High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1053: Excited Machida Sonko

In the middle of the night, Qin Heqing brought the laptop to Machida Yuanzi's home.

"You really wrote it out." Machida Yuanzi, in a white silk nightdress, looked at the laptop in front of him and the content presented on the computer, exclaiming in surprise.

"I'm idle anyway, so I wrote it out." Qin Heqing replied casually, sitting aside watching the TV with an apple in his hand and taking a bite from time to time.

"Then I'll take a good look at what you wrote." Machida Yuanzi said with great interest.

"It will definitely not disappoint you."

"Not always."

After that, he ignored him, and concentrated on reading the first volume of Qin Heqing's first masterpiece.

And the speed is very fast, only about 20 minutes, the content of the first volume is all read.

"Yes. There is nothing wrong with the overall story, and there is nothing worth noting and avoiding. It is still eligible for the basis of publishing." Machida Yuanzi pulled the content back to its original position while facing each other. Qin Heqing next to him said.

"So, can it be published?" Qin Heqing confirmed with some joy.

"At least the basics are fine. But as to whether it can actually be published, it depends on the subsequent second review. But it shouldn't be a big problem. So before that, let me, a senior editor, come and review the content of your story. "Machida Yuanzi said with a chuckle.

"Didn't you have seen it?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

"I have read it, but I only looked at it. The main purpose is to see the structure of your story, and to review and see if there is any content that needs special attention and avoidance. As for writing and character description, or commercial value That’s what I’m going to focus on this time. If you’re bored, watch TV or play games, and I’ll tell you if I can publish it after I’ve finished it.” Machida Yuanzi took out his senior editor's fan, Looking at Qin Heqing, he said with a smile.

"Well, look at it." What Qin Heqing could say, could only compromise with a shrug.

Then I turned my attention to the TV, and it seemed that there were more and more variety shows on the TV, with supernatural content as the core, passing the rest of the time.


Until it passed again, I don't know how long.

"Okay, I'm finished." Machida Yuanzi put down the laptop and said.

"How is it?" Qin Heqing asked with little expectation.

"No problem, it can be published." Machida Yuanzi gave a thumbs up to Qin and Qing. "So if you have no problem, you will take the computer with me to the company tomorrow, type out the manuscript and go through the internal procedures. Everything If it goes well, the publishing contract can be signed the day after tomorrow at the latest, and your new book can be put on the shelves in half a month, and then it will officially go on sale."

"Of course, this refers to the general process and does not require special publicity and targeted activities."

"What if it is sold in a special way?" Qin Heqing asked curiously.

"Let's see if there are any festivals recently. If there are, then choose to officially sell them on the day of the festival."

"Like Christmas?"


"What if not?"

"Then we can only carry out pre-warming sales. Use resources to advertise in newspapers, media, and the Internet to increase visibility and public awareness, and then choose a suitable day to sell." Then after a meal, he added. "However, this method is generally aimed at a variety of newcomers rewarding the author’s debut works, or a publicity method used by people who have a certain reputation. For pure newcomers, it is at most on the official website of the library and related links. It’s just a matter of making an announcement and posting advertisements inside the bookstore. So I don’t recommend that you post books in a new way."

"Sister Yuan means..." Qin Heqing thought thoughtfully.

"Take special announcements. After all, you are not an ordinary person-it is not that you are a priest, but that you have also been on TV. You are the chief CV of a certain variety show. To a certain extent, it is not Influential celebrities, if you do it properly, you can use the cross-border gimmicks of artists to do it to increase your popularity and freshness among the readers. Maybe you can get some unexpected gains.” Then after a meal, hehe bad He smiled and said, "For example, you can use TV Asahi's channels."

"Is it necessary to be so exaggerated?" Qin Heqing said speechlessly.

He didn't want to fight for something with the writers, it was just on a whim, he wanted to write his Chronicles of the Warring States Period as a souvenir, and it made him feel a little stressed.

"Yes! Why not. After all, this is your first book (Qin Heqing: It may be the last book)... Even if it is the last book, it is necessary to publicize it! You can't put your effort into writing it , Is it to flood the library warehouse? I don't agree." Machida Yuanzi retorted unceremoniously.

"...Alright, then just do as you said, anyway, I don't really understand this aspect." Qin Heqing said helplessly.

"Leave it to me!" Machida Yuanzi promised, clapping her chest full of energy.

Then the two discussed some things about writing. Machida could no longer suppress his inner thoughts, and ran back to the house to formulate the publication and promotion plan of Qin Heqing’s first work "Imagawa Yoshimoto’s Ambition" for tomorrow. And the work for the next few days started to prepare.


After that, there was nothing wrong all night, and time came to the next day.


After washing and dining, the two of them took the laptop and took their laptop to the Undead River Library where she worked in the car of Yuanzi Machida. After printing out the manuscript and handing it over to the other party, Qin Heqing became interested. Leaving the Undead Chuan Library, he was free again.

"Huh, it's no wonder that Shiyu has such a headache when facing Sister Yuanzi. Sure enough, it's not without reason." Qin Heqing, who felt reborn, said with a sigh.

Who would have thought ~www.ltnovel.com~ she would be so persistent when she is busy with work?

Anyway, Qin Heqing was caught off guard by her, and she had to allocate some energy to deal with things.

"It seems we can't stop writing a book."

Then he stopped staying outside and took the transportation back to the club.

"This is..." Qin Heqing asked in confusion as he looked at the strange woman who appeared in his office.

Is he not old enough to look like he is about 20 years old, dressed very plainly, and can even be said to be a little malnourished? His face is pale and **** is rare, plus one that is the magnanimous mind that can calm the world, giving people a feeling of pity and even good bullying.

But Qin and Qing searched the memories in their minds, but failed to find out her identity information.

So it is certain that this is a woman she does not know, or even she has never met.

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