle, looked at the suddenly chaotic crowd and muttered with stunned faces.

"Don't you feel that the environment has become a little different?" Compared to not knowing anything, and not having a cultivation base, Kyoko Yokoyama, who is simply an ordinary person who has received relevant spiritual training, as a priest, Hu Zhongxian, Qin Heqing, who is a special person of the **** level, has much stronger perception than her, so even if the operation of the magic circle is still very secret, Qin Heqing is still aware of the special power in the air, and can't help but frown.

"Is there?" Yokoyama Kyoko asked blankly.

"Okay, hurry up and contact the Countermeasures Bureau and the Police Headquarters. A large-scale group riot and ghost activities with a scale of 10,000 cannot be handled by a mere 100 guards and less than 50 front-line team members." Qin Heqing shook his head. Got up and said.

"My lord, what are you going to do?" Seeing Qin Heqing got up, Hengshan Xingzi, who also hurriedly got up to follow him, asked while dialing the phone.

"I want to find a way to suppress the commotion in front of me." Qin Heqing said with an angry glance.

This is not as usual. It is a riot in front of him, and it is of such a large scale. Even if Qin Heqing's enthusiasm for irrelevant people and things is slightly lower, he will not really watch the casualties of at least a hundred people appear. And indifferent.

That's too cold-blooded, isn't it?

Not to mention, behind the incident this time, there was obviously a figure that he knew was written by someone who was suspected of knowing, so he had to take action to investigate the matter clearly.

Otherwise, I'm sorry for the hire price from the countermeasure bureau.

"Yue'er, please pay attention to her safety and don't get hurt by the kid." Qin Heqing, who came to the outside of the restaurant, said to Yue'er who was aside.

"give it to me."

Then Qin Heqing didn't hesitate anymore and jumped directly in depth. It shot into the air like a beam of light. In a flash, he came to a place almost 100 meters above Shibuya Shopping Street. His eyes widened, and the whole tour started Shibuya. Specific circumstances.

"Sure enough, there is a magic circle." Qin Heqing sneered.

Unfortunately, he doesn’t recognize the name of the circle that is currently running on Shibuya Commercial Street, and he can’t see the full picture of the circle. After all, there are too many people, and various nodes and details are covered by the crowd, but But it didn't mean that he couldn't deal with the current situation. Without hesitation, his figure sprinted up again, and the radiant light broke out from Qin Heqing's body.

"The wind is coming!" Qin Heqing said.

Then a gust of wind that came from nowhere suddenly blew from a distance, like a cold knife that swept everything, blowing in front of Qin Heqing.

"The cloud is coming!" Qin Heqing drank.

The dark clouds, as well as the clouds that had not cleared from the rain for several days before, gathered under the strong wind and intertwined with each other, forming a thick dark cloud covering the sky above Shibuya Commercial Street.

"Nine days should help Thunder and Puhua Tianzun!" Qin Heqing yelled.

But it was no longer a simple edict, but chanted the mantra of the edict that is known as the cross-legged thunder method, photographed by Wan Lei, and raised his hand to strike a dazzling lightning bolt against the dark clouds falling in the sky.


Then the thunder roars ~www.ltnovel.com~ The electric snakes are like a school of fish that have been stirred up, swiftly flowing in the thick dark clouds.

The thunder was faint, and it seemed that the punishment was about to come.

Then Qin Heqing looked at him and chanted loudly, "Too on the stage, never stop responding. Exorcise evil, bind charm, protect life and protect your body. Wisdom is clear, peace of mind. The three souls are permanent, and the soul is not lost."

What he was reading was the Jingxin Mantra which is known as the Eight Great God Mantras of Taoism, and it is also the home curse that most corresponds to the frantic crowd in front of him.

Then Qin Heqing condensed the Purifying God Seed that was transformed into the Jingxin Divine Curse on his fingertips, followed the same method, and ejected it against the faint thunder cloud in the sky.


In an instant, a thunderous roar spread, and a pouring rain, like a curtain of shower spray, splashed down from the sky, dense as a curtain, and poured onto all the people below.

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