High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1055: Headaches

"By the way, is there no news from the evil **** and Kiyoshi Kashiwagi?" After talking about the episode of Makino Uno, Qin Heqing finally asked Akira Mato the topic.

It's been several days, even if you are more composed, there is almost a clue at this time, right?

"That's right." Akatsuki Mado sighed. Following the useless Qin Heqing's questioning, Mato Akao took the initiative to answer, "After investigations by the witches from various places, it was finally found that the fluctuations of the ground and water veins on the Kawagoe Castle were somewhat abnormal, which was in line with the original legend of the evil tooth. So we notified the branch in Saitama Prefecture to go to the abnormal location to investigate."

"The result?" Qin Heqing asked curiously.

"No abnormality was found." Madoto said.

"Nothing unusual?"

"At least from the surface and the feedback results obtained from the instrument, there is no slight abnormality."

"It seems that the evil teeth are hidden very deep."

But think about it again. After all, people are born of elves, have experience of being believed and sacrificed, and are one of the so-called eight million gods—even if it’s just a wild god, they turned into evil gods due to resentment and evil thoughts. , Can't deny the fact that it is a god, naturally it will have some special means to hide and protect itself.

Otherwise, its level is too inferior, right?

Not even the so-called land god.

"What about Kiyoshi Kashiwagi? Is there any news?" Qin Heqing asked again.

"No." Mato Akatsuki said with a wry smile.

This one is even more extreme. He is a man who has been on the wanted list of the Countermeasures Bureau for a long time, and has been hiding from the countermeasures bureau for 20 to 30 years. Not to mention the ability of the body, just to fight against the countermeasures bureau. The experience and the technical aspects of anti-reconnaissance are not comparable to ordinary special criminals.

Not to mention that this person might change his face now. In other words, all the recourse information that can be applied to him in the past is basically null and void, and you can only start from the new beginning bit by bit from the "ocean"!

So the ghost knows when he can find this cunning guy again.

"What about the clues?"

"It's the same, there's nothing at all," Mato Know said helplessly.

"Then I will say a way, you see if it is possible to find out his whereabouts again."

Zhen Hu Xiao did not question, but raised his head to look at Qin Heqing, waiting for his next words.

"We all know that Kiyoshi Kashiwagi's physical body has been destroyed, so if he is not going to change his life form and exist as an inhuman thing, then he will definitely need to find a new body to use as a physical body, otherwise No matter how great his spiritual power is, he cannot stand the erosion and interference of nature and the urban human environment."

"So?" Matoaki asked curiously.

"So you can contact the whole country... No, you don't need the whole country, just the police in the seven prefectures around Tokyo, such as Saitama, Gunma, Tochigi, Ibaraki, Chiba, Kanagawa and Yamanashi. Let’s focus on investigating the people in these seven prefectures. The data of accidental deaths can only be done in the last few days, and then investigate to see if there are any abnormalities. Perhaps you can find the trajectory of Kashiwagi Kiyoshi's activities, and then find his whereabouts, and even grab him." Qin Heqing proposed. .

"Why are these seven counties?" Akatsuki Mado was puzzled.

"Because of the state of Kiyoshi Kashiwagi. Without a physical body, he is not suitable for long-distance travel, otherwise he can only maintain his existence by devouring human souls, so he can only conduct activities near Kokubunji City to find suitable ones. Physically use it.” After a pause, he shook his head and added, “Of course, this matter is not absolute. Just as we can’t predict whether he will choose not to be a human being, we can’t judge whether he will really be like what I said. In that way, only people are selected from surrounding cities to seize houses, so if it is really necessary, it is really possible to ask the police from all over the country for assistance. It’s just the amount of work..."

Hearing this, Mahou Hou also involuntarily pulled the corner of his mouth, feeling that it would be better to check these seven counties first.

"Oh, yes, and, when you look back, remember to inform Mr. Tanaka, because Kishiji Kashiwagi's escape from Kanto cannot be ruled out. Kishiji Kashiwagi is likely to use transportation, such as planes, trains, etc., to go to Okinawa and use there. While trying to seize the flesh, he was entangled with the Oda Army, so that he should pay more attention to avoid overturning the ship in the gutter. That would be bad." Then, Qin Heqing reminded of some possibility.

"Okay, I'll call Director Tanaka to report later." Akatsuki Mato said.

"In addition..."

"Why?" Qin Heqing asked with a puzzled face.

"The director may be back." Akatsuki Mahato replied.

"Director? The matter on Okinawa has been resolved?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

"Not yet, but it has almost entered a stalemate stage. Therefore, in consideration of the overall situation, the Secretary decided to take some seriously wounded back to Tokyo to ease the pressure on Tokyo and consider the future battle plan." Explained.

"The situation is stalemate? The situation on Okinawa is so severe?! Wouldn't it become the same as the Four Kingdoms battlefield a year ago? The situation in your strategy is very bad." Qin Heqing sighed silently.

The result of the Shikoku Yokai Battlefield a year ago was already there, giving Curse Forbidden Road a respite, taking the opportunity to directly take the actual control of Hokkaido and most of the Kanto region, and suppressing the influence of the countermeasures there. At the lowest point, if there is another Okinawa Ghost War...

Qin Heqing very much doubted whether the Countermeasures Bureau would directly change its face after the matter was over, and completely become a departmental agency that cursed the Forbidden Road.

Just like the SHIELD infiltrated by Hydra.

It's really impossible.

"That's why the director came back early." Akatsuki sighed.

"Okay, because it's difficult for you, I will let Ayukawa and the others support you for a few more days, as for more..." Qin Heqing shook his head-if that were the case, it would be better to replace him as a countermeasure. The leader.

It's not that I haven't done similar things.


Then in the afternoon ~www.ltnovel.com~ Qin Heqing was once again called by Machida Yuanzi to the Undead Chuan Library.

As for the reason, it is very simple, sign a contract!

Sign a publishing authorization contract and introduce him to the editor responsible for docking with him——

And as Qin Heqing thought, she was a female newcomer editor, and she was a typical recruit who had just been transferred to the job market.

As for the reason? It’s not that Qin Heqing is not valued. After all, his book has been reviewed by other editors. It does meet the publishing standards and is a book worthy of operation. However, it is a bit difficult to commission the editor. There is no him, just because he is the nephew of editor-in-chief Machida. A senior editor, it's not easy to do things, he has to worry about the existence of Machida Yuanzi, and it seems that he doesn't pay enough attention to it for a newcomer, so after thinking about it, I can only bring a pure newcomer to bring Qin Heqing.

As for the purpose, it is natural to circumvent certain articles of incorporation and leave Qin Heqing to Machida Yuanzi to take it with him.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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