High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1115: Achievement


"Finally I found it, the Devil's Eye! With you, the coming of my Lord will be unimpeded! The world can no longer be blocked!" Above a certain Gobi, the evil ghost king who still has a smell of earth raised his hands high. With a pure-color obsidian gem that looks like an eye pupil and reflects a strange light in the moonlight, he laughed with excitement on his face.

"Little ones!"

"My king!" The surrounding ghosts all bowed in response.

"Let us come together to welcome the coming of our Lord and bring new changes to this world."


Immediately, thousands of ghosts and monsters headed by the Evil Ghost King flashed, and suddenly disappeared into the air like illusory blue smoke. There was no trace left, and no abnormality remained, as if everything happened here before. It was just like illusion, and it was blown away by the night breeze of the Gobi in an instant, leaving no more clues to be traced and utilized.


"Why did you come today? Didn't you say that you will come to school after the next semester?" Kato Hui looked at Qin Heqing sitting in the classroom and asked unexpectedly.

"Yes, the class is the next semester, but today is not to announce the results, and I am also a little curious about my self-study results, whether there are any shortcomings, so I just took advantage of today to stay in school for a day Well, I can also accompany you more." Qin Heqing smiled.

"Then guess where your grades are?" Kato Kei asked curiously.

"Why do you want to be in the top fifty?"


"School year." Qin Heqing said speechlessly.

The class is ranked in the top 50, and it will definitely be ranked. After all, the total number of students in the class is only less than 50. If this is not in the top 50 of the class, how bad his grades are. ? Is it possible to drop through the class and drop to another class?

And I'm so sorry that he has obtained the almost unforgettable ability after being immortalized.

"How about you? Where do you think you can rank this time?" Qin Heqing asked rhetorically.

"I'm not as confident as you. As long as I can enter school a hundred years ago, I will be very content, the first fifty?" Kato Hui shook his head and replied very modestly.

"I have such low expectations for myself, what if a breakthrough occurs?" Qin Heqing asked with interest.

"Then it breaks through. This result is not the result of the unified test. It has no effect except to increase the number of selected scores as application materials." Kato Kee said softly.

"By the way, have you figured out which university you're going to take?" Qin Heqing nodded, looking at Kato Hui and asked again.

"Probably it will be Immortal River." Kato Kee tilted his head and replied.

"Fudie Chuan University? Why?" Qin Heqing wondered.

Although this is a relatively well-known university in Tokyo, and even a rare type of higher education institution outside of the 12th League, in terms of reputation, it is really not as well-known as universities such as Dongda, Waseda, and Keio. It seems a little bit. Not too conspicuous.

"Probably because my sister Hongmei graduated from that university."

"So you want to go through your sister's old path?"

"It can also be said that I want to re-experience the life of my sister at that time."

"Then your relationship with Hongmei Sister is really good enough, you don't even let this kind of thing go."

"Why, don't you like it?"

"No, it's just a pity that you can't go to the same university as me." After a meal, he smiled again. "But fortunately, I'm still in Tokyo, so I don't have to worry about you and me living apart. Once, that was really bad."

"It's as if we can meet every day now." Kato Megumi said.


Then the class bell rang, and the two had to end the conversation and start a day of study.

Until noon.

"It looks like the results have come out." On the way back to the school building after lunch, Ms. Kato whispered while watching the crowd gathered in front of the bulletin board.

"Look at it in the past?" Qin Heqing suggested.

"Then go over and take a look." Kato Megumi agreed.

Then the two set off and walked to the front of the bulletin board——

The crowded heads can be said to affect Kato Kee’s sight, so in order for Kato Kee to see the rankings better, Qin Heqing turned into a road-opening machine, pulling Kato Kee into the crowd, bumping left and right, and walked to reveal Directly in front of the board.

"I found it, yes, 74. If you work hard, the top 50 is expected." Qin Heqing's eyes quickly searched the list, and finally locked Kato Hui's name.

"That's nearly 50 people behind you." Kato Hui responded.

Sure enough, as she said, compared with Qin Heqing, who is ranked in the 20s, he is indeed behind 50 people...

"It's close to the top 20...Hey, there are really a lot of animals in the school." Qin Heqing said lightly.

You know, he has people who have never forgotten the bonus, and various experiences in the 13 years of the Warring States Period. He has long since filled up his shortcomings in the history of the island country, and even directly published some as an expert. The messy essays are not a problem, but just like that, Qin Heqing only took the test of a few 20, so it can be seen what kind of learning talents are in front of him.

Anyway, Qin Heqing didn't figure out what was wrong with him.

"It seems that I really have to work hard," Qin Heqing muttered.

"Let's go, let's go back to the classroom."


Then the two squeezed out of the crowd again and returned to the classroom.


After that, the normal school and get out of class, after school, Qin Heqing completed today's school mission and returned to his apartment with Kato Hui.

"Can you go to Fusichuan University with your current grades?" Qin Heqing asked while standing next to Kato Hui, following her busy in the kitchen while chatting.

"Should be okay? After all, the requirements for deviation value of Fusaichuan University are not as high as those of universities like Dongda, and it also pays more attention to interview results, so based on my current grades and past academic records, I should be able to pass. Fushikawa University's primary selection review ~www.ltnovel.com~ get the qualification for interview." Kato Megumi replied.

"Isn't there any extra points for someone in the relatives who are alumni?"

"I can do it, but it's not easy to be kicked out by other people when it is interviewed and deleted from the same file. If you want to successfully enroll, you still need to see the deviation score based on the basis." Kato explained.

"Then what are you going to do? Go to a cram school?"

"I don't know, but I should ask Hongmei's opinion. If she thinks it is necessary, maybe she will."

"Then do I need to help you get the admission qualification?"

"You help me?" Kato Kei asked surprised.

"Well, through the channel of the Countermeasures Bureau." Qin Heqing nodded.

"Then you must do something dangerous again, right? Let's forget it, I don't want you to take risks because of this kind of thing. Besides, my situation is not to the point that I need to use external forces to be admitted to the university. "

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