High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1084: Pollution and information

Qin Heqing did not expect that the residual power of the ancient evil gods summoned by the evil ghost king would have such a great impact on reality. Even the natural aura of heaven and earth was polluted. This made the unprepared Qin Heqing caught off guard and almost let it go. Mind was affected by that kind of pollution, becoming sluggish and even crazy.

Even if this change may only last for a short period of time, it will be detected by Yue'er or the demon refining pot on both sides of him because of his own abnormal reaction, and then use external force——

For example, the Paramita Mantra of the Heart Sutra used by Yue'er before, or the Taoist Jingxin Mantra awakened, but that kind of fear still made Qin Heqing jealous, becoming more vigilant and cautious about the current environment.

"What happened just now?" Yue'er asked, frowning when Qin Heqing returned to normal.

"You heard the whisper that interferes with people's hearts and affects people's consciousness, right?" Qin Heqing gave a wry smile and asked Yue'er back.

Yue'er nodded.

"I was afraid that the existence of this voice would affect my judgment, so I planned to use the pro-character mantra in the nine-character mantra to strengthen my soul. I didn't expect... the moment the mudra was formed, the moment the world's vitality responded, the voice was suddenly It was activated and poured into my mind like a tide. I was unprepared, and because I happened to be in the middle of the effect of the spell at the time, my mind didn't have time to resist and was overwhelmed by the sound wave." Qin Heqing explained with a wry smile.

"You mean, that kind of sound will react with spells?" Yue'er asked in surprise. Then, without waiting for Qin Heqing to speak, he retorted, "No, if that's the case, it should have an effect when I use the Paramita Mantra, why didn't I feel it?"

"When you use the curse, do you use your own power or with the help of external force." Qin Heqing thought about it, and asked rhetorically.

"Own power." Yue'er replied.

This is the difference between spells and spells.

Even though they are all spells, because of the different ways of using power, the effects and power produced are absolutely different!

For example, the Linzi seal used by Qin and Qing before, because this seal is the relationship between internal and external practice, not only can be used as a basic method for practice, but also as a magic model for external release.

The result is that when applying the method of self-cultivation, the power of the mudra will only illuminate oneself, without involving the outside, and naturally it will not draw the external aura to react and amplify. On the contrary, when used as a magic model, it will draw aura to respond, thereby reducing its own consumption, increasing the effect of the spell, and increasing the scope of the spell. It can be said that it is a difference between heaven and earth.

"Then it should be correct." Qin Heqing sighed. "The spiritual energy here is contaminated, so if you use your own power to urge it, it won't matter, but if you want to use external force to assist the battle... the result will probably be me. The previous state fell into an inexplicable treacherous state, was disturbed, affected, and finally perished, becoming one of those babbles. This is probably why humans, animals, and transcendents will enter this area within half a day. The reason for becoming crazy and distorted."

"Even the aura is polluted... In this case, doesn't it mean that the outer interception line is equivalent to a decoration, as long as the problem here is not completely solved, even if it is blocked, after a long time, the situation here will spread to other places. Cause chaos?!" Yue'er groaned for a while, then her expression changed slightly, and she said in a little astonishment.

"Do not rule out this possibility." Qin He Qing Su Rong said.

"Hey, is this the power of the ancient evil god, it's so dangerous." Yue'er took a breath, shocked after getting a basically affirmative answer.

"So we have to explore the nature of this power, its impact on society and humanity, and figure out how to deal with it, so that we can meet the evil ghost king again in the future, and even the ancient evil gods he has summoned. , Will not be caught off guard by their power and fall into danger." Qin Heqing said with a serious face.

At the same time, I felt more fortunate that I didn't reject the countermeasures bureau's proposal for other inexplicable reasons, and came to Miryang with the task force.

Otherwise, there is no way to know that the power of the ancient evil **** would be so dangerous and terrifying. Almost let him talk.

"What are you going to do?" Yue'er asked.

"Wait for me to collect the aura here first." Qin Heqing replied.

Then, without talking nonsense, he stretched out his palm and started to **** at the sky——

Then a vortex of air visible to the naked eye emerged from the void, whirled and swept a gurgling black air in front of Qin Heqing, like a wafting flood, which fell into Qin Heqing’s palm and flowed into his pot. In the area dedicated to suppressing and storing these contaminated auras in the world...

Unexpectedly, with the gradual increase of this pollution aura, I have been quiet, except for the demon refining pot that gave active feedback at key points when it was repaired, and it became restless again, turning a paragraph of specious, messy, but vague. The information that could see a certain context was released and melted into Qin Heqing's mind.

"Um..." Qin Heqing frowned, stopped sucking the air, closed his eyes and digested.

"Heqing?" Yue'er called out anxiously upon seeing this.

"Let me be quiet." Qin Heqing raised his hand, preventing Yue'er from making further progress, and refused.

Yue'er silently glanced at him worriedly, then cheered up, cautiously guarding the surroundings.

Until a long time later.


"What's this? Ancient secrets? The bottom secret hidden in the demon refining pot?" Qin Heqing opened his eyes~www.ltnovel.com~ while pinching the bridge of his nose with his hands, muttered in a low voice with a face full of words.

"What's wrong?" Yue'er was surprised when Qin Heqing muttered.

"Thanks to the blessings that polluted the spiritual energy that I collected, I seem to know what the so-called ancient evil **** is." Qin Heqing sighed.

"Huh?" Yue'er blinked and looked at him with increasingly inexplicable eyes.

There is no way, the companion who left him was the same as himself a second ago. He was a guy who couldn't even understand the question and could only guess wildly through words. The next second he suddenly became an elite student who not only understood the question. If I don’t say anything, I still know how to solve it. I guess like Yue’er, I wonder if I’m dreaming or if my companion is crazy...

"It is the information recorded in the demon refining pot. It is hidden. It seems that it will not be opened unless specific conditions or information are encountered. I also know that there is still such a thing hidden in the demon refining pot." Qin Heqing sighed. Tao.

Then, after a little brewing, he simply told Yue'er the information he had obtained during that period of time.

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