High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1111: get together

"That's good." Kato Kee tipped his toes on the ground, making the shoes more fit. "Speaking of which, I also want to finish the final high school semester with Kiyoshi."

"Don't worry, when this winter vacation is over, I will definitely show up at school as soon as school starts, I promise." Qin Heqing smiled.

"Yeah. Then I'll go first."

"Well, be careful on the way, remember to call me if you have anything."


Then Kato Megumi and Qin Heqing waved their hands and left the teaching building under Qin Heqing's watch. They left Toyonosaki High School with the crowd after school and embarked on their way home.

Qin Heqing did not leave, but walked to the door wearing the changed shoes, waiting boredly for a few Gaoban Chuansuke.

Fortunately, it was not a long time, and in just a moment, Gao Banchuansuke walked out of the teaching building and walked to the door.

"Heqing, wait in a hurry." Gao Banchuanjie walked over and hooked Qin Heqing's neck with a familiar and affectionate look, and asked with a smile.

"Fortunately, how about you guys, have you decided where to go to play?" Qin Heqing also smiled and shook his head, looking at the other people and asked.

"Kawasuke meant to go to the game hall to play video games. Yima said he wanted to play billiards. Qingming said he wanted to go to the bar to pick up girls. Long said to sing K. I feel pretty good, so I want to ask your opinion. Today you are the protagonist." Chuan Hehai pointed to several companions around him and stated one by one.

"Forget it at the bar. Just our costume, which bar would dare to put us in? Don't be afraid that the police will come to you." Qin Heqing smiled and glanced at Qingming who suggested to go to the bar, and rejected.

"Ha, I forgot about the clothing problem, or else, let's go back and change clothes first, and then gather at an appointment?" Qingming was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly gave a solution.

"Do you want to make a girl that way?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

"You are full guys, I don't know if the hungry guys are hungry, you, who are you?"

"Megumi Kato." Qin Heqing couldn't help reminding him that this was another rule-level low presence of Megumi Kato.

"Yes, Kato Megumi. Kawasuke has Ruri, and Kiko, who has a childhood sweetheart. Although Ryu is single, there are girls who like him. It can be said that if he wants to, he can immediately leave his single life and become a current person. Just me, No one likes it, and I didn’t find someone I like in the school. What else can I do if I don’t go outside to find it? I can’t watch you and your other half eyebrows every day and bite the air by yourself.” Qingming pointed to Qin Heqingji with an unhappy face People vomit.

"Then have you soaked in a girl?" the boy named Yima asked curiously.

"No." Qingming shook his head in frustration. Then, without waiting for others to say anything, he continued, "But it's because I haven't achieved results that I have to work harder! I don't believe it. With my Qingming appearance, I can't get a girlfriend."

"..." In an instant, the others were silent, and they all turned their eyes to talk about the entertainment location.

"Or, let's go to the game hall, where there are game consoles and billiard tables, and then go to the Ikebukuro karaoke hall to sing K when you are tired, what do you think?"

"Hey! What do you mean, are you doubting my ability?" Qingming asked loudly dissatisfied.

"Qingming, let's face it, you look like you are really not suitable for going to a bar to pick up girls, so let's find another way." Qin Heqing patted his shoulder sympathetically.

No way, although Qingming is tall and thin, and taller than ordinary low islanders, his appearance...

I don’t know if it’s been holding back for too long, or it’s an endocrine problem. My face is not white but it is covered with red pimples. It is said that after using several kinds of cosmeceuticals, I can’t get rid of it. I don't know when I am the head.

But the net worth is quite rich. The pocket money alone is 100,000 yuan per month. It is not enough to say that I can continue to ask my parents for it. I am worthy of being able to go to a middle-class family in a private school like Toyonosaki High School...

It's just that, who among the few present has a bad net worth?

Therefore, even if he wants to show off, he can only go to a place like a bar to show his presence.

Unfortunately, age is another problem, so it's no wonder that he is now looking like a defeated cock, and everyone is unhappy.

"Ahhhh, Qin Heqing, I'm going to tear your mouth!" Qingming roared.

"Hahahaha, I'm so scared." As he said, Qin Heqing didn't hesitate, and ran out of the school quickly.

Then the other people left the campus squabbling around and rushed to their first destination-the nearby amusement arcade, preparing to start today's party with the amusement arcade.


"I heard you are writing now?" In the arcade, the dragon who was fighting Qin Heqing against the King of Fighters asked casually while slamming the button to release the ultimate move. I don't know if it is really curious, or is taking the opportunity to distract Qin Heqing's attention, so that he can win the battle.

"Who did you listen to?" Qin Heqing asked, refusing to show weakness, staring at the characters on the screen.

"Of course it is the guy Kawasuke. Among us, he has contacted you more often."

"Are you jealous?"

"A ghost is jealous. You are not a woman."


Qin Heqing won and killed the dragon character.

"Damn it, I didn't expect even my Iori to lose to you, no, I have to fight again!" After saying that, Long took another game coin from the machine and put it into the game machine.

"Although let the horse come here." Qin Heqing believed.


"Heqing." After the game was over, Qin Heqing, who was sipping a drink and watching the strange girl playing the dance machine, was touched by Takasuke.

"What are you doing?" Qin Heqing wondered.

"Look at that woman over there, it feels so weird." Takahashikawa pointed to the door of the toilet or the door leading to some place not far away, half of her body as if she was peeping at someone. Said the woman who was hiding behind the door, only half of her head was exposed, and her face was still covered by long hair, giving a sense of weirdness.

"Which one?" Qin Heqing curiously called ~www.ltnovel.com~ it's over there. "Takabankawasuke pointed out quietly with his fingers.


"Isn't it weird?" Takahashikawa asked.

"Don't look, it's not a living person, it's looking for a grieving ghost to replace the dead ghost." Qin Heqing said with a solemn expression, staring at the weird woman over there and whispered.

"Ah?! That's a ghost?!" Gao Banchuansuke exclaimed, only halfway through his words, he instinctively covered his mouth with his hands, and looked terribly afraid of being heard, which was quite strange.

"Yeah." Qin Heqing nodded.

"That..." Although Gao Banchuanjie didn't say it explicitly, Qin Heqing still heard it, asking him if he wanted to deal with the ghost.

"I'll go and take a look." Qin Heqing glanced at Gao Banchuansuke and said quietly.

Immediately stepped forward, and really walked towards the female ghost.

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