High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1041: Majesty

The curse rain fell, covering everyone, with the power to purify the mind and reduce the evil, did not enter the body of the frantic crowd, so that their brains affected by the magic circle calmed down, and their attitude became much calmer. .

But it only calmed down a lot. As for the complete calm, not to mention the unrestrainedness within the human heart, the resentment caused by the previous conflict alone cannot be easily erased by the so-called curse.

Not to mention, Qin Heqing’s creation of this curse rain only temporarily suppressed their emotions, so that their brains would not be affected by the effects of the magic circle, instead of fundamentally solving the existence of the magic circle, so he thought To completely calm the crowd, the power of the police is needed!

However, it is a pity that even if Kyoko Yokoyama had contacted the Countermeasures Bureau and the police headquarters before Operation Qin Heqing, it would not be possible to send people over in just three or two minutes, so if you want everyone to calm down, you still need The other way will work.

For example, rain!

And you need the kind of pouring rain that can interrupt the carnival.

After that, Qin Heqing did not hesitate. People stepped in the void and released the rain-calling technique in accordance with Taoist rituals.


With the terrifying thunder and ferociousness, more rainwater seemed to leak, falling from the sky, extinguishing the anger, resentment, and impulse in everyone's hearts one by one, forcing them to get into the buildings or sheds on both sides of the street. Next, take advantage of the convenience of facilities to help yourself avoid heavy rain.

For a while, the crowd dispersed, highlighting the avenues of Shibuya Commercial Street, as well as those who were injured or even died during the previous chaos.

"Really a lot."

Even if it was just a cursory sweep, Qin Heqing found out at least the injured people on the forties or fifty!

And this, it's just that he was seriously injured and couldn't get up while lying on the ground, so he could only passively wailing.

As for those who are lighter or have companions, they are not among them.

Then came the dead...

In addition to the few guys responsible for activating the magic circle, there are also two or three corpses, with knives stuck in their bodies, and blood flowing across their bodies-washed by the rain, making their skin pale and terrifying. sense.

Then Qin Heqing changed his body, his clothes changed from the original daily clothes to the priest hunting robe that he only wore in the ceremonial ceremonies. He landed from a high altitude and held the wat in both hands—that is, the ancient civil servants in the costume TV series held the court. Yuban, with a solemn expression, spreads the divine light on his body even more exaggeratedly while walking around.


The majestic incantation used in the official Morishin mantra.

The intense light spread, not only affecting the sight of ordinary people around, but also impacting the monsters and ghosts in the surrounding people, suppressing and defeating them one by one, and completely disappeared from this block.

Until Qin Heqing walked through Shibuya Avenue...

At this time, the support called by the guards and the augmentation force sent by the Countermeasures Bureau also rushed to the place. After a simple handover, the personnel in the commercial street were dealt with.

Those who should be caught, those who should be sent home, those who should be sent home to the hospital, those who should be sent to the hospital, and those who should be reprimanded...

In short, today's Halloween event is here, don't let anyone want to take advantage of the loopholes, stay here and find something for them.

Of course, similar situations have begun to appear in other areas of Shibuya, and even other districts.

The purpose is no other, just to prevent this group of mindless guys from going to other neighborhoods, or other areas to continue activities, and then cause similar things.


Qin Heqing ignored this. Instead, after dismissing Hengshan Kyoko, who had consciously followed up when he was cleaning the street, to talk to the countermeasure bureau and police officers who wanted to come over and inquire, he looked straight and shouted awe-inspiringly, "Yuan Shi An Zhen , Pu Gao Yuanling, true official Yue Du, and the only spirit of the land. Zuo She You Ji, do not be surprised, return to the right path, clarify inside and outside. Each position is secured by the altar, too high for life, hunting evil spirits. God king, defend chanting, convert to the main road, Yuan Henry Zhen."

"Where is the land in this district!"

The next moment, a golden gloom flashed, and a group of equally divine light shone all around, but with a clear spirit, a young and beautiful boy who looked like a nobleman suddenly appeared in front of Qin Heqing, and looked at him with surprise.

"God? No, you don't have the special clergy aura of the gods." The young man who was suspected of the land looked at him for a moment, shook his head and asked in confusion, "Who are you? And what spell you just used, why did it make me feel uncomfortable? Don't respond to the call, come out to respond."

"I am a priest, Qin Heqing, a descendant of the Qin family, the **** of wine, and what I just used was the An Earth God Curse, one of the eight great curses spread across the country across the sea. This curse was also to invite God to the throne, so the nearby mountains and forests As long as there are gods in the land, they cannot escape and cannot be sensed." Qin Heqing explained calmly.

"The country on the other side of the sea? That's no wonder." The boy suddenly said, "What's the matter if you tell me to come out."

"There are two main purposes. One is to hope that you can use the power of the land to destroy the unfamiliar formations deployed in this area, and to remove the root of the chaos here. Second, I hope that you can use the power of the land to help you find this. The whereabouts of the members of the law formation, I need to arrest them and bring them to justice to eliminate the root cause." Qin Heqing said simply.

"The first thing I can help you, but the latter... that guy has a strange power in his body that can block my tracking and the secretary of the earth, so I can only help you put him on this block. The effects of the event are brought out. As for the rest, you can only rely on yourself.” The young man frowned when he heard this, and sighed helplessly.

"Also." Qin Heqing agreed.

"Okay, I'll bring the influence out to you." The young land nodded, and also simply, volleyed. The scenes that happened on this street before were once again presented on the virtual screen constructed by mana like a movie. .

The crowd came and went, highlighting a guy with a strange light on his body.

"It really is him." Qin Heqing sighed.

"Do you know this person?" Young Land said in surprise ~www.ltnovel.com~ is a guy I have dealt with before. However, he should stay in the Special Prison Management Prison of the Countermeasures Bureau. How could he appear here inexplicably? "Qin Heqing said in surprise.

"Then I don't know. Are you okay? If not, I will go back and deal with the magic circle on this land." Land shook his head.

"No, trouble you, Lord Land God." Qin Heqing said politely.

Immediately, the land **** didn't say much, his figure flashed and disappeared into the air.


"What happened just now..." Kyoko Yokoyama, who had dealt with the communication between the Countermeasures Bureau and the police, asked in confusion.

"The land **** of Shibuya." Qin He Qingling opened his eyes and said quietly as he stared at the agitated earth spirit veins above the commercial street, and the magic formations that had collapsed.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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