While Lisa was grateful for Judy's decision, in Austria, in a suspected large office near the square where the evil **** descended, the evil ghost king and a group of newly converted followers of the evil **** knelt down on the high bones. Above the throne, in front of the vague figure exuding strange, deep, profound, terrifying, and divine majesty, the voice of respect reported the results of recent actions——

"My God, the first batch of believers has been transformed, and they can be sent to other countries for preaching and holding sacrifices at any time. Do you think we should send them out?" As the number one general of the evil gods, the evil ghost dynasty Cthulhuhui reported .

"I said, I just want chaos, and the panic and despair of mortals. I want to see the world full of blood. Everything else, as long as it doesn't affect this goal, you can make your own decision. I am not interested in paying attention to this kind of boredom. The trivial matter." The black mist outside of the evil **** on the throne rolled, faintly making the human body wrapped in the mist clear for a moment, and then it was cold and terrifying, and the words full of majesty and chaotic mood suddenly appeared in the room. Reverberated.

Even if it wasn't for anyone, the kneeling people in the room still couldn't help but trembled, and there was a slight pain on their faces.

Obviously, they were also affected at this time.

"Yes, the subordinates understand what to do." Evil Ghost Wang Qiang resisted the discomfort that appeared in his heart, raised his head, and said with a fanatical and crazy expression on his face.

"Anything else?"

"No more." Evil Ghost King shook his head.

"Then go down."


Then the Evil Ghost King responded, got up, took some of his family, the evil spirit's family members who had been transformed from the ghosts he had originally transformed, left the hall where the Evil God was, and returned to the outside.

"Explain, the cultivated believers can be released, so that they can sneak into various countries at the fastest speed, develop believers, and complete the sacrifice." The evil ghost king who was walking instructed his men around him.


"In addition, the island country needs to be treated seriously. I don't want to hear from anyone of you that they have been killed after a while, do you understand?" At the end, the Evil Ghost King's footsteps stopped, and he turned his head and spoke coldly. Sweeping his eyes to his subordinates, he said sharply.


"Also, the worms outside can also be cleaned up. Remember to clean your hands and feet. Now is not the time for my **** to be completely exposed to the world. Of course, you don't need to be too cautious, as long as the second batch of believers is cultivated and completed. The miscellaneous soldiers have successfully transformed, and the so-called world is nothing but my god’s pocket, so there is no need to hide and be restrained."

"My lord, how long shall we wait?" a ghost couldn't help asking.

"It's coming soon. In five days at most, the first batch of miscellaneous soldiers can be completely converted, and at most one week, the second batch of believers can break out of their shells, so as long as you endure this last week, it's too far to say. , Europe, will surely become a plaything in our palms for us to farm at will." The Evil Ghost King said with a smile on his face that big things will happen.

"The mighty power of my **** will illuminate the world like the brilliance of the sky, and bring changes to the world!" Other people also brightened their eyes when they heard this, and shouted feverishly.

In the office building, the evil **** sitting high on the throne was expressionless, but the black energy around him became more intense, stirring the space, rippling ripples, and clashing and blending with the existence of the dark parts of the world...

The world became more and more weird in the silence.


Also in Europe, in the conference room of a certain administrative department, several 60-inch large LCD screens are hung on the wall of the conference room. The screens are shining, presenting a figure of a famous European speaker, concentrating and discussing. Related handling matters related to changes in Austria and several other countries-

"I propose to send special forces to investigate the situation."

"Special Forces? Are you trying to kill them?!"

"Why do I want to kill them?!"

"Have you forgotten the fate of a living person after entering the abnormal magnetic field?"

"I remember, but it was just a loss of contact, but there is no evidence that those who lost contact really died completely!"

"I'm all lost. What's the difference between directly declaring death?"

"The difference is big, at least it shows that those people may still be alive, and there is hope to get in touch with them again, as long as the right way is found."

"Is it the right way to send special forces into the investigation?"

"Then what do you want to do?"

"Don't you see it yet? Isn't that area of ​​abnormal magnetic field that can be explained by existing common sense? We need to find a targeted approach."

"such as?"

"Don't tell me that you don't know the so-called extraordinary existence and special affairs."

"Sorry. I really don't know..." It's just that this person couldn't help but start in awe before he finished speaking.

As for the reason? Naturally, it was because he saw unusual traces on the faces of the people who spoke with the major powers.

"No, do so-called magic and ghosts really exist?"

"Do you mean to find the Vatican?" the head of a country that existed as the capital of the Roman Empire hesitated.

"Do we have other options?"

In this way, the influence of the cross religion may once again enter the political level from the civil level, and even stimulate the ambitions of the cross religion, such as the possibility of restoring the conditions of the Middle Ages, so if there is no other way, these words People really don't want to move the cross teaching out at this time.

"Maybe, we can find those secret associations. As members of the hidden side of society, I think they should also have the power and means that ordinary people do not have."

"Secret association...that is a group of people who are no less dangerous than the cross religion and are greedy~www.ltnovel.com~Are you sure you would rather find them than the Vatican?"

"Maybe we can do both and ask for help from both sides." Someone suggested thoughtfully.

"You mean..." The others also lit up and found their blind spots.

"Let's do it then. Now let's discuss who is going to ask the Vatican for help, who is going to invite the members of the secret associations, and which secret associations to invite for cooperation, and the bottom line that can be promised."


Or maybe it’s because things are approaching, and if you don’t rush to deal with them, countries that have not yet been affected by the special abnormal magnetic field will follow in the footsteps of Austria and other countries. Europeans who have always been procrastinated are surprisingly efficient this time. Almost less than half a day after the meeting, the first special investigation teams were formed.

There are a total of twelve people. In addition to the seven special operations soldiers who are responsible for fighting and protection, there are three knights and priests from the church, and two special personnel from secret associations. After a simple preparation, the group Enter the special magnetic field that belongs to the Jedi for ordinary people.

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