High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1073: Oda

"You want to refuse?" Hearing this, the evil ghost king's face sank, deep as an abyss, as if the eyes that can swallow all the strange light stared at Oda Nobunaga, and asked in a deep voice.

"Let’s be honest, my side was hit hard not long ago, and the personnel loss was serious. I really don’t want to be involved in other incidents. Please forgive me, Lord Evil King." Oda Nobunaga sighed, not hiding it. Then, he directly stated his current situation.

"Oh? What kind of force has such power that can crush the evil spirits waiting for you to come out of **** to this point." The evil spirit king glanced at him, then tilted his head and carefully sensed the situation in Oda Nobunaga's residence. He couldn't help but feel a little surprised. Tao.

Anyway, he doesn't think that there are any forces in the current world that can suppress the group of ghosts and monsters that have formed an army in a confrontation.

This also includes the countermeasure bureau mentioned by Kiyoji Kashiwagi.

"Factor... If a group with only a few people is counted as a power." Oda Nobunaga smiled bitterly.

"How many people? Only a few people will suppress you and wait until this point. I really don't know how your boss position got mixed up. It's just a rubbish!" The evil ghost king sneered when he heard the words, full of disdain. Tao.

Just like training his own subordinates, Oda Nobunaga's face is very ugly.

"That's right, hand over your subordinates and hand them over to me for training, so that you won't continue to delay their future and give a group of ligers in **** to sheep and domestic dogs who are torturing adults."

"Sir, Evil Ghost King, please speak carefully." Seeing this, Zhen Daluo finally couldn't bear it and stepped forward to remind him.

"Which one are you?" Evil Ghost King asked him back, squinting at him.

"Master Oda sits down with General Chi, Jindaluo, and has seen Lord Evil King." Jindaluo bowed and introduced himself.

Just as soon as the words were finished, a powerful force suddenly blasted on his body, causing him to shake his body, and the whole person flew out uncontrollably, even if he broke through the wall behind him, he couldn’t stop. Down...

"A mere domestic slave dare to be presumptuous in front of this seat. There are really no rules." The Evil Ghost King said with a disdainful face as if he had done a trivial thing.

"You!" Oda Nobunaga was angry and clasped his hands tightly.

"Group...I know that a group can do this level, but I don't know if it's the group that Oda-sama you encountered." At the same time, seeing the atmosphere become tense, it is possible to stage a full martial arts. Kiyoji Kashiwagi suddenly raised his voice and attracted everyone's attention to his body.

"Oh? There really are such groups in this world?" The Evil Ghost King asked in surprise.

"There is indeed such an elite group." Kiyoshi Kashiwagi affirmed. "The name is unknown, and it does not seem to have any special purpose or proposition. Everything depends on the wishes of the owner of the group, a priest named Qin Heqing, so he threatens. In terms of degree, there is no need to pay special attention, so I haven't talked to you about it."

"But now it seems that we have run into it again."

"Again?" Evil Ghost King frowned.

"My lord, the reason why I have such a posture and fate is thanks to the priest named Qin Heqing, so if possible, I hope you can pay attention to it." Kiyoshi Kashiwagi turned and bowed, his tone Said respectfully and sincerely.

However, there was no public revenge at all, and the meaning of asking the evil ghost king to find Qin Heqing troubles existed, but somehow, Oda Nobunaga and others who watched by the side involuntarily gave birth to a sense of hypocrisy and determination. The evil ghost king would never heed Kashiwagi Kiyoshi's advice, and even proactively offered to touch Qin Heqing to prove his strength.

Sure enough, the next moment, I heard the evil ghost king dissatisfied, "You mean, this seat is not as good as the priest named Qin Heqing?"

"There is absolutely no such meaning in Shixia." Kiyoshi Kashiwagi shook his head immediately.

"I forgive you and don't dare." Evil Ghost King yelled coldly. "It's just a mere priest. Even if there are no one thousand, there are 800 similar people who died in the hands of this seat. Why don't you need to pay attention to his existence. If you are really capable, Just let that person come here, this seat has its own way to suppress and take him down, and help you avenge the destruction."

"Thank you, Lord Evil Ghost King, it's a little arrogant." Kiyoshi Kashiwagi saluted and said with a smile on his face.

"Is it this guy?" The Evil Ghost King nodded in satisfaction, then looked at Oda Nobunaga again and confirmed.

"It's him." Oda Nobunaga took a deep look at Kiyoji Kashiwagi, who seemed harmless to humans and animals, and nodded and admitted.

"Then bring your people to join this seat, and this seat will help you kill the guy who made you so embarrassed and humiliated in hell, in order to avenge you." After a meal, the evil ghost king said again. He continued gloomily, "Don't be shameless..."

Oda Nobunaga silently looked at the Evil Ghost King, and then at Kiyoji Kashiwagi next to him, and then thought about his current power, the gap in personal strength between himself and the Evil King, and the existence of Qin Heqing. After a while, he had to lower his arrogant head again, bowing on one knee and saluting, "Oda Nobunaga has seen Lord Demon King."

Then, after seeing Oda Nobunaga's actions, other people also knelt down on their loyalty and obedience to Oda Nobunaga and saw the evil ghost king.

"Hahahaha, that's right." The evil ghost king who finally got his wish laughed loudly. It took a while before he calmed down again, and looked at Oda Nobunaga and asked, "Let’s talk, where is that guy now, I will help you solve him!"

"..." Oda Nobunaga was silent, and after a moment he said an address——

Not elsewhere, but the hotel where Qin Heqing and Dudao Kongzi settled.

"Hear your hands, and set off with this seat!" The Evil Ghost King waved and ordered without hesitation.

"Yes!" Oda replied, and immediately notified him to start his actions.

However, in the dark, it was Zhendaluo, who was the smartest and most intelligent of his men, winked secretly, then turned around and took the initiative to welcome the Evil Ghost King into his stronghold for a temporary rest.

"Master Oda..." Jindalo smiled bitterly~www.ltnovel.com~ had to step aside, let Sandiro support herself to a place where no one noticed, took out her mobile phone, and followed the number recorded on it. Hit out...

"I hope that one can really defeat the evil ghost king."


The next moment, the phone rang, interrupting Qin Heqing's thoughts.

"Huh?" Qin Heqing glanced at the label on the phone and connected the phone without hesitation.

"Is it Master Qin and Qing?"

"it's me."

"My lord, I am Oda-sama's general, Jindalo, I have urgent information to report to you..." Then, without waiting for Qin Heqing to ask, he made no mistakes or omissions about what happened to him. He said it biased to let Qin Heqing understand and prepare, so as not to be caught off guard when the Evil Ghost King attacks.

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