High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1054: Makino Uno

"Hello, I'm Makino Uno, and a maiden named Kikyo asked me to come here to find you." Without waiting for others to introduce, Makino Uno immediately got up and introduced himself to Qin Heqing nervously.

The expression is very cautious.

"Banji?" Qin Heqing was surprised. He looked a little gaunt and weak because of malnutrition, and he looked like a middle-aged person. With makeup, he was able to beat Makino Uno. Asked "How did you know her?"

"She is my savior." Makino Uno said sternly.

"Oh?" Qin Heqing was surprised, with a curious expression on his face, not surprisingly.

Naturally, Makino Uno did not shy away, or wanted to better gain the trust of the mysterious man in front of him. He explained how he met Kikyo and the reason why she came here.

It's not complicated. It was the unlucky Makino-Uno family. One night when they were resting, they were found by ghosts, and their parents were unable to resist the toss of ghosts due to old age and physical decline and various other reasons. They died that night. , And Makino Uno was a little lucky. She asked her to go to a nearby well-known shrine with her companion two days ago to get the amulet and escaped her life. After she was rescued, she did not follow in the footsteps of her parents and became food for ghosts.

But it also suffered because of this——

For example, because the parents died at the hands of ghosts, all insurance and social welfare were not responsible, so they did not receive any compensation. In addition to the burden of some affairs such as funerals, even the little savings in the family have also followed the bottom...

And the most important thing is that she quit her original job because she needed a long vacation because of the funeral and other matters...

Although it is only a few temporary workers, but for Makino Uno, who is still participating in seiyuu training and preparing to become a voice actor, she has lost her own financial resources.

Not to mention, there will be rent, water and electricity and other things to be delivered later...

Yes, you read that right, rent for water and electricity.

As an ordinary Tokyo resident whose parents are around the age of 20 and their parents are estimated to be in their 40s or 50s, they still don't have a house of their own! But like the tens of millions of migrant workers in Beijing, they live in rented houses.

So Makino Uno's family situation can be imagined, it is completely ordinary civilian class.

Parents may be able to barely make ends meet when they are there, but now...

She is only one step away from sleeping on the streets and becoming one of the millions of homeless women in Tokyo.

Therefore, out of kindness, or sympathy, Kikyo, who knew about Makino Uno's situation, opened his mouth, and sent her to Qin Heqing's side, wanting to see if Qin Heqing could help her.

For example, give her a day job so that she can continue to maintain her dream and become an official voice actor.

Then Makino Uno stopped speaking and looked at Qin Heqing eagerly, wanting to know how he handled her problems after he knew these things.

"I know what you said, and I have confirmed your information from Kikyo, so in terms of the face of Kikyo, I can give you two choices." Qin Heqing put down the cell phone that just finished contacting Kikyo and looked into the office. Makino Uno said in a low voice, "First, I will arrange a job for you in the clubhouse, let you become an employee in the clubhouse, and then get money and other rewards from me through formal part-time work. Second, know what it is. Loan?"

"Are you talking about the kind in the bank?" Makino Uno cautiously confirmed.

"Similar, but the interest rate is definitely higher than that, but it will definitely not exceed the interest baseline required by the law, so you don’t have to worry about the so-called black loan for this. You can find employment or Friends who know the legal terms will confirm it.” Qin Heqing explained, “So the second option I give you is to sign a formal legal document with me and get it from me—well, let’s say it’s a student loan. Well, then use this loan to complete your voice actor training and become an official voice actor, and then rely on the voice actor's salary to repay the loan."

"Then, what if it still doesn't come?" After hesitating for a while, Makino Uno hesitated.

"Isn't it... You should remember that Kikyo saved you for some reason."

"Remember." Makino Uno nodded quickly and replied.

"I am a clergyman with the same profession as her, and my strength is pretty good. I will be considered a little famous in this area of ​​Tokyo, so I will not embarrass you too much. I will arrange a few ghosts and monsters. You live together well, when you are an adult and become a ghost, it depends on your own destiny." Qin Heqing chuckled lightly, replied with a strange smile on his face.

Suddenly, Makino Uno's face turned pale, and his whole body trembled with fear.

"No, no, I don't want to take a loan!" Makino Uno shrankly refused.

"That means you choose to stay for a part-time job?" Qin Heqing asked rhetorically with a smile.

"Yeah!" Makino Uno nodded affirmatively, and he was afraid of what Qin Heqing would look like if he answered late or refused, making the real householders who were present very speechless--

You are already an invincible figure in Tokyo. Is it interesting to scare an ordinary woman so much?

"Walnut, take her to Fumei's side and let Fumei arrange it." Qin Heqing turned and stood aside, Imari Walnut, who looked like his administrative secretary, ordered.

"Okay." Then Imari Walnut walked to Makino Uno and whispered, "Come with me."

Makino Uno didn't dare to hesitate, and hurriedly followed behind Imari Walnut, and left Qin Heqing's office with her.


"If she chooses to borrow money from you~www.ltnovel.com~ and can't pay it back in the end, are you really going to arrange for ghosts to come to her to harm her?" And after the two left, really Hu Xiao also wondered whether it was curiosity or uneasy questioning.

"Of course, why not?" Qin Heqing asked rhetorically with a smile.

"That might kill her!" Mato Akatsuki said solemnly.

"I know. So I will definitely not arrange for ghosts that have a strong resentment towards humans and want to kill and devour them when they meet people. Weak little ghosts who play pranks and tease people are sent to her, so that she can teach her enough, so that she will not give birth to the ignorant idea of ​​me that seems to be cheating, and can also force her to start working hard again, maybe I rushed out and became a well-known voice actor." Qin Heqing spread out his hands and explained that I am not a bad person.

"Then your taste is really hateful." Mato Akao said with a curled mouth.

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