High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1091: Supernatural photos

"Didn't you see it either." Sumita Sari took the phone and whispered.

"See what?" Qin Heqing wondered.

The supernatural photos are not like real supernatural incidents or persons who have suffered supernatural damage. There is a corresponding aura or context on the body or the place where the incident occurred. Therefore, as long as it is not a special supernatural photo that triggers supernatural conditions, even the supernatural target is taken The real supernatural photos in the eyes of a third party, namely Qin Heqing, would not be any different.

Because it is not a supernatural subject.

Unless the target photographed in the supernatural photo can still be like Sadako, using some kind of medium-such as observation and transmission to pass the curse down, it will be just a normal photo.

Not to mention, this kind of photo in Sumita Sari's hand is obviously not the original version, but the photo after the second shot. Even if there is a situation, it has already been removed due to the re-shooting or reposting. , Qin Heqing went there to look for characteristics to judge its true or false.

"This photo is fake." Sumida Sauri's eyes showed an expression of "when you missed it" and smiled slightly.

"Fake?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

"Yeah. This kind of photo is Ma Li, that is, the woman in the photo was taken through an app called Lingyi Photo. It looks very realistic, but it is actually synthesized. Don't you know?" Sumita Sari turned off Looking at Qin Heqing's phone interface, he asked.

"I really don't know." Qin Heqing shook his head.

He has so many farts a day, either on the girl, or on the way to the girl, or else he is entrusted by the Bureau of Countermeasures to deal with major events that may threaten Tokyo, and how can he care about what happened on his phone? Novelty APP is such a trivial matter.

If you can’t live without your mobile phone all day long, it’s almost the same month when you are almost becoming a mobile phone.

However, it also explained the anomaly he found when he checked the shrine website yesterday-there are a lot of supernatural photos popping up...

Fortunately, he thought it was because of changes in the environment that the shooting and sighting of supernatural targets became easier and simpler. After working on it for a long time, it turned out that someone who didn't know whether to live or die had created a new APP.

It really hurts. Don't you be afraid, taking too many photos of the supernatural, really summoning the unknown supernatural?

Just as ghost stories are told too much, ghosts will always come out. I don't know how to die by then.

"Then you really don't care about trends. Because of the recent environmental changes, not only have there been more spirit-detecting programs on TV stations, but also new types of apps that have no practical use except novelty. You If you don’t pay attention, be careful not to keep up with the topic."

"Do you like this app?"

"I don't like it very much, it always feels weird."

"Then don't use it." Qin Heqing reminded with a serious face, "You are also an old host in this area. You should understand that this kind of magical gimmick, if there is no certain technology and related methods, it will be the last. , It is only possible to incur real spirits and disasters, not as a joke without any influence."

"Is it that serious?" Sumita Sari asked in astonishment.

"It will only be more serious than what I said, not lighter." Qin Heqing nodded solemnly.

"Then I will tell Mali quickly and ask her to unwrap the app." After speaking, Sumita Sari picked up the phone again, unlocked it, found out the communication method of a good friend, and sent a message to the other party.


"Have you eaten? If not, let's continue." After a long while, Qin Heqing, who had finally finished the expensive dinner, asked Sumita Sauri, who looked at the contented face on the opposite side.

"Enough, eating too much at night is not good, it is not good for health." Sumita Sari shook his head and refused.

"That's OK, then let's leave here and go shopping outside." Qin Heqing smiled.

Then waved to the waiter and asked him to settle his consumption tonight.

Not to mention, it is a high-end western restaurant. The food and labor are not comparable to ordinary restaurants. The basic meal cost amounts to hundreds of thousands, not to mention that a 20% tax is added on this basis. There is not a lot to eat at the meal, but the cost is indeed not small, nearly a million...

"It cost you money." Sumita Sauri said embarrassedly.

"Money, life does not bring death, why do you earn it in your hands? Isn’t it just to enjoy life. So as long as it can make you smile, even if you spend more, I don’t feel distressed, even Secretly rejoicing, wanting to borrow it in exchange for more smiles on your face." Qin Heqing said shamelessly and without shame to Sumita Sauri beside him.

It made her very embarrassed, but she was somewhat unspeakable joy and sweetness...

"It will be greasy."

"Is my mouth very oily?" Qin Heqing asked with a smile when he approached Sum Tian Shali.


Then Qin Heqing smiled and took the hand of Sumita Sari, and in the latter's speechless eyes, she walked around the street.

Then watch a movie, sing, continue drinking by the way...

It wasn't until Sumita Sari had blushing cheeks and blurred eyes that she took her into a special hotel.

"I know, you are uneasy and kind." The Sumita yarn who almost leans on Qin Heqing's body spit out alcohol.

"Of course, didn't you know it a long time ago." Qin Heqing said with a smirk without shame.

"Hey, I didn't expect that one day I would become a so-called bad woman..." Sumita Sauri stretched out his hand to wrap Qin Heqing's neck and whispered, "Heqing, kiss me..."


At the same time, in the scientific research building attached to the headquarters of the Countermeasures Bureau, Director Nan looked at the contaminated members who were being studied and tossed by a group of scientific researchers in the isolation experiment and said, "Have you not found a cure?"

The head of the scientific research department, Fujitsu said with a wry smile, "No. We don't even have a clue to alleviate his problems."

"What about purification? You can't have a clue at all~www.ltnovel.com~ Director Nan frowned, and asked with some dissatisfaction.

"There is a little eyebrow in the purification aspect, but..." Fujigang hesitated.

"Just what?" Director Nan asked without giving him a chance to hesitate.

"It's just that the cost is very high. It is initially estimated that at least 100 million yen of materials are needed to roughly clean up one cubic meter of pollution. No matter how much... the figure will be astronomical, and it is definitely not the finance of our Countermeasures Bureau or even the Cabinet I can afford it." Fujitsu smiled bitterly.

"This is the final result?" Director Nan's face was completely black, and he asked in a gloomy voice.

"It's the laboratory conclusion." Fujitsu shook his head.

"Then continue to study. In any case, we have to find a low-cost but effective purification method, otherwise... If the Miyang thing really happened in Tokyo, you and I should both be prepared to apologize. Right." Director Nan turned around, staring at the Fujitsu Research Officer in front of him with a deep voice.

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