As expected, shortly after the message was sent, the number marked as Tanaka came in again.

"It's me, Tanaka." Tanaka's voice came over the phone.

"Is the news received?" Qin Heqing asked back.

"I am here to call you to discuss matters concerning the treatment of relevant personnel." Mr. Tanaka said sternly.

"Is there any problem?" Qin He Qingming asked rhetorically.

"Do you have to bring people back?"

"Of course, no need."


"But, I don’t want to be tossing about it. So if you still want to save your two men, just transport them back. If you don’t want to, I’ll assume that I’ve never heard of this. It just so happens that I’m not sure if I’m not. Really have the ability to correct the mutations of your two subordinates and make them become normal people again." Qin Heqing said in a calm tone, as if to say a trivial, incomparable trivial matter.

"Are you not sure?" Tanaka asked in surprise.

"I haven't come into contact with an individual like yours, who just generated feedback due to the influence of the power of the evil god, but has not completely mutated into an inhuman entity."

"You mean, they will continue to mutate?!" Tanaka seemed to hear something terrible secret, shocked.

"Do not rule out this possibility."

"Hi..." Then he paused, and Mr. Tanaka asked urgently, "Can this mutation be contagious?"

"There is no experimental data, and I am not sure." Qin Heqing replied.

"You really can't go there?" Mr. Tanaka was silent for a moment, and then asked again with some hope.


"..." Mr. Tanaka was silent. After a pause, he hung up the phone silently.

Obviously, it was caused by Qin Heqing's answer.

"Cut, what kind of person?" Qin Heqing pursed his lips and threw the phone back to the bed.

"What's wrong?" Yue'er said in confusion.

"It's okay."

Then Qin Heqing took out his laptop, opened it, and browsed the website of his shrine and news announcements in the island country...


At the same time, there was a cave in the ancient country of Meng that no one paid attention to.

"Have you found it?" The evil spirit king became more and more evil and terrifying, and the evil ghost king, who was frightened and scared when he saw it, sat on a chair drawn out of a simple stone, looking down at the man who was looking through many materials and books attentively. The ghosts asked.

"Some clues have been found." After a certain evil ghost king entered the territory of ancient Meng, he replied tremblingly with a local ghost transformed from a living person.

"Say!" The evil ghost king stunned, staring at the old man, who was a researcher of ancient Meng culture, and shouted.

"Yes!" The old man shook his body, and quickly replied with a trembling tone. "According to the documents obtained from the Golden Family, the last time the Golden Family recorded a treasure named Devil's Eye was 1410 AD Before and after, during the eight years of Yongle in the Ming Dynasty, it was during the Emperor Yongle’s Northern Expedition to Menggu. Therefore, in order to ensure the continuation of the golden family’s bloodline, the leaders of the golden family at that time decided to separate their families and let one of them take the treasure of the family to go to the time. Refuge in the Qincha Khanate, so if you want to determine the whereabouts of the Devil’s Eye, you may need to go to current Kazakhstan and search for the blood of the Golden Family or the tombs of the Golden Family. Maybe you can find the location of the Devil’s Eye."

"Kazakhstan..." The evil ghost king narrowed his eyes, and without hesitation, he immediately stood up from the stone chair and said, "Come on!"

"King." A certain kid suddenly emerged from a corner of the cave, and said respectfully on one knee.

"Call everyone and we leave here."


Not long afterwards, a large cloud of cloudy wind swept across the cave next to it, like a tornado storm, sweeping in the direction of Kazakhstan where the Qincha Khanate is located.


"Your new book's results are coming out in a week." That day, late at night, in Machida Yuanzi's apartment, Machida Yuanzi in a silk nightdress was enjoying the quality massage service provided by Qin Heqing, and said softly with a comfortable face.

"Really? How?" Qin Heqing asked curiously.

"It's not bad, barely cut the line, so you can now start preparing the content of the second volume." Machida Yuanzi replied.

"Really?" Qin Heqing couldn't believe it.

"Why, can I lie to you?" Machida Yuanzi opened his eyes and looked at him, and said angrily.

"It's just a little surprised. After all, I'm a pure newcomer, that is, I don't have the newcomer award blessings held by the library, and I am not a celebrity. It was so easy to cut the line in the first week of the new book. To be honest, I am still quite famous. People feel incredible."

"Pure newcomer? Pure newcomer can't be like you. During the promotion of the new book, you can get the most popular new-generation actress Hina Saki Fukaha and TV Asahi anchor Sumita Sari to come out to help the platform, so I really want to If it feels incredible, you might as well think about their help." Machida Yuanzi said with a blank look.

"Yes. When I have a chance later, I will invite them to dinner." Qin Heqing smiled.

"Then it's up to you, anyway they are your friends."

After being silent for a while, Machida Yuanzi asked again, "Do you have any ideas for the content of your new volume?"

"Yes." Qin Heqing replied.

"I'll listen to it."

"Okay." Then Qin Heqing didn't hesitate, and narrated the contents of the second volume he had conceived in clear terms.

"It sounds good. Then write it down as soon as possible. I'm fortunate to arrange the sales and promotion of the second volume after the sales period of the first volume of your new book has passed." Machida Yuanzi said noncommittal. With a cry, casually explained.

"Okay, I will write it down after the exam is over." Qin Heqing nodded in agreement.

"Exam? Uh... I forgot, you are still a student, how about it, are you sure?" Machida Yuanzi was taken aback, followed by a somewhat helpless smile.

"I didn't dare to say the number one year ago, but there should be no problem in the top 100." Qin Heqing believes.

"Is it only in the top 100? You can't get Shiyu's grades like this. You should have read it a long time Or do you have other plans?"

"I'm going to take the entrance examination of the National College."

"National Academy?!"

Qin Heqing nodded.

"The grade requirement seems to be no lower than it should be? After all, it is also a national first-class institution of higher learning, one of the twelve major league schools in Tokyo. Based on the deviation value of the top 100 of your Toyosaki grade, it is estimated that Barely able to enter their second-category majors." Machida Yuanzi analyzed the appearance of a person who came over.

"Have you forgotten my identity."

"Identity, priest? Do you want to take the Shinto major of the National Academy?"


"...Alright, anyway, in your current situation, it is impossible to enter a large company to work for someone, and strive to be a high-level enterprise. In this way, it is not a problem to enter the Shinto major of the National Academy. Just work hard, don’t even pass the threshold of Shinto profession."

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