High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1082: Arrived in the South

A day later, Qin Heqing saw the person who came to pick him up.

"It's you." Qin Heqing said in surprise when he looked at Mahamoto who was standing at the door.

"Are you surprised?" Akatsuki asked after entering the room.

"A little bit." Qin Heqing nodded.

"No way. Except for Director Tanaka in the entire countermeasures bureau, Kyoko and I are still familiar with you. In addition, we are also intelligence personnel, and we are also most suitable for dispatching together as your entourage. In the case of special requirements, it is only me or Kyoko to pick you up." Akatsuki Mahato explained.

"Doesn't that mean you will be with me again in the next few days?" Qin Heqing said in surprise.

"What do you want to do?" Mato Akao asked wary.

"What do you mean." Qin Heqing drew closer, even slammed her directly against the wall, looking at the face close at hand, and smirked.

"..." Mato Akira silently stared at Qin Heqing with his eyes staring at Qin Heqing without speaking, until he felt boring to see him, and then he boringly supported the wall and stepped away from Mato Know.

"When will we leave?" Qin Heqing asked.

"An hour later." Akatsuki Mado secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and replied with an expressionless expression on the surface.

"Wait for me then." Qin Heqing nodded and started to clean up in the room.

Of course, there is nothing to clean up, but just tidy up the clothes, props, etc., and then throw the notebook into the magic pot, then bring the mobile phone and charger, and give the room the power source and other dangerous sources. Closed, he grabbed a coat and walked towards the door.

"Let's go."

Then the two went out, left the apartment and sat in the special room where the Countermeasures Bureau used to pick him up, and drove over to Haneda Airport in a special car. Then take the special plane——

Yes, special plane.

Because some special equipment exclusive to the countermeasure bureau has to be transported, the rich countermeasure bureau directly asked someone to pack a special plane to transport equipment and related personnel such as Qin Heqing, so the customs clearance is much easier, almost entering After a short while at the airport, Qin Heqing boarded the plane under the leadership of Mato Hatsu, and then flew to South Shilla with the plane...

Even things like passports are saved, and this is something special.

So after two and a half hours, Qin Heqing and others stood on the land of South Shilla smoothly.


"Here, here is your place to stay for the next period of time. The conditions may be a little bit bad. I hope you can be considerate." The staff from the Ministry of National Security Affairs from the southern country rushed to the countermeasures bureau including Qin Heqing with apologetic support. Said the staff.

No way, it’s that the accommodation provided by the Southland is too poor. Not only is it not the five-star hotel that everyone expected, but it is not even the guest house directly under the government affairs department. It is just a few of the local people’s natural homes. The courtyard homestay, if it’s for traveling or experiencing rural customs, it’s okay to stay for a day or two, but if it’s used by researchers on business...

When the time comes, who will cook and who will clean up the room?

Do you count on them who might not even take care of themselves?

This is totally embarrassing them.

However, the escorts from the southern part of the country also have misfortunes in their hearts-who told the evil ghost king to cause trouble is in Miryang, although this is still a municipal administrative unit, but it is really necessary to talk about the degree of urbanization... There is not much difference in domestic county towns at all!

In addition, it is surrounded by mountains on all sides, and there are not many scenic features for development. Therefore, the situation in Miryang is the same as the third-tier cities in China and the unnamed small cities in the island country. The urban population is seriously aging, not to mention the urban construction. It is also very backward and maintains a great local customs, so even if the southern country wants to provide excellent accommodation conditions, it cannot be achieved.

Not to mention, the place in Miryang is still shrouded by a special force code-named “Mieyang Virus” whose roots are unknown. Ordinary humans and animals cannot enter at all, so we can only take the second place. In the small village next to Shangnan Road, I looked for a few good-quality residential houses, and temporarily leased them under the name of the government to the support staff of the island country, so that they can enter Miryang to study and investigate the Miryang virus.

"Don't worry, we are not the kind of people who don't know what is good and what is bad, and are so delicate and expensive that they can't live in a hotel. It's not just a little harder, it's a will training, we can bear it." The leader of the countermeasures bureau. , A middle-aged man named Hiraoka replied with a smile.

It's just that the content of the words, no matter how you listened to it, was because of the disgusting Nanguo sideliness and complaining about the Southland's inauthenticity, which made the Nanguo side's escorts very embarrassed, and some ugly meanings appeared on their faces.

No way, can the friendship of the three countries depend on other countries? Without domestic intervention, I hope that the official personnel of the South and the island countries can be friendly, so it is better to think about what to eat later. As far as the food level of the Southland...

To be honest, it's not better than the dark dishes like looking up at the stars in Eagle Country. Except for pickles, they are pickles. Oh, they call kimchi here, and there are other barbecue dishes.

The fried rice cakes can still be eaten. As for the fried noodles...

Qin Heqing still prefers Henan's belt side.

Then they talked for a while, and by the way introduced the aunt who was responsible for cooking and cleaning for them, the staff from the southern part of the country quickly led people away from the scene, lest they stayed longer and could not help talking to Hiraoka The leader gets to work.


"Hey, I seem to know this woman." Qin Heqing muttered with some doubts looking at the appearance of the heroine in the TV series that will be launched recently.

"Which one?" Yue'er wondered.

"Just this~www.ltnovel.com~ Qin Heqing pointed to the woman who just happened to jump out of the screen and said.

"Isn't this the woman you met on the beach when you went to Hawaii to collect the essence of fire the year before, remember it seems to be the surname Sun?" Yue'er observed it for a moment, and said suddenly.

"Sun? That should be correct." Qin Heqing confirmed, listening to the voice coming back from the simultaneous translation tool in his ears.

Synchronous translation tool, a small translation tool based on electronic translation software. It has built-in Chinese, English, French, Italian, Korean and other languages, so that those who don’t understand foreign languages ​​can use the tool in the above countries. A little play of normal life.

Naturally, Qin Heqing did not use the version on the market, but the internal general version developed by the research room of the Countermeasures Bureau.

This is also the confidence that the Countermeasures Bureau dares to bring people and things to the South without two translators.

"Unexpectedly, the woman I met in Hawaii turned out to be a celebrity! It's a pity that there is no contact information for the other party, otherwise I can make an appointment to chat."

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