High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1141: Investigation team

It was still in a certain office building, with huge LCD screens hanging all over the walls, but the people on the screen did not make a sound, but watched attentively at the scene on the other screen.

What is it?

Naturally, it came back from the front, a signal from the investigation team!

As the No. 1 Special Investigation Team jointly organized by all European countries, people from all countries who have placed their deep hopes naturally have the greatest expectations, hoping to see the abnormal magnetic field signals from their perspectives for the first time The situation inside the district.

But unfortunately, these are wishful thinking. Almost the moment they stepped into the special magnetic field, the whole picture suddenly went dark, completely silent...

"The signal is gone!"

"Is it possible to recover?" a staff member next to the speaker asked.

The programmer in charge of signal processing shook his head and said there was no way.

"Let the people of the intelligence department continue to pay attention. Whenever there is news, you must notify me as soon as possible." Hearing this, the person who talked to the matter also sighed helplessly, raised his head, and looked towards his secretary. The staff confessed.

"Yes." The staff shouted awe-inspiringly.

"You go down."


"Let's continue to discuss other arrangements." After the irrelevant staff left, the reporter rushed to the screen to say the same from other countries.


At the same time, within the special red magnetic field.

"What an evil breath." The middle-aged man wearing a black priest's costume, looking awkward, and looking at the old priest frowned, looking at nothing unusual in the eyes of ordinary people, but from a special perspective, it seems to be fogged. The dark sky shrouded in haze and the air said in a deep voice.

"Pastor Andrew, are you feeling something?" The middle-aged woman from the secret association Golden Dawn had her eyes flashed and asked.

"I felt the filthy air, as if I was in a dark area shrouded by evil forces. I felt very uncomfortable." The middle-aged priest named Andrew looked at his red hair with a serious face, dressed as ordinary. Like middle-aged women, all bloated and almost out of shape women replied, "Ms. Marlene, Mr. Adams, have you noticed anything abnormal?"

As for the Cavaliers? It was all the bodyguards sent by the church to protect themselves, thugs, fighting okay, as far as perception is abnormal? Professional priests like him are better at it.

So I didn't bother to ask more.

"Except for the feeling that the air here is very dark and uncomfortable, I didn't notice any other abnormalities." The red-haired woman named Marlene shook her head.

Then he turned his head and looked at Adams from the Brotherhood of Golden Dawn, who was also a secret association of the Silver Star Society formed by the former members of Golden Dawn after leaving the club. He waited for his answer.

"Like Ms. Marlene, I did not notice too many elements. But what is certain is that this place is full of filthy spirits. If we don’t pay more attention, we are likely to be contaminated by these invisible spirits. Become something terrible and evil." The middle-aged man named Adams shrugged and said with a false smile on his face like aristocratic etiquette.

"It seems we need to be more careful," Ms. Marlene whispered thoughtfully.

"I have a sacred cross here specifically for this investigation. Do you need it?" The priest nodded, and took out a handful of silver-white cross ornaments from his priest's clothes.

"No, I have a way to shield the harm caused by these spirits." Adams shook his head.

What organization is Silver Star? That is the organization established by Aleister Crowley, the most demon mage at the end of the world. The insiders don’t say that everyone is a believer of the devil, but it is undeniable that there is such a skill in dealing with the devil. How is it possible? Would you like the cross of the enemy to hang on your body?

That will affect the casting...

"Then I'm not welcome." Marlene, who was born in Golden Dawn, didn't care so much. With a chuckle, she politely took the cross in her hand and hung it around her neck in front of Father Andrew.

She is Lingxiu. Although it cannot be said that the cultivation system will not conflict with the sacred power of the cross religion at all, but it is not to the extent that Adams is directly opposed, and she does not mind that there are so many pieces that can be used to protect the body. s things.

Then it was the special soldiers. Because of the entourage, it was rare to get a church holy artifact that was usually inaccessible by contact. If you don’t want to talk about him, you can’t help but relax. less--

After all, as Europeans and believers of the cross religion, they still trust the power from the church.

After that, everyone was no longer wordy, re-assembled the team, and once again moved to the interior of the abnormal area-mainly the city.


And because of the relationship of car transportation, although the European area is sparsely populated, and there are vast wilderness areas between cities, the investigation team still drove smoothly without any obstruction. In the town nearest to their entry point. Then the driver stopped and everyone got out of the car and started investigating the city——

For example, the state of the insiders-whether they are alive, whether they are healthy, whether there are other mental illnesses or abnormal changes.

Is food and drinking water safe? Is it safe in the wild, is there any weird creatures, etc...

Everything that I could think of was explained before I came in, so my eyes wouldn't get dark when I got there, and I didn't even know what I wanted to do.

But the most important thing is to see if there is a way to get in touch with the outside again~www.ltnovel.com~Only in this way can the outside know their situation, and understand the situation in the abnormal area, so as to make a rescue plan and so on. The solution to solve the danger of abnormal areas.

"What should I do now?" the captain of the special team asked Father Andrew.

"What's your opinion?" The priest looked at the crowd, and finally turned his gaze to the only two of Marlene and Adams who could have an equal dialogue with him in this regard and asked.

"As far as the current situation is concerned, there seems to be nothing obvious in the abnormal area, and there is a danger of active offensive. In addition, our task is relatively heavy, so in order to better understand the situation in the abnormal area, my suggestion is In the team, you, the priest, and Ms. Marlene each led several special team members to investigate related matters." Adams pondered for a while, looking at the empty street where there was no one in the afternoon and said slowly.

"I agree with Adams." Then, Ms. Marlene agreed.

"That's it. The three of us each led two special forces to form a separate team to investigate in the town, and then a support team composed of Flynn, Dennis and the remaining special forces stayed in place. Can you see it? "The priest thought for a while and agreed.

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