"..., well, I took it for granted, but if possible, I still hope you can use your identity as a **** to get in touch with other gods in your time and space, and ask if there is anything unusual over there." Qin He Qingwen He was speechless for a moment, but at the end he sighed lightly, looking at the seemingly heartless Xing Bu Ji Zheng said.

"What? Is there something wrong with your time and space?" Xing Bu Ji asked surprised.

"Well, a very serious problem." Qin Heqing nodded, and then he lost connection with the gods, **** appeared, **** and the real environment merged, and the reappearance of the ancient evil **** simply explained to Xing Bu Ji to emphasize the seriousness of the matter. Sex.

"It turns out to be so dangerous... well, when I go back, I will find a way to contact the other gods and see if anyone knows the movements of the gods of Gao Tianyuan, and then tell you." Xing Bu Ji, who is also aware of the seriousness of the matter, points a little bit Head, looked at Qin Heqing and replied.

"But how do I contact you afterwards?"

"It's enough to trigger the contract. As long as I am nearby or receive a signal, I should be able to enter this time and space again and complete the contact if I want to." Qin Heqing thought for a while, and explained how he contacted Ji Xingbu. come out.

"Isn't it a matter of luck?"

"Then do you have a better way?" Qin Heqing asked back.

Xing Bu Ji shook his head, saying that he had no move.

"Let's do this, I will contact you in five days." Qin Heqing said.

"Five days? I don't guarantee that I will be able to contact the well-informed gods." Xing Bu Ji pouted.

"It's not really five days. Have you forgotten the time flow difference between the two worlds." Qin Heqing reminded.

Although he still doesn't know what the ratio of the time and space of the Warring States period without him to the real world is, it should be no problem if one is five, six and seven. So five days is really not just five days, but one month away. Time, as long as Xingbu Ji is diligent, it is still possible to contact the appropriate god...

"Yes too."

"Then we will see you in five days."

After that, Qin Heqing closed his eyes and relaxed, and the remote control subject let go of the stimulation to the contract context, allowing his consciousness to escape from the inexplicable space.


"How long have I been sitting?" Qin and the officer at the side of Qing Dynasty asked Qin, who opened his eyes again in reality.

"About an hour." Kanbei Kuroda looked at his watch and replied, "That's right."

In the following words, I was naturally asking Dudao Junzi to determine his own judgment.

"Yeah." Toshishima Yoko nodded, affirming the words of Officer Kuroda.

"Have you contacted?" Then, Officer Kuroda looked at Qin Heqing again and asked.

"Contacted." Qin Heqing nodded. Then, without concealing it, he took out what could be said in the conversation with Xingbu Ji-mainly things that were of interest to Kuroda Kanbei, and told her one by one.

"By the way, your sister Matsutomaru recently gave birth to a child, she is a boy, named Nagamasa, it is said that she started it to commemorate you." Qin Heqing looked at Kuroda guard.

"Nagamasa... not bad." Kuroda murmured a few words, and then said softly.

"Then we leave here." Qin Heqing stood up, looked at the two of them, and announced.

"Don't you need to stay anymore?" Poison Island asked.

"No need. I made an appointment with Xingbu Ji, and I won’t contact him again in five days, so during this time we are completely free to move around Hyogo Prefecture, or visit the Seto Inland Sea, and taste it there. Seafood." Qin Heqing said with a smile.

"Well, anyway, you have the final say on the matter here, I am only responsible for accompany and enjoyment." Poison Island said with a smile.

"Kazaki, send me back." At this moment, Kanbei Kuroda suddenly said.

"What?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

"Compared to the time-wasting play, I still want to go back home and continue reading those books to supplement my knowledge. I also saved the opportunity to enroll in colleges and universities nationwide in March because of insufficient knowledge reserves and missed the opportunity to enroll." Hei Tian Guanbing explained.

"Then you are really hardworking. Compared with you, my three-day fishing and two-day sieve, and the remaining day is mostly fooling around with girls. It’s really hard to show people! Then I will send you back first, and when you figure it out, I am calling." Qin Heqing said helplessly.

Then he didn't persuade him any more, but with a thought, he sent Kanbei Kuroda back to the world in the pot.

"Now, there are only two of us left." Qin Heqing stepped forward and hugged Dudao Kongzi's waist, pitifully.

"If you don't think it looks lively enough, you can also release Ms. Shen Yu and the others. I don't think they will be indifferent to shopping and leisure like Simon." Toushima Tsuiko was not angry. Eyes him.

If it hadn't been for this New Year's party, she would really not know that there is such a huge harem behind the carefree Qin Heqing!

And the most exaggerated thing is that there is also a private world that is unaware of gods and ghosts to collect his harem beauties. If her disposition is different from ordinary people, and she doesn’t care about these or status very much, it might be early I couldn't help but want to drew a knife and chopped Qin Heqing into five, six, seven or eight yuan, then wrapped it into a ball and sank into the Seto Inland Sea.

"Uh...I think it's good now, stop, feel comfortable, don't have to worry about so many unnecessary hearts." Qin Heqing laughed, embarrassed.

"It's fine if you know it." Toshishima Yuko rolled his eyes again, twisted her waist, left Qin Heqing's arms, opened the barrier, and walked towards the outside of Himeji Castle.


On the other side, the European region.

After a night on the island country, plus the tossing of most of the morning~www.ltnovel.com~ Although the expansion of Cthulhu has not yet ended, the results have been very conspicuously placed on the desks of various countries concerned about the abnormal changes in Austria——

As Austria’s neighbors, Slovenia, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia were included in the anomalous magnetic field, becoming the fifth country that disappeared from the satellite cloud image again after Austria.

And not only that. Nearly two-thirds of the territory of Germany adjacent to them is shrouded. Poland, nearly three-quarters of the area has become an unmonitored area, and Ukraine, one-sixth of the country’s territory, is clear. Not to mention the smaller countries of Romania and Bulgaria. There is only a small amount of land left to observe. All other regions have also stepped into the footsteps of the five countries...

It can be said that Eastern Europe has almost completely fallen, and it has shaken countries around the world, and even has to hold the highest-level online video conference to discuss how to deal with this matter.


"Fortunately, Lord Judy, you acted in a timely manner, otherwise it is really possible for our people to be in danger like the citizens of those countries. It is unknown." Far away from Eastern Europe, in Spain, in a rural castle, a head of gray Lisa, the witch of the hair, gave a grateful compliment.

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