"Then you mean, am I not pretty anymore?" Hashimoto Kanna asked, lying on the massage table, tilting his head, looking at Qin Heqing who started pouring essential oils on her with the essential oil bottle.

The attitude can be said to be very casual, just like acquaintances and friends are chatting.

Of course, the fact is also true.

As the most well-known private club for women in the island country, the name of the Eve club can be said to be widely circulated among the women of Tokyo on the island, especially among female celebrities and high-end women. This coupled with the six-dimensional space effect, so anyone who wants to live in Tokyo The vast majority of female professionals have heard of its reputation, and more than half of them have experienced various physiotherapy services in the Eve Club either out of curiosity or through friend recommendations.

This includes special reason items that Qin Heqing needs to receive specially.

So unexpectedly, because of work and eating intemperance and other reasons, Hashimoto Kanna, whose body was gradually strayed, became a customer here, and Qin Heqing almost saw her clearly and understood. The well-known masseurs got acquainted and became close friends who were about to know the depth and length of each other.

"What do you mean?" Qin Heqing started to massage, and asked Hashimoto Kanna.

"I've been emaciated a lot lately, making my skin look rougher, but in terms of appearance, I don't think I'm any worse than before. Otherwise, my agent should have reminded me. "Hashimoto Kannai retorted unconvincingly.

"Then why are you here to enjoy the service this time?" Qin Heqing smiled and asked again.

"There is an event tomorrow that needs to be dressed up to travel... Wait, you mean, this is what the agent is reminding me to pay attention to the image? Isn't it? Am I that bad?" Huannai asked incredulously.

"Your face has become rounded, isn't it bad? Not to mention that you still have something like a beer belly... It's okay to wear thick, looser clothes at ordinary times. If you change into a dress, you are sure that your image can go out. Seeing people? In other words, can you wear a beautiful dress to show your temperament?" Qin Heqing asked.

"Uh..." Kannah Hashimoto was stunned, completely speechless.

"Also, drink less bar recently. Don't have a problem with your body when the time comes. If people have problems first, it won't be very good." Qin Heqing said.

"I don't want to, but I can't help it. There are so many jobs and the arrangement is so tight. There is no time for people to rest. If I don't drink some alcohol to relieve the pressure, I may not even be able to sleep. Or, you Come be my life assistant? The kind that is close to my body for 24 hours, so I can probably quit drinking." Hashimoto Kanna imagined.

"What dream do you want, when you are an assistant, are you sure your company will not object?" Qin Heqing laughed.

"As long as you can guarantee that there will be no scandals." Hashimoto Kanna firmly said.

"Not always."

"No? What do you really want to happen to me?" Hashimoto Kanna asked in surprise.

"What? No way?"

"Well, how should I say, I can only say that you are not the type I like."

"I didn't say I want to get your heart." Qin Heqing responded with a very scumbag.

"...You are a pervert."

"Yes. As a line says, what's wrong with men perverted?"

"..." Hashimoto Kanna was speechless, and he rolled his eyes and didn't bother to pay attention.

"Okay, turn down, it's time to wipe the front." After a while, Qin Heqing spoke again.

"What should I do if I suddenly don't want to massage." Hashimoto Kanna turned over, covered her chest with her hands, and asked pitifully.

"I just thought of repenting now? It's too late, you just accept your fate." Qin Heqing smirked.

"Oh, a misstep will become an eternal hate. I didn't expect my shrewd and cunning little devil Hannah to stumble one day. Come on, I'll be bitten by a dog. Anyway, it doesn't make much difference." Hashimoto Huan Nai let go of his hands, closed his eyes, and said in awe-inspiring manner.

"Virtue." Qin Heqing also cast a blank glance at her, took the plant essential oil, and applied it to her again.


I don't know how long it will be, France.

"The **** female cousin, who even hooked up with other men behind my back, I must kill her, kill her!" In a corner near a certain company, a man in a neat suit with flowers in his hand looked not far away The men and women who hugged and gnawed together at the door of the company cursed with hatred.

"Do you really want to kill them?" However, at this moment, an inexplicable voice appeared in the man's mind and asked indifferently.

"Who!? Who is talking!" The man was startled, and quickly retracted his gaze, looking around him.

It's just a pity that I couldn't find the voice master after searching for a long time. I couldn't help but frown, wondering if I was dazzled by anger and had auditory hallucinations.

"Answer me, do you really want to kill them?" But when he was about to give up the search, the voice asked again unexpectedly.

"Yeah, how can you help me?" The sensible man, who was extinguished by the flame of jealousy, had no so-called scruples, sneered, and questioned the strange mysterious voice.

"As you wish." The indifferent voice did not refute, but replied very simply. This suddenly surprised the jealous man, and subconsciously looked at the men and women hugging each other in front of the company...

"What, isn't this alive and well."

Only when the voice fell, a harsh scream suddenly rang from the company's side, and then before the man could figure out what was happening, a speeding car seemed to lose control and hit the couple straight. Past.

And just the impact is not enough, I am afraid that they will not completely die, and directly press on them...

Don't mention how **** the scene was.

"This! He really died?!" The man whispered in shock, filled with incredible "How is this possible?!"

"Under the mighty power of my god, nothing is impossible for UU reading www.uukanshu.com." An indifferent voice appeared in his mind again.

"My god... who are you?!" The man asked with an ugly expression, even with obvious fear in a low voice.

"You can call me Lord Black. And now, it's time for you to repay my Lord's gift."

"Gift? When?! I don't know what the gift is. Okay, I have something to do, so I won't stay here and talk nonsense with you, you should find someone else to continue to talk." After that, the man didn't wait to claim himself Blake's strange voice responded again, and he quickly left the scene. I don't know if I wanted to escape the mysterious strange voice, or I wanted to stay away from the death scene of the man and woman, or both?

Anyway, he didn't want to stay here for a moment.

"Want to leave? My god's gift is not something you can deny without admitting it."

The next moment, the shadows under the man's feet squirmed, and the man's body stopped as if paralyzed, with a look of horror, looking at the passing crowd in front of him, he couldn't say anything...

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