High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1096: client

"Yeah." Sumita Sari responded.

"Well, what you mean by calling me this call..." Qin Heqing sighed and asked helplessly.

"The day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow will be the farewell party in Ma Li, I hope you can spare some time then and come with me to have a look."

"Looking at what? Was she killed by the spirit?"


"Then if it is, what are you going to do?" Qin Heqing pulled the corner of his mouth and asked back on the phone.

"I do not know either."

"Don't know... OK, then you call me, and I will go with you to send off that Miss Marie." Qin Heqing agreed.

"Thank you."

"We don't need to be so polite between us."

Then the two hung up the phone, and Qin Heqing was also idle.

However, I didn’t completely idle, but after sitting still for a while, I picked up my phone again, entered my customer VIP group, and the contact group of the shrine visitor group, and told everyone about the ghost photo app. Now, lest these guys who have some interests related to them don't know the so-called, they are in trouble because of the novelty, and then it's not good to die by fate or something.

"Is this APP as evil as you said?" a customer questioned.

"Qin Jun is a priest. Since he has said so, there must be a problem with that app. Anyway, I will follow the advice and tell my family, relatives and friends, so that they don’t use it for novelty or other reasons. Stuff." Another customer retorted.

"me too."

"Then, what if I have already used it?" a customer hesitated.

Obviously, this should be a user, or victim, of a ghost photo app.

"Delete it first, and then come to the clubhouse some time, I'll show it to you." Qin Heqing replied with a message.

"Okay, I will delete it now." The man replied.

It’s just that the news hasn’t passed for a while, whether it’s the text or the dynamic pictures following the text, revealing the content of extremely anxious emotions, once again appeared in the LINE group chat interface——

"It's not good, Jun Qin, that APP can't be deleted at all! What should I do!! Will my child and I be in danger?"

It was still the original customer who revealed that he was a user of the Lingyi Photo APP, but the content described here shocked many people in the group. They left their business and paid attention to the group chat.

"Child? Isn't your Kanai also a user of that APP?" a female customer who knew this customer was surprised asked.

"I was taken by this child to download this app. Otherwise, I'm not a big person and I still pay attention to this kind of things."

"Well, listening to what you said, I feel it is necessary to ask my children if they are also using this kind of APP."

"Qin Jun, what should I do!!!"

"Did your children go home?" Qin Heqing asked back.

"Working on homework."

"In this way, you send me the address of your home in a private message, and I will bring the tools to your home to help you look it up, lest you encounter an accident because of impatience or something." Qin Heqing replied after thinking for a moment.


Then Qin Heqing's LINE jumped and the other party's private chat interface popped up and sent her home address.

And there is more than one doing this kind of thing. In just a moment, five, six, seven or eight private chat messages popped up, or asked if she could go to her house to help check, or else just meet other things, anyway The busy batch made Qin Heqing feel very speechless——

It is true that a single existence is equal to 500 ducks. Sure enough, it is not something ordinary people can bear.


Then Qin Heqing left the clubhouse and took the subway to the home of his client.

In a short while, Qin Heqing came to the door of the customer whose address he offered to ask for. Stepped forward and rang the doorbell.

"Now... now..."

"This is Xiaogong's house, may I ask who you are looking for."

"Hello, my name is Qin Heqing. I was invited by Ms. Xiaogong to come here to visit," Qin Heqing said to the electronic doorbell in front of him.

"Wait a minute."

After speaking, he heard a soft bang, and the closed iron fence door in front of Qin Heqing automatically opened to both sides, completely giving way to the inner courtyard house.

After that, Qin Heqing didn't hesitate, stepped into the courtyard of this western-style bungalow, which was not something ordinary people could buy, and walked straight to the door not far away.

As the door opened, a plainly dressed middle-aged woman stood at the door, waiting for Qin Heqing's arrival.

"Welcome, I am the maid of the Komiya family, Takako Iwata, Mrs. Gongmei is already waiting in the reception room, please come with me." The middle-aged woman who was waiting at the door bowed as soon as she saw Qin Heqing approaching. After a salute, the tone was soothing, but the introduction was very rhythmic.

"sorry to bother you."

Then Qin Heqing followed the maid into the house and walked towards the so-called reception room under the guidance of the latter.


"Madam." The woman who called herself Iwata Takako was so extravagant that the area alone was as large as the entire house of a high-end apartment, and the elegant woman sitting in the elegantly decorated living room greeted her.

"Jun Qin, you are here." The lady ignored her, but immediately stood up from the red precious sofa after seeing Qin Heqing next to her, her expression full of joy.

It looked like he had seen the arrival of the old friend, so Iwata Takako couldn't help but look at Qin Heqing more.

Of course, it's just a glance, as for more...

She is just a maid, not a spy, or a nail buried in the house by someone from the Xiaogong family. She doesn't care who Qin Heqing is or what she has to do with his wife, as long as it does not affect her work.

"Although you have known that Gongmei, your home is very difficult~www.ltnovel.com~, but I did not expect that your home is so simple. You built such a house directly here in Shenchuan. I have to say that I am a little surprised "Qin Heqing walked into the meeting room, looking at the elegant and graceful little Gonggong Mei Nuo, who seemed to outsiders, and gave people a kind of noblewoman.

Even if he is not very clear about the land price in Tokyo, he also understands that it is possible to build such a western-style house in Tokyo, especially near Chuo Ward and Tsukishima. If it's 8 billion, it can't be repaired at all!

Buying a foundation is pretty much the same.

"So what? When in trouble, I don't want to trouble you with strange things like you come and help." Xiao Gongmei smiled bitterly, and sat down with a helpless expression.

"Where is your daughter?" Qin Heqing nodded nonchalantly, looking at Gongmei Xiaogong and asking.

"In the bedroom. Do you need to call her down?"

"Call it down."

Gongmi Komiya nodded, took out her mobile phone and called her daughter...

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