High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1114: Mentality

"What are you waiting for, hurry up."

"Ha, I want to resist, brothers, give me a fight!"


"Bump bang bang."



After a while, Qin Heqing and others, with the assistance of Qin Heqing, smoothly suppressed the yellow hairs who were greedy for their wealth with human flesh and iron fist in the lane.

"Let you robbery." Qingming with a blush on her face kicked the leader Huang Mao, bitterly.

"Okay, don't kick the problem anymore, when the time comes, you will be calling the police." Qin Heqing stopped Qingming who wanted to come twice and persuaded him.

"Why? Don't you call the police?" Yima asked in surprise.

"Call the police at this time?" Qin Heqing looked at Yima with a look of "Are you okay" and asked, "Now that we have hit them, even if there is a cause for it, it is indispensable for a provocation and trouble. When that time comes, we will directly contact the home and school. What to do? Are you willing to listen to the reprimand from the dean and parents?"

"Uh...not willing." Yima shook his head.

"So I will take it as soon as I see it right now, and I'll have to leave here. As for them? Just leave it here, and you can't die anyway." Qin Heqing said as he looked at the painful humming of several yellow hairs on the ground.

"Okay, then it's up to you."

After that, the few people were not talking, tidying up their clothes and the dust on them during the fight, leaving the alleyway, and continuing to the destination-a Chinese restaurant.

It's fighting and making trouble. It's not good to add it.

"Where shall we go to play next?" Chuan Hehai asked casually while eating.

"Aren't you going to sing K?" Long surprised.

"The original plan was like this, but after hearing Heqing's previous meaning, it seems to have other plans." Chuan Hehai replied.

"Really?" Yima, Chuansuke, Long He Qingming turned to look at Qin Heqing, waiting for his next words.

"Forget it, I just said that, and didn't plan to actually go there." Qin Heqing glanced at a few people silently, and shook his head in veto.

Is the place at the north exit of Ikebukuro Station the place for their high school students?

Even if it is, you have to be led by your parents. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, who is it?

Anyway, Qin Heqing didn't plan to take this risk.

"Then where did you want to take us before?" Takasuke Kawanesuke asked very curiously, despite all that.

"Go nowhere." Qin He Qing said with a clear look.

"I do not believe."

"Yes, is it a high-consumption place?"

"Should we not want to take us to Kabukicho? Even if we have the courage to go, we have no money!"

"More importantly, there may not be willing to let us in, the change of clothes is almost the same."

"I know my mind. Okay, let's eat quickly. After eating, we will sing K. After that, you can do whatever you want. I don't bother to care about you." Qin Heqing, who doesn't want them to be interested in Kawu Town because of this topic, hastily Interrupted.

"Couldn't, you really want to take me to Kawu Town?" Long looked at Qin Heqing, don't guess.

"If you are not afraid of being known by your girlfriend..."

Suddenly, everyone except Qingming and Long were silent, glanced at each other, and silently ate the food in their hands.

Obviously, don't look at what they said dare or dare, really tell them to do...

Oh, one by one has become a guilty bag!

Fortunately, he was worried that they were really interested in it, and then what outrageous things they would do.

After a few people had dinner, they diverted to a certain commercial street that is also not far from the north exit of Ikebukuro Station. They found a KTV karaoke bar there, and started howling.

Of course, this also includes Qin Heqing, a guy who doesn't like singing very much.

After venting, everyone disbanded and went back to each house to find each mother to recover from the fatigue of the day.


"It's really hard for you to play with them, and you're so crazy." In the apartment, Yue'er watched Qin Heqing, who was being served by Ayukawa who was transformed into a massage technician, and enjoying the service of horse-killing chicken with a speechless expression on his face. .

"I didn't expect that I could play with them to that extent. Maybe this is my friend. Anyway, after today's party, I feel that my whole person is a lot easier, and my mentality is restored a lot. Could it be you Didn't notice it?" Qin Heqing asked, turning his head to look at Yue'er.

"I feel it, at least I don't hold it anymore, and it feels a lot more real. It looks a bit like a youth of your age should be." Yue'er observed Qin Heqing carefully for a moment, nodded in agreement. .

"It seems that my decision to return to school to attend classes is correct. It really helps me restore my mentality and allow myself to recover from the Warring States period and the influence of inheritance." Qin Heqing responded with a smile. Tao.

"What should I do about the countermeasures?" Yue'er reminded.

"Looking at what I mean now, the countermeasures bureau seems to think that as long as the correct purification method is found, the person can be rescued smoothly, or it is worried that after my participation, the death of a colleague will happen, so I want to I excluded it. Although it was a bit unorthodox, it was not incomprehensible. Let them do it. When they find out that the purification steps alone still cannot bring the infected person back to normal, they will remember me again. "Qin Heqing replied indifferently.

"Then let this matter go?" Yue'er asked dissatisfiedly.

"It's not enough, but I also have a plan-you say; if people from the Countermeasures Bureau find out that after leaving me, even one of their colleagues cannot be saved, will they increase their reliance on me and become more demanding?" Qin Heqing Hehe smirked.

"It’s not enough to ask for anything~www.ltnovel.com~, but it’s possible to meet your needs to the maximum. Ha, you are going to turn the countermeasure bureau into your logistics warehouse. I have to say, your idea It’s amazing, I support you.” After a while, he reminded, “However, the premise of this plan is that the evil ghost king can always be active outside to create the so-called infected person. If this is played off, the victim will not only be the countermeasure. , There may also be 30 million people in Tokyo, and the impact at that time will be beyond your control."

"So I'm just planning. As for the actual implementation, it depends on the specific situation. Anyway, from the current situation, we have an advantage." Qin Heqing replied after thinking about it.

Without him, as long as the countermeasure bureau cannot show an existence equal to the evil ghost king in terms of the highest combat power, then as the countermeasure bureau currently only recognizes and has enough overlapping highest combat power, Qin Heqing will inevitably become their handling of evil spirits. The absolute trump card in Ghost King's affairs, you can't get rid of it.

"That's true." Yue'er agreed.

"Ayukawa, become like Sadako, today I want to sleep with Sadako." Qin Heqing backhanded Ayukawa into his arms and said softly, watching Ayukawa's expression.

"You are not afraid of freezing." Yue'er vomited.

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