High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1101: Confirm

"Come on, let's take a picture." Just when Man Daoguang was thinking about the horror contained in the undead image in the Lingyi Photo APP material library, Qin Heqing suddenly put his arm around her waist and reminded him.

"Huh?" Manshima Guang was stunned and turned to look at him.

"Test it and see if the camera can pull the ghost out of the material library." Qin Heqing smiled.

"There is no danger, right." Manshima Hikaru, who already knew the horror contained in the ghost photo app, asked with some worry.

"No. Did you forget what I did?"

Man Dao Guang suddenly. Yes, Qin Heqing is a priest who specializes in handling supernatural events, so it may be dangerous to take pictures of herself or with someone else using the supernatural photo app, but with Qin Heqing...

It should be the undead in the material library that should be worried about the danger.

Immediately Man Daoguang put his heart down, nestled in Qin Heqing's arms, and put on a suitable photo pose.

"Come on, smile."

Manshima light cooperates. The crisp shutter sound reverberated throughout the living room. Then, in response, a dark and mysterious aura flowed out of the phone of Man Daoguang held by Qin Heqing, like two weird snakes, entangled in the bodies of Man Daoguang and Qin Heqing silently...

But in the next moment, the snake that entangled Qin Heqing was wiped out by Qin Heqing's natural spiritual spirit and celestial aura, and even with that, the many filthy aura entangled on Man Daoguang's body was also lightened a lot, from the original heavy label The character has become a general role as a supporting role.

"Mind if you take a few more pictures?" Qin Heqing, who noticed this situation, asked with his mobile phone.

"What?" Mandaoguang asked puzzledly.

"I want to verify whether my guess is correct." Qin Heqing said.

"Is there any danger?" Mandao Guang asked rhetorically after thinking about it.

"No." Qin Heqing shook his head.

"Then take it. Anyway, even if I don't agree to you, I should find someone else to try it. Instead of that, it's better to let you fulfill your wish now and save you from tossing others." Mandaoguang looked at him, Put on a posture of breaking the jar and falling.

"Just your kind heart." Qin Heqing smiled.

"If you don't take it yet, I'll get up if you don't take it." Man Dao Guang whitened him and urged.

"Photo, photo, this photo."

After that, Qin Heqing didn't talk nonsense, holding Man Daoguang around in her living room and took pictures.

One, two, three, five...

I took a few photos in a blink of an eye!

However, the undead of Ms. Marie that Qin Heqing was looking forward to did not appear, but the upgrade reminder of the app for supernatural photos suddenly popped up, prompting the owner of the phone to upgrade the app to enjoy more and better features.

"Wait, I'll be promoted." Qin Heqing said, pressing the consent button.

Subsequently, the interface jumped and entered the upgrade part.

And the speed is very fast, in just over a minute, the entire interface has been upgraded, from the original gloomy atmosphere to an increasingly exaggerated **** and cruel interface, the cold resentment envelops the entire phone, even if it is just holding it. It can feel a cold chill permeating, as if being in the snow and ice of Hokkaido, making people shiver involuntarily and subconsciously.

In addition, the coldness of Man Daoguang's body also skyrocketed, from the level of the original dragon set supporting role to the level of the protagonist, the aura of resentment was permeated, and it seemed that every move could bring unpredictable terrible consequences.

"All right."

Then Qin He counted the interface of opening the APP, entered the interior, and retrieved the upgraded functions of the APP.

There are not many, there are only three; one is the group ghost function, that is, from the original synthesis method that can only merge one undead into the photo, it has the ability to fuse multiple ghosts in one photo. Second, then It has the ability to shoot supernatural videos. That is to say, as long as Mandaoguang thinks, you can directly convert it into a supernatural video when making a small video, or use supernatural background effects directly when recording, so that the entire video can be converted during the production process. .

Then there are three, a function that makes people a little confusing-immersive!

It's not a VR game, and it doesn't have an external device. I really don't understand how his APP makes people come to the scene...

"Come and try this immersive function." Qin Heqing blinked.

"Whatever you want, anyway, I will give you the 100 kilograms today, and then it's up to you to die or live." Mandaoguang said indifferently.

Then Qin Heqing decisively set on the time and completed the immersive options.

"Do you feel it?" Qin Heqing asked, turning his head towards Man Daoguang beside him.

"How does it feel?" Mandaoguang asked back.

"That seems to be gone." Qin Heqing thoughtfully looked at the phone interface and said, "Do you want to use it with the material selection?"

As he said, Qin Heqing moved his fingers again and clicked on Miss Mari’s profile picture and the profile pictures of several other beautiful female ghosts, then set the scene and pressed the camera button——


After the crisp sound, a terrible atmosphere of resentment broke out in the entire apartment instantly, a strong mental signal permeated, and the silhouettes of several female ghosts emerged in this sudden outbreak of resentment. He came out, wandering, and moved towards Mandaoguang and him.


Then Qin Heqing felt his body tighten, was screamed, and hugged Man Daoguang with a look of fear.

"Can you see them?" Qin Heqing asked, turning his head to look at the face of Man Daoguang who was almost close to him.

"Ah ah ah ah! Hurry, get rid of them!!" Mandao Guang did not answer, but urged loudly with his eyes closed.

But from this performance alone, it can be understood that Manshima Hikari can see them.

Immediately Qin Heqing no longer talked about it. With a single-handed move, those ghosts looked scary. In fact, the female ghost who was really not terrible in nature was caught by Qin Heqing with a technique similar to that of a congenital master.~www .ltnovel.com~ Changed hands and threw it into the world of pots to be processed.

"Alright." Qin Heqing patted Man Daoguang's shoulder.

"Really?" Manshima Hikaru hesitated.

"Really, if you don't believe me, see for yourself."

Hikaru Manshima was skeptical, but he slowly opened his eyes and scanned the room secretly—

Sure enough, as Qin Heqing said, the scary ghosts before were gone, just like phantoms.

"Huh... just now those were..." Man Dao Guangchang exhaled, then asked Qin Heqing timidly again.

"As you think, those are the ghost bodies in the ghost photos app material library. With the help of the immersive mode and shooting function that I just turned on, we use the mobile phone signal and the APP upgrade. The breath of the body is the coordinate, and it crosses the space to come to us. At the same time, I understand that my previous guess is not wrong. The Lingyi Photo APP really has a way to kill the users and imprison their souls in the so-called Become its accomplice in its material library."

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