High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1085: Bottom secret

According to the information after Qin Heqing finished sorting it out, in the records of the refining demon pot, is it ancient or ancient? At the time, there was no such thing as a Cthulhu. Even if there was, it was somebody who didn’t follow the right path—it was just a side-line that did things differently from the mainstream God’s values ​​and principles of action. Therefore, the Cthulhu’s reputation may have spread, but it’s really harmful. And the nature is really not as terrible as the evil **** Qin Heqing is now in contact with.

But later-the specific time is not clear, but from the information, it should be after the emergence of human beings, because Qin Heqing saw the existence of human beings from the information, and from the appearance of civilization and his inherent cognitive knowledge To judge, it should be the ancient three emperors (Suiren, Fuxi, and Nuwa), or the ancient prehistoric period of other civilizations. I don't know whether it was because people talked more or other reasons that the real evil gods began to appear.

And at first, it was the same as what Qin and Qing encountered now, except for the power it spilled out. Although troublesome, in terms of overall impact, it was not very noticeable, and it did not affect the gods who ruled the world at that time. It did not attract the attention of the high-ranking gods, so gradually, more and more people became crazily and distorted as they were affected, and the true evil **** finally came—

As a foreigner.

This greatly aroused the vigilance of the local gods!

After all, the earth is the basic plate of the local gods, and the cakes have already been divided. Now that an external **** wants to intervene in their power, what is the difference between grabbing children in front of other parents?

Not to mention, your body is completely different from the weird aura of orthodox gods and law gods.

So there is nothing to say-

No, I also said a few words. The representative came forward to persuade the foreign **** to leave his land, but the result was not successful.

As for the reason?

It was just because the foreign gods who came had no brains and were very crazy, so when they couldn't agree, the local gods had to fight the foreign gods.

Naturally, the native gods won!

After all, there are many people and power.

But the influence of the outer gods remained, so gradually, the gods began to have to deal with the subsequent influence caused by the arrival of the outer gods——

For example, clean up the information of external gods. Purify the pollution caused by the power of the outer gods. Eliminate, or obliterate those frenzied and mutant individuals who are affected by the power of the outer gods, and prevent them from summoning new outer gods by sacrifice.

However, it is hard to guard against a thief. For some reason, a desperate **** once again greeted the evil god...

Then there is a new battle...

The following information will be messed up. Anyway, when Qin Heqing is clarifying the order, it is already time for the saint to go to heaven, and then the demon pot will block the information, saying that he is afraid that Qin Heqing will see the images of the outer gods and evil gods being affected. , So when Qin Heqing can watch again, the picture enters another scene——

The East and West Gods War!

The Eastern Gods headed by the Ten Great Artifacts and their spirits are fighting fierce battles with the Western Gods of Zeus and Odin.

The battle can be said to be broken, the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten. The human race that has just developed civilization can be described as miserable. In the end, very innocent and helpless, it was destroyed in the flood caused by the war of gods, and only a small number of humans survived. , Through hard work, re-development of human civilization.

But the good times did not last long. About thousands of years later, with the expansion and killing of the Yuan dynasty at the end of the Song Dynasty and the beginning of the Yuan dynasty of human civilization, the Europeans who uncovered the method of summoning the Cthulhu from which old paper was used to awaken the evil God again power!

Fortunately, due to the lack of sacrifices and the incomplete sacrifice method, the summoned evil **** is not strong enough, nor is it the incarnation of the outer **** who caused the turmoil of the entire planet in the ancient years, but was eliminated by the saint. The evil spirits transformed by the local gods polluted by the source of the outer gods flowing into the earth, so the threat is still strong, but it is not a level that cannot be handled.

Therefore, when the Ten Divine Artifacts were dispatched, Cthulhu was smoothly eliminated.

But as a price, the ten artifacts that had been severely damaged in the last East-West war of God have also caused old troubles. This, coupled with the fact that the people of the Yuan dynasty went downhill in order to enter the Central Plains, caused the ten artifacts to fall apart directly after the war, the distant escape of the void, the destruction of the vital spirit, or the complete silence. , Waiting for the passing of years to recover from his injury.

This is also the reason why the demon refining pot changed from an ancient artifact to an ordinary bronze ware. It was taken into the tomb by a nobleman of the Ming Dynasty and excavated by modern people a thousand years later.


"That is to say, the ancient evil gods that the Evil Ghost King wants to summon are those evil gods that have been transformed from orthodox gods because of the pollution of their origins?" After hearing Qin Heqing's account, Yue'er was a little shocked and asked some incredible.

"It may also be the most original evil god-the outer god." Qin Heqing smiled bitterly.

"Didn't you say that the knowledge that can summon foreign gods has been wiped out by the ancient gods?" Yue'er said in surprise.

Yes, the knowledge of solemnly summoning the evil gods (outer gods) was indeed wiped out by the ancient gods, but it can’t stand the evil spirit’s pollution. Almost as long as you are infected by the power of evil gods, even if you are an illiterate idiot, Obtain inexplicable sacrificial knowledge through babbling in the ear.

Not to mention that those evil gods who were polluted by the power of external gods in the ancient times exist, and as long as they want to, there will definitely be relevant information and knowledge passed down.

So in addition to the environment in hell--

There are stocks of sinners in all ages, so the ghost knows whether the evil ghost king has flown into various hells through his identity as a **** ghost clan, and contacts those sinners, and promises to exchange knowledge on conditions, even running to the edge Look for the old guy among the demons in **** to exchange secrets.

"What should I do?" Yue'er frowned after hearing Qin Heqing's explanation ~www.ltnovel.com~cold. "Qin Heqing replied.

What else can I do?

But there is one thing Qin Heqing didn't quite understand--

That is, isn't the time and space that existed before refining the demon pot was the local time and space where he was born? Therefore, the low-level information he confided should also be the ancient secrets from the local time and space. How to change to this time and space, these secrets can be well matched, can it be said...

What is the connection between this time and space and the time and space in which he originally lived, or is it a special existence?

In other words, after reaching the level of mythological gods and outer gods, the so-called diversity of time and space is no longer empty talk, but has become the most true portrayal. Therefore, knowledge can be diversified and universal, so that there will be no bananas from family A and it will become in family B. What happened to Apple?

"Forget it, let's see first, is there any way to purify the power of the evil god?"

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