High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1097: Demon

It really complied with the words of the Spring Festival Gala sketch; upstairs and downstairs, light telephone.

Although it seems that some donkey lips don’t match the horse’s mouth, in such a layered bungalow, when there are no servants to communicate, and when someone is particularly anxious to come to a certain place, there is really nothing more convenient than a phone call Means of communication.

So after a while, a young girl who was sixteen or seventeen years old and she knew she was also a high school student appeared in the drawing room.

"Mom, are you looking for me?" I remembered the girl named Kana wondering.

"Come on, I will introduce someone to you." Ms. Gongmi Xiaomiya stood up and laughed.

At the same time, Qin Heqing also stood up and looked at the girl——

She is indeed worthy of the identity of her eldest lady! Not only the temperament is excellent, but also otherworldly, but the appearance is also very unusual. It is not how ugly, but very beautiful. After all, both parents are excellent elites, and their genes are not bad, so as long as they were not well fed when they were young, it is still difficult for them to have children from a family like her.

Of course, those who unrestrainedly become fat or develop dudes will say something else.

However, it usually appears in non-foundation, or ordinary rich second generations. For example, the family can be passed on for more than three generations. In fact, it is difficult to appear such embarrassing play. Even if it comes out, it is only relative. For ordinary people in the circle with daughters or the descendants of the rich, their education is still at an elite level, which makes it difficult for ordinary people to reach and envy the existence of envy and hatred.

She is about 1.6 meters tall and wears an unbranded home sweater. She has long hair tied into a ponytail behind her head. She is white and pure, and she feels very refreshing.

"Jun Qin, this is my daughter, Kanai. I am 16 years old this year, and she is in the second grade of high school. If you have time in the future, you can contact me more and make friends to go out and play or something."

What this said was like pushing her daughter out for a blind date, making Qin Heqing and Kanai who were listening to them feel very speechless, but they couldn't say much.

Without him, I'm not familiar yet.

"Kana, this is King Qin and Qing Qin, the chief priest of the Qin's Inari Shrine in Niiza City, he is also a high school student like you." Then, Mrs. Gongmei said that his full name should be Kana of Kana Komiya. Introduced.

"Priest?" Kanai glanced at Qin Heqing in surprise, then turned to look at her mother.

"Yes, priest, the reason why I called you down is to ask Qin Jun to help you see if you are in any trouble." Mrs. Gongmei gave a wry smile and introduced her to her daughter.

"Trouble? What trouble can I get into." Kanai asked puzzledly.

"That's it..." Then Qin Heqing didn't hesitate, and explained the possible harms of using Lingyi APP to Kana Komiya and Mrs. Gongmei in detail.

"Is it that exaggeration?" Kanai asked suspiciously.

"I'd rather believe it if there is something or not. What's more, there is no way to delete mom's APP, which is absolutely impossible under normal circumstances, so my mom will invite Qin Jun over and let him watch it for us. See if you are being targeted by Spirituality."

Kanai silently took out her mobile phone and tried it. As Mrs. Gongmei said, she couldn't uninstall the Ghost Photos app.

It is the same even when using third-party cleaning software.

"Then we are being spotted now?" Kanai, who finally confirmed that Qin Heqing was not deceiving, frowned, and asked with a little anxiety in her eyes.

"Yes." Qin Heqing nodded.

"Is it serious?" Kanai asked.

"Mrs. Gongmei is okay here. Because of the less frequent use, her body is only marked, and I am not entangled by unknown ghosts, but Miss Kanai, you..." Qin Heqing paused.

"How is Kanai?" Mrs. Gongmei asked.

"Did Miss Kanai feel that her back is cooler recently, especially her shoulders are heavier, so she always feels pain when she doesn't move, and she always feels uneasy and has a feeling of being stared at?" Qin Heqing looked at her. Miya Kana said slowly while pressing her shoulder with her hand.

Suddenly, Kana Komiya's expression changed, and her face became stiff.

"It seems to be right." Qin Heqing smiled.

"Kana, is that true?" Mrs. Gongmei asked anxiously.

Kana nodded.

"Then why don't you tell your mother?" Mrs. Gongmei asked.

"I thought it was just a small matter..." Kanai replied with lack of confidence. After a meal, Qin Heqing asked, "Are we going to be fine as long as we solve the ghosts that are staring at us?"

"The premise is that you don't use the Lingyi Photo APP, and don't get in touch with magical affairs and events." Qin Heqing affirmed.

"How do we need to cooperate?" Kanai asked again.

"Call someone to buy two new mobile phones first." Qin Heqing said.

"Buy a mobile phone?" Kanai asked puzzled.

"The Lingyi Photo App is like a beacon. Even if you don’t pay attention to it, it will send out signals to the outside world all the time to attract the wandering monsters. Moreover, you don’t want to have an app that can attract weirdness in your mobile phone. Right?"

Kanai and Mrs. Gongmei shook their heads quickly, and without a word, they called a servant and asked her to go out and help buy two new mobile phones for themselves.

"By the way, do I need to change my number?" Mrs. Gongmei asked.

"The card doesn't need to be changed. I'll just clean it up for you when that happens. No, consider changing the number together." Qin Heqing shook his head.

"Does this solve the problem between me and my mother?"

"Of course, no." Qin Heqing smiled. "After that, you will have to take medicine and accept my sacred ritual, and then wait for me to solve the ghosts that haunt you, so that you can truly get rid of the spiritual entanglement and return to normal. In your daily life."

"Then hurry up, I don't want to be harassed by ghosts anymore." Kanai quickly urged ~www.ltnovel.com~ After hearing this, Mrs. Gongmei also nodded, wanting Qin Heqing to solve their problems quickly. Question, let it all end.

"Okay." Qin Heqing smiled and didn't talk nonsense. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the few evil spirits attached to Kanai's body. Qin Heqing took them into his hands. After turning, they collected them into the demon refining pot.

"By the way, I have to trouble you to change your clothes."

Naturally, I changed my current home wear and replaced them with swimsuits and bikinis that I would only wear when I went to the beach on vacation, so that Qin Heqing could use the purification rituals for them.

As for the reason?

Naturally, it is to make the purification more thorough. Otherwise, even if Qin Heqing uses the rituals with clothes to block him, there may be hidden corners in the end, which is not good.

It's definitely not that this kind of dress is more eye-catching for him, and it's more comfortable for them to change it.

I haven't seen it...

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