High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1105: Fate is wonderful

"What are you doing?" After a long time, in the world of Huzhong, the restrained and suppressed man behind the scenes looked at Qin Heqing who appeared in front of him again, and Yue'er and Ayukawa on one side asked quietly.

"Come and talk with you." Qin Heqing waved his hand into a chair and placed it under him, sat down, and said with a smile on his legs.

"Talk? You don't look like you are going to talk." The black hand behind the scenes sneered.

"Oh, what does it look like?" Qin Heqing asked with interest.


"It's not wrong to say that. After all, you are now my prisoner, so there is nothing unreasonable about the interrogation." Qin Heqing nodded, pretending to be affirmative.

"Do you think I will cooperate with you?" asked the black hand behind the scenes, unable to detect the expression.

"Personally, I still hope you can cooperate with me, so that I can save trouble and you can suffer less pain." Qin Heqing replied.

"Pain? There are not too many things and punishments in this world that can make me feel painful." Behind the scenes and in a hand tone calmly and boldly responded.

"So, you are also the one who ran up from hell?" Qin Heqing's eyes flashed when he heard the words, and he murmured.

"Are you trying to do what I said?" asked the black hand behind the scenes.

"After all, depending on your appearance, you don't plan to cooperate, do you," Qin Heqing said.

"Although the rules of the world are nothing more than success or failure, it also depends on whether I am willing to accept and cooperate with you as the king to act, so don't expect to inquire about anything from me. I will not I’ll tell you what I know, and I’m not going to make up some nonsense to fool you into doing stupid things, so if you want to kill you, you have to shave you, if I frown, I’m not..." At the end, it’s another Stopped abruptly, looking like he didn't intend to let Qin Heqing know the name, which was quite a headache for Qin Heqing.

"Not what?" Qin Heqing asked.

However, the black hand behind the scenes was determined and did not intend to say another word. When he closed his eyes, he came out of sight.

"Why is this?" Qin Heqing sighed.

"Did you swallow it with me?" Ayukawa asked Qin Heqing.

"Forget it, this guy's situation is rather weird. It seems that there is some way to target you. In addition, you have just swallowed Kiyoshi Kashiwagi before, and swallowing this special existence too frequently has a great impact on your spiritual purity. , Let's use my power." Qin Heqing waved his hand.

After that, he no longer hesitated and verbose. With a thought, he threw the black hand behind the scenes into the furnace, and used the power of the magic pot to split his existence and various memories...


In just over ten minutes, the existence of the black hand behind the scenes was completely decomposed, transformed into the vitality of the five elements of Yin and Yang that the world in the pot needs, and melted into the movement of the world.

Then Qin Heqing moved his mind to activate the unique power of demon refining pot and synthesize a small narcissus with a unique formula. Then, when he caught the black hand behind the refining, the remaining soul information was cast into the synthetic light group. Combine it with the newly produced little narcissus.

Suddenly, the soft warm light broke out, and a fresh and lovely little narcissus appeared in the eyes of Qin Heqing, Yue'er and Ayuchuan again.

"Master." Xiao Narcissus blinked and flew to Qin Heqing and said happily.

"The memories are all merged?" Qin Heqing asked, reaching out and touching Xiao Narcissus's head.

"Well, it's all in my head." Little Narcissus nodded beautifully and confirmed.

"Then tell me, who the memory integrated into your body belongs to, and its experience." Qin Heqing smiled, retracted his palm, and ordered the little narcissus flying in front of him.

"Yes." Following the little Narcissus, he didn't hesitate to tell the information that had emerged in his mind.

It’s also a coincidence that the guy was not the evil spirit returned from **** that Qin Heqing thought, but the evil spirit born in the present era, and the time is not too long, it is less than 30 years, and it is the Baimu who Qin Heqing killed before. Kiyoshi's companion!

Yes, companion! Accompany him to study Sadako's resurrection companion.

It’s no wonder that he looks a little strange after seeing Ayukawa, and can perform specialization attacks on Ayukawa/Sadako...

"Do you know this person?" Qin and Ayukawa who listened quietly beside Qing Dynasty asked.

"No impression." Ayukawa (Sadako) shook his head.

"By the way, what role is he mainly responsible for in the resurrection research?" Qin Heqing nodded and asked Xiao Narcissus again.

"Program editor. He was a computer hacker before his death and mastered very powerful program editing skills. Therefore, during the resurrection of Miss Sadako, he was mainly responsible for the publicity and image dissemination tasks on the Internet." Xiao Narcissus replied .

"Then how did he become like this now?" Qin Heqing continued to ask.

The reason turned out to be related to Sadako's affairs.

Because of the relationship revealed by Kiyoshi Kashiwagi, as a member of the gang, he did not unexpectedly fall into the eyes of the police and the members of the countermeasures bureau. He was then hunted down, making him a little bit miserable, unable to eat and sleep, and then nothing. Attention, the gas that was forgotten to turn off killed...

Then he became a ghost, and he didn't know if his consciousness was strong enough before his death, or for other reasons, he kept his memory of his life well, so that he had new ideas about his situation——


That is to learn the communication method of Miss Sadako and become a network ghost!

And it really made him succeed.

But it didn't take long for the Bureau of Countermeasures to supervise similar information strongly, and it ended without a problem. With this ability to spread through electronic signals, there is no way to harm living people like Sadako...

Then he had to change his strategy and seek other abilities that would make him stronger quickly and even become a ghost.

Then he discovered the existence of the mobile phone.

It’s just that although the old old mobile phone can be used by him~www.ltnovel.com~, it is not as convenient as a smart phone and the network is not as fast as a 4G network. So in those few years, although he also used the mobile phone to kill people, but It has never been able to grow bigger and was targeted by the Countermeasures Bureau, so it survived until recently that it started with the rise of APP.

But it didn't come to my mind. Not long after the fire, Qin Heqing slapped the wool, so that he also got in at the end...

"In other words, there is only him and him behind the Lingyi Photo APP?" Qin Heqing confirmed by looking at the little Narcissus in front of him.

"Yes, Master." Little Narcissus affirmed.

"That's a good thing." Qin Heqing smiled.

In this way, even if the Lingyi Photo APP is not directly abolished, it is estimated that it will not have the ability to harm people. Not to mention that the ghosts of his material library have been taken away by himself. If there is no supplement for a long time, even those who are interested in this APP will quickly lose interest in it and forget its existence. Let the harm of APP be minimized.

"By the way, is there a way for your memory to delete the supernatural photo app?"

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