High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1110: examination

"The empty position in the last row is." The girl turned to look at the empty table at the end of the second column on the door side of the back row of the classroom.

"Oh, thank you." Qin Heqing nodded and walked over with his schoolbag.

"By the way, Jun Qin, aren't you not using it for school anymore, why are you still taking the final exam? Are you ready to come back to class?" The young man who had spoken to the girl named Yuki turned half and looked towards. Qin Heqing in the back row asked with confusion.

"I have this plan." Qin Heqing walked to his seat, pulled the chair away and sat down.

"Really?" The boy was surprised, "Why?"

"Isn’t this the third year of high school? After this winter vacation, we will start preparing for further studies. In other words, the time we can study together is less than 60 days, so in order to give our own high school To leave some good memories, I plan to temporarily stop the self-study process and come back to study with you." Qin Heqing explained with a smile.

This is also a kind of cherished thought that unnaturally emerged in her heart after Kato Megumi visited his apartment that day.

Otherwise, with his current volatility, he has no intention of studying well in school.

"That feeling is good. I will tell other people the news later, so that they will be happy too." The boy laughed.

"Wait. After all, the exam is about to begin. Telling them this time will only distract them. If the exam fails, it won't be good to rely on you." Qin Heqing reminded Tao.

"Really. Wait a minute, and tell them the news after the exam is over." The teenager thought about it and felt that, he didn't want to recite this inexplicable pot!

It's not a stranger. Who doesn't know the grades of those guys. That's really the right and left horizontal bars on the passing line. The masters who may get the score at any time, but it's not easy to be their background board.

Then the pretty Kato Megumi also walked into the classroom with his schoolbag, smiled at Qin and Qing, and sat down at his desk.

Then the teacher arrived and officially announced the start of the exam.

Yes, there is no class division, no dislocation, and the final academic ability test of this semester started directly in the classroom.

As for the reason, it is also very simple. It has something to do with the class status of high schools in island countries and the distribution of students——

As an island country with a serious declining birthrate, the subsequent problem of the source of students every year is a headache and helplessness for public and private schools. Therefore, in order to ensure that their schools can survive, cross districts and even prefectures and counties. Recruiting outstanding students from areas other than the source area has become a normal operation.

But still a little bit unable to make ends meet-

After all, a prestigious school is not that you say that you are a prestigious school or a prestigious school, but it depends on your school’s enrollment rate at a well-known university. Therefore, even if you find a good seed, you may have preferential policies such as tuition reduction or exemption, including meals and accommodation. May not be able to stop the beckoning of teachers from famous schools...

And the result of this is that even if the school survives, the number of students in the school is pitiful, unlike domestic high schools at all. I can only wait for every class to be full of students.

Therefore, the students are scattered seriously. Basically, the number of students in each class can only be 30 or 40 people. Naturally, the space between tables and chairs is even larger. If students have one person and one table, there is also a gap between each other. Left and right, enough to be used as an examination room for students to take exams.

What's more, the final academic ability test is not a simulation test for entrance exams. It just checks the students' learning conditions. It doesn't have to be as strict as a unified exam.

Then the teacher handed out the papers and announcing the discipline of the test. He took a stool at the desk and sat down, holding his shoulders, and scrutinizing the students in the class, in case there are those who are lucky enough to be shameless. Hook up other students to cheat.

Naturally, Qin Heqing ignored these. After getting the paper and briefly examining the roll, he picked up the pencil and quickly answered——







At the end of the day, I did nothing but the exam.

Fortunately, it is only on this day. After that, the normal school process can be resumed until the school officially starts on the 20th and reopens on January 6th of the following year, and then persists until March, and the entire senior year course is over.

At that time, it’s not so easy to go to school, to graduate, to graduate, to enter the preparatory class (repetition), and if you want to meet again or live so leisurely, it’s not that easy.

"Heqing, let's go to play together later?" After the exam, the boy in the same class called Chuan Hehai.

"What are you playing?" Qin Heqing asked curiously.

"I don't know, this won't be clear until others arrive." Chuan Hehai shook his head.

"Who else did you call?" Qin Heqing asked curiously.

"Chuansuke, Qingzhi, Long, Qingming, Yima..." Chuan Hehai didn't pretend to be affectionate, and eloquently said the names of seven or eight people. Basically, Qin and Qing were able to play together when he was still in school, or say with him. His best friend, Gao Banchuan, has a good relationship with schoolboys, and he is familiar with him, and he will not be embarrassed or embarrassed.

"Well, I'll wait for you downstairs."

"it is good."

Then Qin and Qingchuan joined the sea and found Megumi Kato, who had also packed up, and followed her to the downstairs, where they changed their shoes at the entrance.

"You heard that too, I'm going to get together with Kawasuke and Hai. I can't walk away, so I won't send you back." Qin Heqing said with a regretful expression.

"It doesn't matter, after all, you haven't been with them for a long time, don't care about me... But, are you sure you want to go back to school and study with us next? Will it delay your other things?" After replacing the little black leather shoes that belonged to him and distributed them with the uniform, he asked a little unexpectedly while putting the indoor shoes back in the shoe cabinet.

"It doesn't matter, it's not that you need to go to school all day~www.ltnovel.com~Qin Heqing smiled indifferently.

This is also true.

After all, the high schools in the island country have class hours, from 8:30 in the morning to 3:30 in the afternoon. Even if Toyonosaki High School is a private school, the courses are relatively heavy, and the latest is only four o'clock. There is still a lot of time to use. You can continue to undertake various businesses according to the current situation, and then wait until after school to deal with it.

What's more, there are only two things that he really deserves attention now-one, the infected people on the countermeasures.

Although I don't know what went wrong, and the Countermeasures Bureau has excluded him, he still needs to pay attention.

After all, this involves the issue of treatment, which is not good for negligence.

Second, it is the matter of the evil ghost king. I also don't know why, it seems that there has been no news recently, and I can only wait for the response from the countermeasure bureau or curse forbidden road to decide how to deal with its problem.

So people are very relaxed and can take care of both sides, while being his student, while continuing his turbulent life.

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