High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1081: Willingness to dispatch

"Bald eagle?" Qin Heqing was surprised, but immediately understood-the security treaty!

As protected countries in the security treaty, both the island countries and South Shilla are obliged to open their domestic intelligence to the country providing protection, that is, the bald eagle, in order to increase mutual understanding.

Not to mention that the scale and impact of the evil ghost king in Chofu and Miryang are still so large. Even if the two countries intend to block the news and prevent it from spreading around the world, the bald eagle will definitely know that it is happening there. What happened.

As for the reason?

Such and such traitors and leading parties are groups that exist in any country.

In addition to this, coupled with the influence of the Evil Ghost King itself-a semi-polluted and powerful lethal weapon... As a super police bald eagle, there is no reason not to take him as an existing one, or to study it to increase the military background of his country. To deter other countries with ulterior motives.

"It seems you understand." Mr. Tanaka noticed the change in Qin Heqing's expression.

"All, what do you mean..." Qin Heqing nodded, staring at Mr. Tanaka and asked again.

"The Secretary's point is that I want you to go to South Shilla and help South Shilla deal with the Miryang incident." Mr. Tanaka replied.

"Me? Go to South Shilla, in what capacity?"

"Senior advisor to the Countermeasures Bureau."

"why me?"

"There are probably two reasons for this: First, you are the only special person who has had contact with the Evil Ghost King so far, and you have more experience and authority in this regard."

"How about two?"

"Two, it's your strength and means. Because it's uncertain whether the evil ghost king will return to the country, we need to take advantage of the current blank period to master the solution to the Miryang virus, so..."

"Do you just believe that I can solve Miyang's problem?"

"If you can't solve it, then no one in the country can solve it anymore."

"There is no way for the Countermeasure Bureau?"

"Under research. But for the time being, no effective solution has been found."

"Have you considered asking for help from Curse Forbidden Dao?" Qin Heqing hesitated for a while before asking.

Curse the forbidden road, curse the forbidden road, what is the curse? It's not just that the spells used by people who curse the forbidden road are side-by-side or powerful, but the forbidden spells with serious sequelae or ills also represent the essence of the forbidden road-medical spells!

Because at the beginning, the word curse was used to describe a certain medical treatment——

For example, Zhuyou Shisanke is the orthodox curse and forbidden method that has been handed down since the Qin and Han Dynasties!

Even in the Tang Dynasty, it officially became a classification of doctors, that is, Zhu Yuke and curse forbidden medicine were widely accepted by the world. It was not until the Ming Dynasty that it was gradually abolished from the orthodox medicine because of the emergence of the Compendium of Materia Medica. It has become a curse in the hands of rural sects and gods and mages, and it is gradually forgotten and abandoned, until it disappears completely.

Therefore, if anyone in the island country can solve the so-called "Miyang virus", except for cursing the forbidden road, everyone else will be a display.

The same goes for Qin and Qing who wrapped him.

This is also the reason why the so-called Longevity Club can be opened by Shujindao, and there are so many officials who are willing to believe and use the medicine produced by Shujindao.

"Before the matter reaches that point, the Countermeasures Bureau will not recognize the existence of Curse Forbidden Road." Mr. Tanaka said with a serious face.

"Even if they have now won the actual management authority of supernatural things in the northeastern counties of the island?" Qin Heqing No.

Mr. Tanaka glanced at him, did not answer, but acquiesced to Qin Heqing's statement.

After being silent for a while, Qin Heqing, who finally thought about the content of his reply, replied, "I can go to South Shilla, but I have conditions."

"You said." Mr. Tanaka said quickly.

"I don't care what arrangements you have made with South Shilla or what you plan to do, but as far as I am concerned, all my actions are determined by myself. You have no right to interfere or even order me to do anything. Otherwise, you should assume that you haven't been to my house today." Qin Heqing stared into Mr. Tanaka's eyes and said seriously.

"Yes." Mr. Tanaka did not hesitate when he heard this, and immediately agreed without hesitation.

It was as if he had already known Qin Heqing would say this, and had made a decision before coming. Qin Heqing couldn't help but look sideways a little, and then he didn't say much, entering the main topic and saying, "When are you leaving?"

"Because there are still some preparatory work to be done, so I won't be able to leave until tomorrow afternoon at the earliest." Mr. Tanaka thought for a while and wanted to answer.

"Listen to what you mean, there are a lot of people going there this time."

"After all, the existence of Miryang virus is too dangerous, so whether it is for defensive reasons or simply to understand its nature, sending researchers in the past is what the question should be." Mr. Tanaka shook his head and explained Tao.

"Then you can send someone to pick me up then." Qin Heqing nodded nonchalantly, and said to see off.


Then Mr. Tanaka didn't stay too much. After a few more words, he got up and left Qin Heqing's apartment, got in the car he had taken when he came, and hurried back to the headquarters of the Bureau of Countermeasures.


"Didn't you say that you are not planning to participate in the Peace and Countermeasures Bureau? Why did you agree to Tanaka's request." After Mr. Tanaka left, Yue'er, who had been patient for a long time, asked aloud.

"Who said that I promised Tanaka to go to Miryang for the purpose of countermeasures?" Qin Heqing cast a blank glance at her and asked angrily.

"Isn't it?" Yue'er asked puzzledly.

"Of course not. I am neither a researcher nor a professional intelligence officer. Apart from fighting, how can I help there?"

"Yeah, then why did they make you go there specifically for a trip?" Yue'er was dazed, and then asked somewhat puzzledly.

"Probably because of blind trust in me~www.ltnovel.com~ Qin Heqing thought about it and replied.

If this is not the case, Qin Heqing really doesn't know what he has as a non-researcher and intelligence officer worthy of the Countermeasures Bureau's importance. Even this kind of logistic personnel is more important than combatants and he should be dispatched.

Is it possible that you want him to be a security guard?

If that's the case, then Qin Heqing needs to wonder if Director Nan and Director Tanaka of the Bureau of Countermeasures have had their brains drawn, and they want to have anger with him completely.

"Then, the purpose of our visit this time is..." Yue'er said in doubt.

"Learn about the so-called Miyang virus, and by the way see the situation in the Miyang ghost domain, so that we can have a general understanding of the power of the ancient evil **** that the evil ghost king wants to summon, so that we can really encounter the ancient evil **** or the evil ghost king in the future. At that time, they were caught off guard by the weird power they had, and it was dangerous." Qin Heqing explained.

And this is the real reason why he agreed to Tanaka's request and set off for Miryang.

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