High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1142: Open the door and see ‘? Frame?/a>

Flynn and Dennis were the names of the two cross-creed knights, so although the others had no objection to this arrangement, the two of them could not work.

Because their task is to protect the safety of Father Andrew, they can't leave him in any way, even if there is only one person.

So after discussing for a while, it was decided that Flynn, who was more powerful, would act with the priest. Dennis stayed and formed an emergency team with two other special fighters, staying by the car and waiting for signals from all parties.

Then everyone dispersed and started an investigation...

"Father Andrew, do you think it would be better for us to start the investigation?" the special team member who followed Andrew's team asked aloud.

"You should have a mission." Andrew didn't answer, but instead asked the special forces.

"Yes." The special forces members did not hesitate when they arrived. After all, this is an obvious thing, not to mention anything that needs to be kept secret, and his life needs the protection of Father Andrew and Flynn Knight. Since I will no longer hide and tuck, I will tell my own task——

It was no different from the instructions and suggestions received by the priests and others before they set off. They were all orders to investigate the human environment and the conditions of animals and plants in the abnormal area.

What to protect? Naturally, it is the safety of Father Andrew and others——

After all, although they are special people, they are different from those superhumans who are so extraordinary that they can ignore modern thermal weapons and ordinary threats. They have special powers that actually do not exceed the upper limit of human beings in physical terms. Many actions and The reaction is still within the range of human acceptance. Naturally, the defense against firearms, toxins, and sudden attacks is not necessarily stronger than that of a warrior!

This is also the reason why special forces should be added to the investigation team.

Because for them, the existence of special forces is not useless.

Moreover, the lethality of the thermal weapons held by the special forces is also very impressive, enough to help Andrew and them solve a lot of troubles and dangers, so that the investigation task can be better carried out.

As for surveillance?

Naturally, it is also monitoring the special group of Andrew.

Just like what people said before in various countries, whether it is a cross or a secret society, they are a group of dangerous and greedy guys. The ghost knows what they will do when they enter this area. Therefore, in order to ensure that the country can grasp enough initiative, so that these guys will not be fooled, it is natural that the special forces will help to keep an eye on it and get the first-hand information to facilitate further cooperation and negotiation in the later period.

"Then I will just say that I am not interested in those trivial investigations. Because my goal is very clear, which is to determine the situation here and determine what caused these changes, so I will not go. In the wild, or where convenient living measures such as supermarkets and water companies are located, investigations will be started directly from nearby households." Andrew also answered without any kind of politeness.

"I understand, Father Andrew, even if you proceed according to your plan, I promise you won't have any superfluous opinions." The special soldier promised very simply.

"Then thank you for your cooperation."

After that, the three people walked to a residential building and stopped at the door.

"Will you open the lock?" The priest asked, turning his head to look at the soldier beside him.

"Such, yes." The special soldier nodded.

An ordinary key lock is nothing but an electronic lock or a fingerprint lock. It is a special fighter who has received various special training.

So it didn't take long for the closed door of the room to be opened by the special soldier with a soft sound.

Then the special warrior let the door open, like a male gentleman who invited the lady into his own house, and gave an indecent gentleman's gift, inviting the priest and the Flynn Knight into the house.

Of course, the two of them didn't make any jokes. After saying "thank you" politely, they walked into the room with a vigilant look.



However, before Andrew and Flynn went deep into it, a sharp cat cry suddenly came out in the room, and then a swift black shadow flashed past, and a milky white energy immediately lit up on Father Andrew’s body. The photomask protected him in it.

Following that, Flynn quickly stepped forward, drew out a long and narrow thin sword similar to the epee used in fencing, and stared at the spot where the black shadow was shot down.

Sure enough, it is a beautiful cat with three-color printing and dyeing! He arched his whole body as if he had encountered a formidable enemy, his hair trembling, and his harsh murderous intent and ferocity were unconcealedly released from its blue and gold mixed heterochromatic pupils, as if to invade into its territory. Only by killing and shredding can the restless blood and animality in its body be soothed.

"Why do you stop?" The special soldier who came in last was puzzled.

Only when the voice fell, it seemed as if a new round of battle had started. The tabby cat, who was tight on the ground, sprinted again, but instead of directly attacking Flynn who threatened it, it suddenly changed its direction. Like a dexterous gazelle, it leaped on the wall of the room and jumped onto the ceiling of the house in a way that violates gravity. It slammed again, lased on the other side of the wall, and then rushed to kill The special fighters who are still unclear about the situation.

"What the hell!" The special soldier was shocked, subconsciously raising his arm to block it.


However, it is useless. Several bloodstains that were deeply visible on the bone tore his sleeves almost instantly, emerging from the soldier's arm.

At the same time, the blood rushed to the side, splattered all over the wall.


"God~www.ltnovel.com~ please bless your believers." Father Andrew changed his expression upon seeing this, and quickly held the cross on his chest, the senior student prayed.


Following this, the shield emerging from the priest's body trembled again, and the tabby cat's attack was once again blocked, and she had to jump to avoid it.

But it still didn't end its attack, but reversed it, and rushed towards the front door of the nearest knight Flynn.

If this is changed to normal, or if there are no other people around, where you can play freely, even if it can't completely resist the attack of the tabby cat, it won't be as unprepared as it is now. But who told him to be the priest Andrew standing behind him, even if he wanted to raise his sword to fight back, he had to be sure to avoid hurting the priest.

So in desperation, I had to turn my waist and lay down and avoided the flutter of the tabby cat.

Then the Flynn Knight quickly turned around and straightened his body, activated the holy power in his body to strengthen his nerve response and muscle burst, and stab the tabby cat who hasn't fully landed yet, it can be said that there is no extra space to escape——

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