High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1102: Woolen

"Ah, it's so dangerous!" Man Daoguang said in surprise after hearing Qin Heqing's account.

"Then you help me solve it. I don't want to get involved with it."

"Wait." Qin Heqing refused.

"What are you waiting for?" Man Daoguang said dissatisfied.

"Wait for me to finish the wool." Qin Heqing smiled.


"It's a rare opportunity to get a lot of dead spirits easily. If you don't clean it up, I will not be reconciled." Qin Heqing explained with a smirk.

"Are you not afraid of a bad operation and capsize the ship halfway?" Mandaoguang said silently.

"Not afraid." Qin He calmly said. Then he looked at Manshima Hikari, who seemed to be speechless by his behavior, and continued, "Didn't I tell you that I have actually become a god?"

"Huh? You, become a god?!" Man Daoguang said in astonishment.

"Of course. So as long as it's not a god-level existence, ordinary monsters and monsters will appear in front of me as if they are delivering food, so you can safely cooperate with me to catch the undead in the spiritual photo app material library."

"You can call people." Man Daoguang said with his mouth curled when Qin Heqing was bragging.

"Call, did I call you?"

Man Daoguang glanced at him, seemingly impatiently urging, "Don't hurry up."

"Come here." Qin Heqing smiled, stretched out his hand to wrap around Daoguang's waist again, and drew his head to her side, posing in a pose for a couple in a photo shoot, and then he raised Daoguang's mobile phone. I picked up a bunch of materials and started shooting.


Familiar grievances erupted, and another group of undead who didn’t know how to die, but were full of resentment towards humans, followed the beacon and appeared in Man Daoguang’s room, and then Qin Heqing grabbed it with a congenital master. Refining the demon pot.

Then came the second batch.

The third batch.

The fourth batch...

Until the innumerable batch.

"Hey, there seems to be no more." Because I have seen countless times, from the initial horror to the dullness in the back, and even now the numb Man Daoguang looked at the living room that has not changed in any way, and reminded Qin Heqing next to him. "Could it be that all the ghosts in the material library have been emptied by you?"

"I don't know. But it should be." Qin Heqing said, holding the phone in front of him, and clicking on the material library of the Lingyi Photo APP again——

However, the situation that greeted the eyes was that the original material library was full of Dangdang, and now there is no picture of a dead person's wraith. It is empty, just like a display.

"It seems that we are really tossing in the air." Qin Heqing fiddled with it twice, even deliberately illuminating himself and Man Dao, and he still didn't make any moths, he said helplessly.

How come it is such a rare opportunity to draw wool?

Really unscrupulous.

"Then what are you waiting for, don't hurry up to solve the problem on me." Hikaru Manshima, who can finally bid farewell to the Lingyi Photo APP, said excitedly.

"Okay, you can take off your clothes." Qin Heqing replied indisputably.

"Huh? Take off your clothes?" Mandao Guang said in amazement.

It’s not that she resists the act of undressing. As an actor, she often undresses in front of the filming staff on the screen, let alone the special physical therapy service in the clubhouse. Qin Heqing had already seen and touched him, so let alone taking off his clothes, even if he was one step closer, Man Dao Guang didn't mind.

Even if she already has a boyfriend, and she has been dating for three years...

But just as marriage can divorce, having a boyfriend can naturally become no boyfriend.

Not to mention that in island countries, derailment is about to become a normal life activity for women, especially for modern women, when a young man carrying his boyfriend and looking pleasing to the eye happened. Activities that go beyond friendship are not difficult to understand and unacceptable.

So why is she still so surprised?

There is no other reason, but I didn't expect that the final moment when dealing with supernatural problems would be in this state!

Coupled with these jokes when the two first met, Man Dao Guang had to wonder whether Qin Heqing’s final exorcism really required him to meet frankly, or whether he was using Qin Heqing to use the topic and then what happened to him. .

"Looking at you, I know that you must be crooked." Qin Heqing looked at Man Daoguang with a weird expression and said irritably, "Yes, I am very interested in you and want to happen to you something you like. And using that method can indeed better remove the weird aura that is contaminated inside and outside of your body. But I am not so ignorant. Without asking your opinion, I will just use that method to satisfy my own ideas. So I let you take off your clothes only because the next sacred ritual requires you to keep your body unobstructed, so that the power of the ritual can flow through your whole body, and the filthy air that is entangled outside your body can be taken away and expelled. "

"That kind of thing can really exorcise the devil?" Man Dao Guang looked at him with bright eyes, and asked curiously.

"Other priests and mages must not do anything, but I can." Qin Heqing replied, staring at Man Daoguang.

"Why?" Manshima Guang couldn't understand.

Aren’t all priests, why can’t you do others?

"Because I am a god." Qin He Qing replied of course. After a meal, he continued dumbfoundingly, "Don't you think I was bragging with you just now?"

Mandaoguang nodded, indicating that's what I think.

"But that's right. After all, it's a modern society. Even before the environment changes, even demons and ghosts are rare, let alone gods?" Qin Heqing shrugged. "But the fact is that I am really a god, or more accurately. Some people say that I am an immortal! By the way, do you know what an immortal is?"

"Know ~www.ltnovel.com~ Mandaoguang nodded affirmatively.

She is not illiterate, she naturally knows what kind of existence the so-called immortal refers to. That is a special existence comparable to gods, and even higher than gods!

It is said that this kind of state was pursued and practiced by Prince Shotoku in his later years.

"It's good if you can understand. Therefore, there is a special kind of clear and holy light in my body, which can benefit all those who have in-depth communication with me, so as to excrete the filth and poison in the body from the inside out. , Cleans the body, and even preserves the appearance, so that people stay young and permanent." Qin Heqing explained.

"In other words, as long as you do that kind of thing with you, you can stay young forever, right?" Man Daoguang asked with bright eyes.

Sure enough, a creature like a woman, at any moment, pays much more attention to her own appearance than everything else.

It's also very helpless.

"Yes." Qin Heqing nodded speechlessly and admitted.

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