High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1143: Downsizing


However, the Flynn Knight's counterattack was fast, but the Cat's reaction was not slow. With a flick of his tail, he drew it on the fast sword stabbed by the Flynn Knight, although he failed to deflect the blade.

After all, the power gap between the two bodies is too big, and it is not at all that the so-called weapons can be completely changed whether they are fine or soft.

But let the flower cat get rid of the danger of being pierced by a sword, and the body flashed and fell to the ground with a little blood.

Obviously, he was injured, and he could not completely escape from the attack of the Flynn Knight.


The flower cat turned and stared at the Flynn Knight, who was unable to pursue it because of the wrong force.

"Master Andrew, please take the Finn soldiers out first, and wait for me to solve the danger here, and then call you in." The Flynn Knight also stared at the dangerous tabby cat intently, without looking back at the person behind him. The priest, and the priest who was using church spells to help stop the bleeding of the soldiers said.

"Okay, be careful yourself." The priest replied without hesitation.

Followed by a special soldier, knowing that he can't help much by staying here, he also stood up graciously, and left the apartment with the priest, and waited outside.

"Is that a cat? When did the cat become so dangerous." Outside the apartment, the Finn soldier whispered with a wry smile.

It’s not that he has never seen a cat, even if it’s dangerous, as long as it’s not a lynx or a wild animal like a bobcat, at most it will have a few tiny holes when caught, except for the need to go to the hospital for disinfection, or even beat a rabid In addition to the vaccine, you don’t even have to meet the needle, you can do it directly with a large OK stretch!

Like this one I saw today, his small body has such an exaggerated attack power, and he almost scratched his arm bones.

If all cats were so cruel, he wouldn't believe that there would be so many people in this world who would keep cats...

"It's a cat. It's just a cat that is affected by the environment here and has been inspired to be more aggressive than aggressive. Although it is dangerous, it is not considered the most dangerous." The priest calmly said.

"Isn't this the most dangerous? Then what kind of danger is dangerous?" Finn asked in surprise.

"You don't want to see it." The priest shook his head.


At this time, inside the room. Without the burden of priests and ordinary soldiers, the Flynn Knight finally had no hesitation, and completely exploded his strength...

Although in terms of speed and response, he is still inferior in this regard, which is inherently stronger than humans by countless times, and even because of the fierce stimulation and has become a lot stronger, but he is a human being and has received high-intensity training. , A human with unique fighting wisdom and a sharp weapon in hand, so under a battle, the flower cat still failed to resist the counterattack of the Flynn Knight, and was pierced through the head by the Flynn Knight with a sword, and died no longer...

But the matter did not end there. Almost when he threw the tabby cat off the rapier and was about to check whether there were other biological dangers like the tabby cat in the room, a few heavy footsteps suddenly sounded, approaching, and finally appeared around the porch. In the eyes of Flynn Knight--

They were two humans, one man and one woman. In terms of age, they looked like they were around thirty or forty years old. They were dressed in the same clothes. With some details on their bodies, the Flynn Knight could easily identify them. The relationship-they are a couple.

I don't know if there is a child, Flynn Cavaliers, but the emphasis on that flower cat is a bit extraordinary.

No, just as soon as she appeared, the woman uttered a sharp cry "OHNO!"

"Beyonce, Beyonce, wake up, Beyonce!"

Although the man on the side made no sound, his gloomy gaze fell on the Flynn Knight, his gaze flickered, and a little bit of tricky light emerged from his eyes.


Suddenly, the Flynn Knight was shocked and once again assumed a guard posture.

"Leonard, I want him to die!" At the same time, the woman beside her roared with scarlet eyes.

"Roar!" Then the man named Leonard roared fiercely, as if the legendary werewolf turned into shape, his hair grew violently, his body became huge, his palms became sharp, and he turned toward the monster like a monster. The Flynn Knight strode over.

"Fallen." The Flynn knight shouted with a cold expression on his face.

Then I stopped talking nonsense, the whole body sacred power, the whole person became bright like a light bulb, and stepped forward——

"Trial of sin!"

A white flame suddenly appeared on the rapier he was holding, bringing out a white glow and piercing the transformed Leonard.

Feeling the danger, Leonard dodged. Knight Flynn changed his steps and stab Leonard again. Leonard had no choice but to run to the sofa and grab the coffee table beside him with his strong arms. , As if throwing a brick at the Flynn Knight.

The Flynn Knight didn't want to be smashed, so he had to step away, but he also lost the first hand he had grabbed before. Leonard took the opportunity to push him closer, slammed his fist and hit the Flynn Knight's head.

The Flynn knight cleverly avoided, and at the same time swung his sword with a stroke of——

Yes, draw. After all, besides the function of stabbing, the rapier he uses can't use other techniques such as slashing and cutting. He can only use the softness of the blade to use whip-slashing techniques. Coupled with the flame attached to it, there is no power in it.

So in the next moment, after only hearing a crisp sound, the hair on Leonard's waist burned up, emitting the unique smell of meat when it was grilled.

"Roar!" Leonard roared violently. He was also too lazy to dodge or consider other things, and his fist fell towards the Flynn Knight without hesitation.


"Leonard~www.ltnovel.com~ the woman shouted.

"Anna, let's get rid of him!" Leonard's scarlet eyes fixed on the Flynn knight who had to move back under his punch, and the Flynn knight who seemed to be unwieldy on one of his shoulders growled. .

"it is good."

Then the woman named Anna also began to transform, but she did not transform into an inhuman form like Leonard did. Instead, she suddenly became extremely slim and beautiful, just like a world-class model. Flash burst out at an even more exaggerated speed than the previous tabby cat's attack, and appeared behind the Flynn Knight. His limbs were wrapped like rubber and wrapped around the Flynn Knight's body, making him unable to move. .


"I'm coming!"


Then a huge roar spread, Flynn Knight's chest sank as if he was hit by a heavy hammer, his eyes bulged, and blood spurted out of his mouth without money.

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