High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1104: Accomplishment

"Okay, get it done."

It was only the voice that fell, not a particularly strong sound, but the explosion sounded through the living room of the apartment abruptly.


Then the fragments flew around, making a mess of the living room that was not damaged or messy due to the battle...

"It exploded?!" Qin Heqing looked at the glass fiber reinforced plastic coffee table shattered by the explosion, as well as the broken mobile phone that was originally placed on the coffee table, but now only a little bit of debris is left.

"Is the connection so strong?"

"It may also be caused by the Yin Qi that broke out when that guy appeared." Yue'er walked to the wreck and looked at it, looking thoughtfully at the Yin Qi remaining on it.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out." Qin Heqing nodded in agreement. Then turned his head and looked at Sadako who still maintained the image of Sadako, but became more and more holy and pure because of the divine power release, and asked, "By the way, Sadako, what's the situation with you."

Naturally, the question was where she suddenly transformed from Ayukawa during the previous battle.

"I don't know. It's just that I suddenly felt that Ayukawa's consciousness was suppressed and let go of the prohibition, and then I came out." Because of the Holy Spirit, the voice and the way of speaking have become ordinary, even The more pleasing and attractive Sadako recalled the situation just now and replied.

"Is that so...It seems that I can only wait and ask that person in person." Qin Heqing thought about it, and shook his head.

"Then you two help clean up the debris, I'll go up first."

Both Yue'er and Zhenzihua's Ayukawa didn't answer, so they watched the naked Qin Heqing return to the jump layer and disappeared into their sight.

"I'm not afraid to die on a woman." Yue'er snorted slightly uncomfortably.

Sadako remained silent, mobilizing the power of thought to clear up the chaos caused by the explosion of the phone...


There was nothing wrong for the next night, and time came to the next day in a blink of an eye.

"Huh?" Man Daoguang, who woke up from his sleep, frowned, and his nose moved at a speed visible to the naked eye. "What smells, it smells."

Following Man Daoguang opened his eyes, he sat up from the bed.

"Eh?! What is this on my body, why is it so smelly!" Man Daoguang frowned and muttered as he looked at his arms, and the inexplicable substances on his body and legs that were stained like sludge, not only pitch black but also exuding a bad smell Tao.

"Remember what I told you yesterday?" Qin Heqing, who didn't know when to get up, and had already washed and dressed, leaned on the wall on one side of the bedroom, looking at Man Dao Guangqing sitting on the big bed in the middle of the bedroom. Smiled.

"What are you talking about?" Mandao Hikari said inexplicably.

"The person who does that with me will cleanse the body from the inside out, and get rid of the toxins accumulated in the body for a long time." Qin Heqing smiled and said, "In addition to this, you are very seriously infected. Spiritual and filthy aura, so the effect is naturally stronger and more significant. If you don’t believe me, feel it carefully, do you feel your body feels a lot easier?

"It seems to be a lot easier. Even the backache and leg pain caused by filming before seems to be gone. It's amazing!" Man Daoguang closed his eyes and felt it, and then said with surprise in surprise.

"So, if you want to live a long life and stay youthful in the future, just indulge me. Otherwise, huh." Qin Heqing deliberately raised his chin, and said proudly.

"Virtue." Man Dao Guang whitened him, went to the ground, and quickly ran towards the bathroom. "No, these things on my body are too stinky. I have to wash them off quickly."

After that, Hikaru Manshima got into the bathroom and rinsed with water.

Until a long time later.

"You smell it, can I still smell it?" Man Daoguang, who was wearing only a bath towel, walked up to Qin Heqing and handed his arm over.

"Nothing." Qin Heqing smelled it and shook his head.



"Huh, I've finally washed it, otherwise, I don't know how to go out later." Man Dao Guang said in a strong tone and relaxed.

"Even if you are stinky, with your current popularity and status, there will still be many men who like you." Qin Heqing joked which pot or not to open.

"You're so stupid." After a while, he said in an unbelievable way. "But I really didn't expect that the effect of doing something like that with you could be so powerful. Doesn't it mean that as long as we get you, we women Don’t worry about your appearance and aging in your life?"

"So?" Qin Heqing asked with interest.

"I'm going to catch you, hide in a place that only I know, and then squeeze your energy every day to turn you into an elixir until you have no effect." Man Dao Guang said with a vicious expression on his face. .

"Yeah, I'm so scared! No! I can't stay by your crazy woman's side anymore. I have to run quickly. I don't want to be only your longevity tool in the future." Qin Heqing said, with the book in his hand. Yihe, stood up, and walked towards the door.

"Isn't it enough for you to have me?" Man Daoguang asked while sitting on the sofa without moving, watching Qin He Qingyuan go.

"Not enough!" Qin Heqing replied without looking back.

"Then you are ready to go! After you get out of this door, don't expect me to be on your bed like yesterday!" Man Dao Guang hummed.

"No, I believe it won't take many days, you will come to me again, I promise." Qin Heqing joked while standing in the hallway. Then after a meal, he continued to say, "Okay, I'm leaving, let's call again if I have anything to do. Oh, yes, and also, your phone has been blown up because of the black hand behind the Ghost Photo APP, and the card is broken. If you want to contact me again, you may need to go to the business hall and re-apply again. Don’t forget to get it later.”

"Don't stay to eat and leave?" Mandaoguang asked, standing up.

"No, I'm worried that if I don't leave, I'll run into your boyfriend, which would be bad."

Then Qin Heqing opened the door and left Man Daoguang's apartment.

"Go~www.ltnovel.com~ Bang."


"Huh?" Downstairs of Mandao Guangzhu's high-end apartment, Qin Heqing, who was passing by a man, suddenly stopped, looked at the figure of a man who had entered the apartment building with a slight sound. Moaning.

"What's the matter?" Yue'er wondered.

"The man just now seems to be Yongshan Xuandou." Qin Heqing replied.

"Yongshan Xuandou? Who is that?" Yue'er asked puzzledly.

"It's the boyfriend Ms. Mitsushima is dating." At this time, Ayukawa interface who had changed back to Ayukawa's appearance replied.

"Huh? That's really like what you said, I left in time." Yue'er responded with a smile on his face.

"I didn't expect that what I said would become true." Qin Heqing shrugged and said, "Let's go, let's go back, and we will meet the mysterious man behind the scenes."

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