High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1090: eat

On Sunday, in the evening, in a high-end western restaurant in Ginza, Tokyo, Qin Heqing quickly stood up and walked to the empty seat opposite to him. While helping the lady to open the seat like a gentleman, he whispered, "I thought you wouldn’t It's coming."

"Thank you. How come? Since I have agreed to your invitation, unless I encounter special circumstances, I really can't walk away, otherwise I won't break the contract for no reason." Sumita Saori thanked him, taking off her jacket and laying on the chair. Sit down, surprised.

"That may be true. If someone else is more important to ask you, what if you just let me dove." Qin Heqing walked back to his seat and sat down.

"I wouldn't do such a rude thing." Sumita Sauri rolled his eyes and said.

"By the way, why did you suddenly remember that you invited me to dinner today? It's still in such a high-class place. Don't say it is really just to thank me for helping you promote your new book on Twitter."

"Otherwise, what do you think it is for?" Qin Heqing asked with a smile.

"You are a mysterious person, a ghost and a ghost, who knows what bad idea you are making." Sumita Sari refused to believe.

"Then I said, I want to spend this weekend with you?" Qin Heqing continued to ask with a smile.

"You're here again..." Sumita Sauri was speechless, and somewhat helplessly raised her hand to caress her forehead, saying with a headache.

"But you didn't refuse, did you?" Qin Heqing smiled.

Sumita Sari rolled his eyes and ignored him.

Naturally, Qin Heqing didn't go too deeply into this topic, smiled slightly, raised his hand and called the waiter who was waiting to be called nearby, ready to order.

"Do you have anything you want to eat?" Qin Heqing asked, looking at Sumita Sauri who was also holding the menu.

"It's the first time I've come to this kind of place. I don't know what to order..." Then he turned his head and looked at the waiter who stood aside. "Are there any recommended dishes?"

"Yes, this bluefin tuna sashimi is a special dish in the store today. If you are interested in seafood sashimi, you might as well try this."

"Then make two copies." Qin Heqing smiled when he saw Sumi Tian Sari looking at him.


"Others, what else is worth tasting?"

"French foie gras, the foie gras used in our shop is exclusively from France..."

"Then make two copies too."


After that, he ordered two steaks, two large salads, two oyster seafood soups, two desserts, and a black tea after dinner. Qin Heqing sent the waiter off and asked him to order when he came. It was easy to open, and the awake red wine was brought up for him and Sumita Sari to taste.

"Please enjoy."

"Sure enough, your purpose for inviting me to dinner today was not at ease." Sumita Sari picked up the red wine glass in front of him, shook it gently, and said softly, looking at the wine color hanging on the wall of the glass.

"Where did you see this?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

"This wine, the price shouldn't be cheap, right?"

"I didn't pay attention, why?"

"The aroma, the taste, the color and the wall-hanging condition of the wine are not up to this level for non-premium vintage wines in ordinary wineries."

"Do you know how to taste wine in Shali?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

"I don't understand." Sumita Sari shook his head, "but I heard some people talk about it, so I know a little bit of this knowledge."

"That's great. At least I don't know about this, nor can I drink the taste difference between so-called specialty vintage wines and ordinary vintage red wines. I can only tell them from the price. Pros and cons."

"That's easy to be deceived." Sumida Sari reminded.

"It doesn't matter, I don't have a hobby of drinking anyway."

"Then you still order wine, and said that you are not deliberate and have no purpose."

"Isn't this to set off the atmosphere, or, I quit it now?"

Sumita Sari blankly rolled his eyes and he "woke you up with the wine, and want to return it? Be careful to tell the restaurant people to secretly treat you as a joke."


Soon afterwards, the waiter put the food ordered by Qin and Qing in the order of the first dish, soup, side dish, main dish, vegetable dish, and dessert in the western food etiquette. The foie gras, oyster soup, tuna sashimi, steak, salad and Baked broccoli and French desserts were presented for the two to take turns eating.

How do you say the taste, you can only use the word "special" to describe it, because although the taste of the orthodox French western food is said to be stale, it seems to be able to stand up to the western food for a long time, but I really want to say how the taste is, although it can't reach Dark cuisine, but the sweet, greasy, fishy and salty aspect is still not in line with the taste of pure Asians. It is somewhat too heavy or improperly handled, so it can be eaten when it is eaten, and it does not have a flavor, but it has a taste. Gorgeous, as expected, Huaxia cuisine is unique, despising the whole world without explaining.

Anyway, Qin Heqing didn’t have any good western food.

Oh, maybe the marinated steaks and the refreshing sensation of eating steaks made him linger, and he wanted to have another one.

The two ate very happily and had a very comfortable chat. Gradually, the atmosphere became harmonious and ambiguous.

"By the way, do you know the ghost photos?" As the meal was about to end, Sumita Sauri suddenly thought of something and asked.

"Spirit photos? The one that was collected in the show?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

If it were such a supernatural photo, as the host who recorded the World Unthinkable show with him, she had no reason to know.

Or does it mean that the supernatural photos in UU reading www.uukanshu.com have something else hidden?

"I'm not talking about that, it's this." As he said, Sumita Sauri put down the knife and fork in his hand, picked up his own mobile phone placed aside, unlocked it, and pulled out a photo from a certain software to enlarge it and display it. , And then handed it to Qin He Qing Dao.

Qin Heqing did not take it from outside, took it in front of him and looked at it--

On the screen of the 5.6 cm mobile phone, there is a picture of the overall tone that is gray and dark, which looks like a mourning hall, but is full of life. A strange woman is standing in the middle of the photo with her arms half raised. , Posing as if she is taking a selfie, but in the picture presented, besides her, she is still in the corner of the photo. In a corner where ordinary people can hardly exist, the head of a strange woman appeared again!

Her face is gloomy, her eyes are cold, staring at the woman in the picture as if he is wronged, and watching outside the picture, giving people a very uncomfortable weird feeling.

"Isn't this the kind of photos we collected and used in the show? Is there anything special about yours?" Qin Heqing asked the phone back to Sumita Sauri, looking a little puzzled.

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