High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1113: pit

With the last two goals left, Seimei, who had always had the advantage before, actually missed and gave up the right to hit the ball.

You know, here is not snooker, but the overall score is pursued, so even if there is a miss later, as long as the early score is high enough, you can still win the game. It is a fancy nine ball that ordinary people can play. , In other words, if you want to win the game, you need to hit the black eight into the pocket first after you have finished playing all the suits or colors you want to play.

That is to say, grab eight in the rules.

This threat was too great for Seimei who had lost his first mover, and it could even be said that he directly gave up his winner.

No, within a minute, the hot girl Yu Jie smoothly scored the last black bait into the bag and won this victory.

"You lost, little brother." Yu Jie stood by the pool table with a stick, smiling as she reminded Qingming, who was unwilling to lose because of the loss.

"I'm not convinced, I want to play another round." Qingming retorted with his neck.

"Yes. I just want to lose the gambling, and pay the lottery for this game first." Yu Jie's expression remained unchanged, and she said quietly with a smile.

"Caito? What color tou?" Qin Heqing and the others changed their expressions, looked at each other and asked in a deep voice.

"Look at your clothes... I think it should be his classmates." Yu Jie turned her head and looked at the Qin Heqing who suddenly appeared, and asked thoughtfully, "Then you should ask him by yourself and save me. After I said it, I was questioned as I was deceiving the child. I don't want to carry this kind of black pot.

After speaking, Sister Yu turned around and walked aside, took a bottle of drink from the waiter in the game hall, opened it, and drank it.

"What the **** is going on?" Kasuke Takasuke, who can be considered anxious to a certain extent, asked quickly.

"I..." Qingming looked at several people, sighed, and said the matter with a frustrated face and embarrassment.

It's not too complicated. At best, it's a young man who is thinking about spring and can't bear his hormonal impulse, and wants to show it in front of beautiful women...

Or to put it more bluntly, Seimei, who has been worrying about being single, suddenly discovered New World when he was playing billiards-that is, the imperial sister who wanted to play with her, by the way, show that she is quite superb among her companions. Billiards skills, so that Yu Jie admired and realized her ambition to pull the cart, so she took the initiative to talk to Yu Jie.

It's just a pity that her face is a bit inaccessible to the eyes of the Yu Jie, so in order to realize her own ambition and make Yu Jie look at him with admiration, she proposed a gambling game and started the billiards game with a round of 2000 yuan.

As for the imperial sister, I don’t know if I really want to earn 2,000 yuan as pocket money, or want to make Qingming, the toad who wants to eat swan meat, feel sick, but did not refuse. This is how Qin Heqing saw it before. Picture.

"That's it? I really don't know what to say about you. You don't look at that woman's dress, do you think he looks like a poor woman, or a woman who can be easily conquered by high school students like us?" Qin Heqing was speechless. He stared at Qingming for a moment, and then vomited a little weakly.

How short of a girl are you, you are so ignorant to do such a stupid thing?

And since there is that spare money, why have to look for this kind of stuff to challenge? Isn't it possible to go to Shinjuku or Ikebukuro near Ikebukuro and just spend 10,000 yuan and 20,000 yuan to invite a practical girlfriend on loan to play with you?

When the time comes, don't talk about the Royal Sister, even the maid, the teacher, and the old aunt.

As long as you can eat it...

"Forget it, give the money, we left here, just in time, it's almost time, find a place to eat something, and then go to sing or go to a certain street in Ikebukuro." Qin Heqing shook his head and said with a hammer.

"No, I'm not convinced, I have to fight again." Qingming was not convinced.

"Okay, don't you see that this sister is a regular customer here at all, and the billiards skills are very superb, just playing like that with you just now is just playing with you, if you continue playing, I'm afraid of your money If you lose enough and get into trouble again, you don't want to deal with the police before graduation, right?" Qin Heqing reminded Qingming, who wanted to struggle with his hand.

"How do you know?" Qingming asked with some confusion.

"Look at the way the waiter talks to her, as well as the aura. If this is an ordinary girl, I dug out my eyes and stepped on the ball." Qin Heqing said firmly.

Qingming silently looked at Yu Jie and the attitude of the waiter in the game hall...

I found that things seemed to be the same as Qin Heqing said.

"Damn, what a bad luck." Qingming muttered uncomfortably, and took out two thousand yen from his pocket, and let the dragon help hand it over to the imperial sister.

"Okay, let's go, let's get out of here."

After that, a few people didn't stay much, took their own things and left the game hall noisily...

But the matter was not over. Then, after a short while, another four or five young people walked out of the game hall, talking and laughing behind the Qin and Qing people, and followed them towards the front. Go.

"Damn, we seem to be stared at." At this moment, the boy named Yima suddenly lowered his voice and said.

"What's being targeted?" Takasuke Kawai asked in confusion.

"Didn't you find out? Since we left the game hall, the few yellow hairs in the back have been following us, what else could it be if it wasn't for being targeted?" Yima asked rhetorically.

"Couldn't it just happen to be with us?" Qingming also doubted that he didn't believe it.

"Then you pay attention, although they are joking, but the eyes of the person in the middle have been falling on us, how do you explain this?"


"Heqing, what do you think?" Gao Banchuan asked, turning his head to look at Qin Heqing, who is most likely to tell the truth.

"It's not easy? There is an alleyway in front of us. By then, we will drill directly in. Don't we know if the people behind are watching us?" Qin Heqing glanced at the others behind with the light of the eye—all of them. Ordinary people said calmly.

"Yes~www.ltnovel.com~ I agree."

Immediately, a few people were not verbose, executed according to the established plan, and got into the nearby roadway.

"Then it depends on whether they will come in." Qin Heqing whispered.

Not long after the voice fell, the few yellow hairs walked in with a weird smile.

There is no need to say any more at this point. If these five yellow hairs weren't looking at what they wanted to do, how could it happen that they came in with their front feet and the yellow hairs followed up with their back feet?

It's not such a coincidence.

This is not a place where treasures are buried.

"Boy, you're very clever, knowing that we've caught our eye and didn't rush to call the police, I got into a small alley by myself. Why, shouldn't you think that if you have too many people, we will eat us? Then you can It's a big mistake. Be aware of it and hand over all the money you have, otherwise it is necessary for our brothers to teach you what is social evil."

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