High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1051: Escape the golden cicada

"What! No! You fellow can't even seal me up again! No matter who it is!" Evil Body Ya Na roared, feeling the power of imprisonment.

I didn’t hesitate to follow, and directly gathered the energy that hadn’t been gathered around him, as well as the spiritual essence provided by Kiyoshi Kashiwagi to help him break through the seal, creating a ball with a very high energy level and blasting it straight. The midair Jiu Yao seal.

"Boom! Rumble rumbling..."

Then a huge explosion sounded, and the terrifying vibration and energy shock wave spread out for the first time, rushing out of the ceiling of the underground palace, destroying the foundation hall of the pagoda, and causing the entire pagoda to collapse with shaking.

"Boom, rumbling..."

The smoke piled up and enveloped the entire Kokubun Temple in an instant, making it impossible to see the real situation inside it from the outside.

Fortunately, it was not a long time, only ten seconds or so. With a gust of wind blowing from the interior of Kokubun Temple, the smoke and dust that enveloped Kokubun Temple was lifted out entirely, reappearing the situation of Kokubun Temple. come out--

Only at this time, the temple is still that temple, but the pagoda that originally stood in the backyard has completely collapsed, the tower is broken, and the ruined walls are ejected around like cannonballs, and the surrounding green trees and courtyard walls are used for beautification. , The building was interrupted and smashed, making the situation of the ruined Kokubun Temple worse.

But the evil spirit is still permeating the temple, the wisps of resentment and ghost air are entangled with the remains of the pagoda, making it unclear for a while, whether the evil tooth is still in the temple or has been borrowed from the previous one. The chance of collision collision left here.

"Search first." After a while, Qin Heqing sighed as he looked at the Guofen Temple where there was no trouble.

Yue'er nodded, and followed Qin Heqing to search...

However, it was a pity that the whereabouts of Evil God Fang was never found. Not only him, but even Kiyoji Kashiwagi, who had sacrificed his body and only his soul, disappeared, completely gone.

"It looks like it's gone," Qin Heqing said helplessly.

"Isn't there a secretary of the earth? Maybe you can find some clues from the land." Yue'er thought for a while and comforted.

"It can only be so."

After speaking, the two left the Kokubun Temple where the seal was broken, the building collapsed, and even local scenic spots were not counted as Kokubun Temple, and they returned to Nishimoto Town, which did not affect the call of the earth secretary and the land god, and found a secluded corner-after all The previous battles caused too much momentum-especially the collapse of the pagoda and the destruction of the evil gods, which are almost as large as a small earthquake, so when he and Yue'er came out of the Kokubun Temple, they could already see it. Few nearby residents rushed to check the situation because of the collapse of the pagoda.

As for the police?

I didn’t show up, but they had already received instructions from the Countermeasures Bureau before they set off. They understood that this should be a movement made by the Countermeasures Bureau. So despite the police, the speed and tension were completely different from the past. The appearance of coming for soy sauce is also quite speechless.


Following the chanting of the An Earth God Curse, the old woman of the God God Village of Kokubun Temple once again appeared in front of Qin Heqing and Yue'er.

"Looking at what you look like, the action failed?" Surviving Land looked at the expressions of the two. She was so sophisticated that she immediately understood the outcome of the matter and could not help but asked softly with regret.

"Well, he ran away." Qin Heqing sighed.

"Evil God?"

"Evil God Yana and Kiyoshi Kashiwagi, whom I want to track down, both ran away. So I want to trouble the land of Yukimura. You can call the secretary of the earth to check and see if you can find the traces of the two of them." Qin Heqing said without pretense. Made my request.

"The result may not be what you want." Xingcun Land did not refuse, but rather sincerely reminded him.

"I understand, but...now there is no other way." Qin Heqing smiled bitterly.

"okay then."

Immediately, the land of Yukimura no longer talked nonsense. With a move of magic, he once again activated the earth secretary with his own authority, and traced the land records a few minutes ago.

Don't say, there is really some content.

For example, the situation when the pagoda collapsed was clearly recorded by the Secretary of the Earth.

So naturally, the movements of Kiyoji Kashiwagi and Eishinya when they escaped were also clearly photographed.

But it was only the scene of the moment of fleeing, and after that, because of the changes in their behavior, they lost their traces from the Secretary of the Earth, completely cutting off the possibility that Qin Heqing wanted to use this to continue tracking.

"Excuse me, Yukimura Land. This is the sacred sake made by the secret method of sake taught to me by the sake master. Although it may not be as good as the sacred sake made by the elderly of the sake master, it can also let you if you want to. Taste some peculiar aftertastes, as my filial piety, I implore you to accept it.” And seeing this, Qin Heqing, who knows that things can only end here, moved his wrist and turned into a bottle of high-end sake brewed from pure rice. In front of Yukimura's land, he was polite.

"Oh? Sake sake made by the secret method of the sake public... I am quite interested in the old man, so I am not welcome." When the land of Yumura heard this, his eyes lit up, and he took the bottle with a smile on his face. Tao.

"I trouble you."

Then the two briefly said a few words, and the land of Yukimura disappeared again with sake, leaving Qin Heqing and Yue'er in the corner.

"Let's go, let's go back too." Qin Heqing exhaled.

Then he called and contacted Mato Hatsuno, who was waiting for the place where he first appeared after entering Kokubunji City, and took Yue'er to the nearby subway station, preparing to take the subway back to Tokyo.


Soon after, Qin Heqing met again at the clubhouse, who also used other methods to rush back.

"What are your plans next?" Mato Xiao asked, looking at Qin Heqing who was chatting with someone on his cell phone at this time.

After all, people have ran away, so it's not enough to pick and do nothing!

Otherwise, I would be too sorry for Director Tanaka's trust in him.

"Let the witches of the Spiritual Detective Division pay more attention~www.ltnovel.com~ After all, one of the people who escaped from Kokubun Temple was a evil god. The impact of reality is different. As long as we can find him, I think it should bring us one step closer to Seiji Kashiwagi who has temporarily escaped the physical limitations." Qin Heqing replied after thinking about it.

As for why it is temporary?

Since even ghosts can possess ordinary people and suppress ordinary people's soul control, why can't Kashiwagi Kiyoshi, who has a greater advantage and stronger strength in this regard, also take a person's body for his own use?

Therefore, it is a matter of wishful thinking that pure spirit investigation wants to find him.

This is not only because his spiritual wave is not strong enough, but also does not attract the attention of the spiritual detective maiden, but also because he can play more and spend more time without physical restrictions!

For example, become a woman, become some other man, or become a child.

Therefore, the wanted order and the way of the people's war have become decorations, and his whereabouts can only be traced by luck or related parties.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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