High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1072: Same sky, different encounters

"It seems your luck is good. Today will be a semi-sunny day." In the early morning, Dudao Kongzi looked at the rainy night outside the hotel window and said softly, lying on Qin Heqing's chest.

"You also said that it is half sunny. Who can guarantee that today's weather will be suitable for us to go to the beach?" Qin Heqing put his arm around Dudao Kongzi's shoulder and put his other arm behind his head.

"Then there is no way. Who told you to choose this time? I only hope that the weather conditions during the day can be as you wish, otherwise...you can only watch me wear a bikini in the room." Dao Kongzi said with a chuckle.

"It's all in the room, do I still need to wear it? Compared with one, your current appearance is more in line with my expectations." Qin Heqing pinched Dudao Kongzi's nose and said with a smirk.

"I knew it, you didn't feel good about asking me out this time." Dudao Kongzi patted Qin Heqing's palm and said with a blank look.

"Yeah. With your kind of delicacy staying around but not taking it, am I still a man? So as long as I have a chance, I will definitely not let you go." Qin Heqing smiled.

"Satisfied now?" Dudao Kongzi asked rhetorically.

"No, it's not enough."

After speaking, Qin Heqing united again and pressed Dudao Kongzi under him.


In a blink of an eye, the time came to 11 o'clock in the morning, almost noon.

"Sure enough, this season, even if it's sunny, there is no way to go to the beach. It's a mistake." Qin Heqing, covered in bathrobes, stood by the window, watching the roaring wind outside, sighing with regret.

"You didn't really want to go to the beach to play here." The poison island Kongzi dressed in a bathrobe walked behind Qin Heqing, wrapped his hands around his waist, and put his cheeks on Qin Heqing's back.

"Isn't this just in case." Qin Heqing turned around and officially embraced Dudao Kongzi into his arms.

"So what do you do next? Go back to Tokyo?" Dudao Junzi, who already knew what Qin Heqing's main purpose was and had completed the target capture and interrogation with him, asked rhetorically.

"No, continue to stay here." Qin Heqing shook his head slightly.

"Huh?" Poison Island looked at him puzzledly.

"We have nothing else to do. There is no need to arrange the time so tightly." After a meal, he continued, "Moreover, it is rare for us to get together. Rather than running back and forth for various purposes, it is better to borrow Stay together in the free time that we have lost in the plan, take a closer look at each other's depths and lengths, and then get used to it, let us become the most compatible existence for each other."

"Can you bear it?" Poison Island Kengzi said.

"How about you, can you stand it?" Qin Heqing retorted with a smile.


"You're hungry, call room service first and ask them to bring some lunches." Qin Heqing smiled.

"I want to drink miso soup."

"The five-star hotel doesn't seem to provide this, right?"

"Just ask, in case you provide it."





"Who!?" Oda Nobunaga rushed out of the foothold that had not been destroyed by Qin Heqing, and sternly asked in the direction of the explosion smoke.

"Huh..." Then, the smoke spread, one tall and one short, one person and one ghost surpassed the obstacles, and came into the eyes of Oda Nobunaga and others.

"My lord, you are the King of Evil Ghosts." Then, after a night of hard work, I finally relied on the superiority of the ghost to recreate his legs and once again became a perfect body, Jindalo changed his expression and moved to Oda. Nobunaga's ear reminded in a low voice.

"Evil Ghost King?!" Oda Nobunaga said with an expression, his eyes narrowed.

Evil King? He naturally knows. Even if the Evil King hadn’t taken the initiative to provoke a war to the Huangquan Legion, even if Oda Nobunaga had ideas and ambitions, he would definitely not be able to run out of **** with his important men and some legion soldiers so easily. Come out and return to the domineering in this world.

It's just... shouldn't he be dragged near Guimenguan by Huang Quan Jingrui (the garrison Izanami is coming from Yan Luo)? How could it appear in this world.

Could it be that he defeated the Huangquan Army?

Thinking of this, Oda Nobunaga's heart sank, and he became uneasy about the intention of the Evil Ghost King and the strange man.

"Who is the boss here?" He is eight feet tall...two meters and nearly three meters tall. His body is burly and powerful. His body is full of water chestnuts with distinct horns, and there are also a pair of black evil spirits with big horns that look like horns— —Evil Ghost King, sweeping Oda Nobunaga and the others with a sullen look, he arrogantly asked.

"It's me. Evil King, what is your purpose for coming to me?" Oda Nobunaga coldly snorted, and walked up to the person, looking at the Evil King who was a full half taller than him and asked coldly.

"Oh? You actually know this seat. Then, you know this seat." The Evil Ghost King looked at Oda Nobunaga unexpectedly for a while, and asked in surprise and some fun.

"Evil Ghost King, your reputation, I have heard of Oda Nobunaga who is also a citizen of hell." Oda Nobunaga said quietly.

Still the same sentence, if you lose, you don't lose, no matter if you can beat the evil ghost king, but in terms of momentum, Oda Nobunaga doesn't want to weaken the opponent.

Especially, when his men had just experienced Qin Heqing's cleaning, their morale was severely damaged, and they needed confidence to maintain their combat strength. Otherwise, his men did not go with them to deal with the countermeasures due to the limited number of people at the time. , So that the remaining soldiers' military spirit can be completely dissipated, and it is difficult to take out the aura of a **** soldier.

"Since you also know this seat, it is easy to say. This seat now officially recruits you and your men to be my soldiers. Go and ask your people to prepare, and we will leave here~www.ltnovel.com~ to go Activities in other places." The evil ghost king laughed, very proudly waving a palm that is one size bigger than an ordinary person's head, and looked at Oda Nobunaga and the others for granted orders.

"What do you mean?" Oda Nobunaga frowned upon hearing this, and asked with a look of dissatisfaction.

"Don't you understand? The evil ghost king meant that you were called up, and now you are ready to evacuate according to the adult's order, otherwise...the result may not be beautiful." Standing beside the evil ghost king, Zhang De The young man who was just like an ordinary person, and the breath radiating from his body was also the same as that of a real living person, smiled slightly, and explained to the Evil Ghost King with a suggestion.

"Who are you?" Oda Nobunaga glanced at him and asked in a light tone.

"I have seen Lord Oda, my next friend Kiyoshi Kashiwagi. Fortunately, Lord Evil Ghost King regards him highly, and now I am working as a staff member of Lord Evil Ghost King." Kiyoshi Kashiwagi smiled slightly, holding his fist like an ancient man, and said softly.

"Counsel..." After a pause, he looked back at the expressionless Evil Ghost King and said loudly, "The Evil Ghost King must be like this?"

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