High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1050: By chance

Thinking of the land god's ability, Qin Heqing didn't bother to take a ride over, and greeted Mato Akatsuki, and took the two people Yue'er to take the land god's ‘hitch ride’ to the site of Kokubun Temple.

In an instant, the light and shadow of the space changed, and Qin Heqing and Yue'er appeared in Nishimoto Town where Kokubun Temple was located.

"Here. The rest is up to you. After all, the old man is not good at fighting. Joining rashly will only hinder the two of you. It is better to help you pay attention to other things." The land of Xingcun looked reluctantly changed from space. Qin Heqing and Yue'er replied from the sensory conflict caused.

"Okay. Excuse me, Xingcun's land." Qin Heqing shook his head, and cast off the last bit of influence remaining in his mind, and said politely to the land.

"Wish ya'll good luck."

After that, Yukimura didn't stay on the land much, and her figure flashed, just as she did when she first appeared, disappearing into the air with a brilliant light.

"How about it, okay?" Qin Heqing asked Yue'er who turned his head to the side.

"Okay, let's go." Yue'er replied calmly.

"Then go."

After that, the two of them did not hesitate, and walked over to the Kokubun Temple not far away, and after a while entered the courtyard of the temple, without stopping, they walked directly towards the central hall of the temple——

Because if there is a seal in the temple, it is possible to build the five-story pagoda near the backyard of the temple, except for the Daxiong Hall used to enshrine the gods and Buddha.

In addition, wells, underground, and some special sealed objects are also possible. It's just that Qin and Qing didn't know this. They could only search in the order of first big and then small, conspicuous first and then strange. They didn't know whether Kashiwagi Kiyoshi could find the main point or core of the seal one step at a time.

But as far as the current situation is concerned, it seems unlikely.

After all, Kishiji Kashiwagi came first, and he has more time than him. There are more opportunities to find the seal, not to mention, Kishiji Kashiwa himself seems to know the existence of the seal. If his If the purpose is to release the evil tooth, Qin and Qing really have no chance to cut off his Hu.

Without him there is no chance.

"I only hope that he came here for a temporary purpose, and he didn't negotiate any terms with Evil God Yana. Otherwise, the two of us would have to be ready to fight." After walking around, he didn't see Cypress in the Daxiong Hall. Qin Heqing, who was on the trail of Qingsi, said to Yue'er beside him.

"I advise you not to report your hope. Even if the talks are not completed, it will not prevent Kiyoshi Kashiwagi from starting to release it first. As for the others, we can sit down and talk after we beat us back." Yue'er reminded. .

"It seems that we are still a step late after all." Then Qin Heqing paused and sighed helplessly as he watched the five-story tower suddenly surrounded by strong malice, evil spirits, miasma and similar divine power.

"Go ahead and say." Yue'er said solemnly.

After that, the two of them did not hesitate, and the speed was full, as if two streams of light shot into the tower, crossed the hall, and rushed straight to the hole in the center of the hall that was exposed by the moved Guanyin Faxiang.

Then he went deep into the cave, and finally saw Kishiki Kashiwagi who had been tracking for a day in the confined space underground after a short while, and the whole body was filled with evil spirits, energy chains flashed out, and a pair of imprisoned prisoners like evil teeth.

"It's you!?" Then Kishiki Kashiwagi's expression changed, and he said in a gloomy voice.

Obviously, he recognized Qin Heqing's identity.

However, Qin Heqing did not respond. Instead, he kept moving and continued to shoot at Kiyoshi Kashiwagi like lightning.

At the same time, Yue'er leaped into the air, making seals with both hands, reciting a weird mantra that Qin Heqing had never heard before.

"Don't think about it!" Kashiwa Mu Qingji shouted angrily. As soon as he appeared, an evil ghost spider woman who almost occupied most of the underground space emerged from behind him out of thin air, opened his mouth, and a big net came over like Qin Heqing.

However, Qin Heqing didn't pay any attention to it at all, and formally appeared in front of Kiyoshi Kashiwagi with a flash of shape, grabbed Kiyoshi Kashiwagi's head with a big hand.

"Come in for me."


Kiyoshi Kashiwagi exploded, turning into a blood mist with huge lethality and shooting towards Qin Heqing.

It was not that Qin Heqing killed him, but after seeing that he couldn't escape from Qin Heqing's hands, he chose the way of getting rid of himself. It seemed that he planned to sacrifice to Yin Qin and Qing.

Yes, sacrifice. After all, Kashiwagi Kiyoji is a mentally abnormal person, and he is still one of the best. This kind of character has long understood the existence and survival of the soul, so even without the body, he can continue to exist in the world by virtue of the pure soul form.

This is probably why he wants to establish a ghost country on the ground.

It’s just a pity that Qin He early morning is no longer what it used to be, so even if there is no Ayukawa to follow to protect him, when Kiyoshi Kashiwagi chooses to explode his body to insult him, he still relies on the soil to escape from the impact of the blood mist. Opened. Then the spider girl attacked again, blasting into the air to formally perform a certain technique, so that Yue'er with various golden divine texts began to emerge around her.

Seeing this, Qin Heqing was too late to search for the whereabouts of Bai Mu Qingsi, directly raised his hand, and the red flame-like fire light suddenly clung to the spider silk spit out from the spider girl, burning violently, before the spider silk touched Yue'er. It was burned to ashes in a second.

The Spider Girl was angry and turned her head to make a terrible scream at Qin Heqing.


Qin Heqing responded with a voice, like the thunder outside the sky, instantly drowning the spider girl's scream.

Then Qin Heqing stretched out his hand, and the shining flying sword shot out from the void, and when it shook, the spider girl's head fluttered out. However, Feijian's offensive continued, and another flash, cutting the spider woman's remaining body into four sections, but it was dead and could not die.

Then Qin and Qing Ning looked around ~www.ltnovel.com~ to search for the whereabouts of Kiyoshi Kashiwagi.

"Damn fellow, accept the punishment of the gods!" Kashiwagi Kiyoji's voice sounded and declared.

As the rumbling sound sounded, the already majestic evil became stronger and stronger, the energy chain trembled, and a trace of cracks began to appear on the chain, and at the next moment, there was a crackling sound. It broke apart.

"Hahahahaha! I'm finally out! Daotian Ota! Master Yanneng! I want you to die!!!" Amidst the shaking of the earth, the resentful voice of the evil teeth was like howling night owl, The sky over the entire Kokubun Temple reverberated.

"Want to kill? Get past me first! The Beidou Jiuyao seals the seal and suppress me!" At this moment, Yue'er, who seemed to have been playing soy sauce in midair, finally sneered at the evil **** who gradually revealed his true appearance. Yana sneered.

In an instant, the seven stars and nine gazes outside the pagoda brightened, like the stars of the North Pole, hanging down the stars, penetrating the tower, and enveloped the evil **** in the center of the seal.

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